Hi, I’ve setted the plugin correctly as you can see into the picture but I can’t see the fields nowhere.
Than, I’ve tried to switch and to use the shortcode, changing the setting on the plugin but it just print the text, like if it doesn’t recognize it as a shortcode.
What I’m doing wrong?
Thank yoU!
Pictures uploaded here:
Your plugin suits my needs perfectly for customer file uploads, however, my client needs the ability for customers to upload non-standard file types including corel draw files (.cdr), Encapsulated Post Script(.eps), Adobe Illustrator(.ai) in addition to PDFs. PDFs currently go up fine and are retrievable in the admin.
Do you know of any config settings, either at the server level (running Centos 7 linux) or within WP (latest version) that I may have missed or is the plugin limited to standard files?
Hi, plugin works fine for simple products. But with variable products in woocommerce, the upload button stays unclickable.
How can I solve this?
]]>I made all the settings. I’ve tried all the options but the plugin doesn’t work!
Setting screen: https://prntscr.com/njosn1
Product page: https://prntscr.com/njovv3
Edit: Sorry. should be entered as a normal member.
]]>Hello there. Thank you for offering this beautiful and useful app for free.
What I need is; a code that will check the number of files to be added, show a warning when a file is loaded below a certain number, and stop shopping.
as an example, I want to prevent the purchase of 36 photos without uploading files.
I want to use your system for web photo printing and I need it.
The user also needs to be able to add one of the three multiple-choice frames and write a note.
I would like to style the upload button to match the look/feel of the add to cart button in the WooCommerce theme, where would I find the .CSS to do this from?
I made detailed investigation about why Images are not comming in the emails and in the WooCommerce Orders Dashboard.
I found that acually they are uploaded to the woo-file-dropzone-uploads folder and there are 2 images less than the images in the database table wp_9y8tmyqz6h_woo_file_dropzone
. In that table for some reason the order_id is NULL for all files in this Table, instead of the fors one , which were made in September and the Image Appears as attachment in the e-mail also appear in the Woo File Dropzone section in Orders.
If I manually edit and fill the order ID in the DataBase Table with the number of the last order( # is taken from my last test) and refresh the WooCommerce Order Page, then the image is there.
Please provide opinion and solution, how can I use your plugin like before. By before I mean before something went wrong – may be the woocommerce update.
I use Version 3.4.5 , Woo File Dropzone Version 1.1.7
I used your plugin without facing any problem, but yesterday my client said that he receive an order without a uploaded file.
I tested again and see that on the product page the Message for successfull upload is missing but the exact file upload work fine. After I completed the payment and receive an e-mail that an order is On Hold, I enter in the WooCommerce > Orders and all the detail from the order are showing instead of the File Upload in the Right Sidebar.
In the WooCommerce Plugin is with cersion 3.4.5
Do you think that the version is not compatible with Woo File Fropzone.
Waiting for your Reply
I appreciate your effort in creating a free plugin. Thanks for that.
Unfortunately, isn’t working on my website (WP 5.x)
1. The first issue is related with the main box “drop files here …”, isn’t available, doesn’t show the message neither can’t upload files.
2. The second issue is related to products variation, we need to recheck all variations (defaulted and no) because the upload button stays ghost.
Thanks for your support
]]>Is it possible to create or add a shortcode that allows this function on the view order details screen (post check out)?
]]>I have been searching for a file-upload, and the best I have found is ‘Easy Upload Files During Checkout’ made by Fahad Mahmood.
You can see it here (when there is something in basket). It is not very beautifull, but it will do the trick (if customers can figure it out). The page ‘goes up’ after upload, and you have to place the upload in the cart or checkout page instead of the product page.
There is a handfull of those plugins NOT working, fx. is it included in the mighty Woocommerce Booster. I think the problem is that the plugin do not tell Woocommerce WHERE to place the file.
I am a little SAD because i am sure that your plugin works. You just need to give people a little more help to changing those php-files.
I am myself a brave person, but it with shaking hands that I change those files, and most people can not do it. I am afraid the system goes down.
But I did, ..but all I got was a picture of a botton on my product page.
When you say ‘Please Put these shortcodes inside cart loop’ it is like russian to most people. And that is sad.
I am sure I did it wrong, but I do not know what the cart-loop is. So I just putted the
echo do_shortcode(“[woo_file_dropzone_cart_page cart_item_key={$cart_item_key}]”); somewhere in the start.
defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) || exit;
do_action( ‘woocommerce_before_cart’ ); ?>
It is not the right place, I am sure.
Why not change those three files, and set them up for proper working, so people just can overwrite and backup the existing three files via FTP?
It is a little easier.
Have a nice day
Geert Gissing / Denmark
]]>I can not update woocommerce/templates/cart/cart.php, so the upload buttons are neatly displayed. Can you help me with that? I want to add echo do_shortcode (“[woo_file_dropzone_cart_page cart_item_key = {$ cart_item_key}]”);, but I do not get it visible in the table.
Im working on a development site and have just installed your plugin. Im having 2 issues with it:
1) Button appears twice on the product page when using shortcode.
2) Buttons do not work
I can send you a link in an email if you like, I just don’t want to publicly display it yet as it is in development.
]]>Hi,I set this in the plugin settings:
But when I try to upload a mp4 file I have that error.
]]>I have the Problem, when i upload a file at the check out i can not open it in the backend. The Files are show in the order but when i click on the file name there came a error, theres no file. And in the Side Menü Woo File Dropzone is shown No files are Uploaded. When i upload a file at the check out the Upload show 100% but theres is nothing that it is finish or something like that.
Can You help me?
I know this should be a theme specific issue, but I can see the button, so shortcode is working, the window appears on click, but there is no UPLOAD button showing.
I′m getting this error in console:
Please help
]]>Hi. I need assistance please.
Im using your plugin on the checkout page of my website. When there are more than 1 product in the cart, then the pop-up upload window cannot close. See screenshot. The pop-up window also wont close when their is single product in the cart. Im not sure where to check to fix this. Assistance please.
When a user uploads an incorrect filetype, the error message does not show properly. See screenshot. How can I fix this?
Is their anyway to change the white ‘error and successful’ icon colours?
Lastly. I have WMA file type included in my list. But when the user uploads a WMA file, they get an error. How can this be fixed?
Thank you guys for an awesome plugin!! I hope I did not ask too much questions.
]]>First of all thanks for the cool plugin.
I need the plugin that my customers can upload images I can then print.
However, I also sell other products where I do not need upload function. That’s why I use shortcodes which I then only insert in the products where I need pictures of the customer. I have the shortcode “[woo_file_dropzone_product_detail_page]” that I can upload the image to the detail page. If I insert this shortcode now 2 Upload buttons as you see when you go to my page. One of the buttons does not work. I only need one worker and not 2. What do I have to do?
Uploaded files not appearing in order window.
I have looked at answers to the same question in older posts. I have made sure to make order from a different device and with a customer email – but still no appearance of the files. They upload fine and even save at the checkout for the customer but do not appear in admin.
Can you help because I love your plugin and would be overjoyed to get it working?
Many thanks,
I’ve tried all different methods to show the upload. Currently now using shortcodes and added to the cart page. Clicking Upload Files doesn’t seem to do anything. Inspect shows some jquery errors in the Console.
]]>Hi there,
Since updating WooCommerce to 3.3.0, the upload button for variable products stays disabled no matter which option you choose.
I tried changing the view file as per https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/woocommerce_variation_has_changed-trigger-is-not-reliable/ but this did nothing to help. It’s now reverted back to original files.
I may have to revert from 3.3.0 as this website is supposed to be going live today/tomorrow. I’m in the process of setting up a dev site so I can continue to work on any issues and check updates before making them on the live site, so I’ll provide a link if I’ve had to revert to a previous WooCommerce version before you get a chance to have a look.
Is there any way that we can show uploaded file on order page admin side?
]]>I’ve tried all different methods to show the upload. Currently now using shortcodes and added to the cart page. Clicking Upload Files doesn’t seem to do anything. Inspect shows some jquery errors in the Console.
]]>I was wondering if there is a way to target only certain products for Dropzone using WooCommerce? I do not need file upload for all products
I’d like to replace the product image in the cart with the (first) uploaded image from the form.
It should be pretty simple using the session id to fetch the serialized file_urls from the database, unserialize it and replace the product image with the first uploaded image.
But where do I get the session id? Is it stored in a public PHP variable or can I call a function for it?
GREAT PLUGIN! If I can get it y=to work I will most likely purchase the pro version.
The upload button is ghosted out on my variable product (more than 30 variations). Any suggestions on a fix?
Works fine on great products.
Used woocommerce_variation_has_changed
trigger calls the file upload failures in product page.
Better use show_variation
I noticed this when use plugin in the many_variations_products.
I am using option “with Shortcode”. In template I using this
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_variation', 'add_file_upload', 19 );
function add_file_upload(){
echo do_shortcode("[woo_file_dropzone_product_detail_page]");
It work fine with non-logged users, but logged-in user (admin) see simple text
Theme is StoreFront.
Thanks for the plugin.
I’ve read the other threads here since I’ve encountered a problem with variation products.
I have file upload activated on the product page, and guided by the other threads I’ve removed line 9-11 in the plugin product-detail-page.php.
That made the plugin work fine on for example this page:
But as soon as you start choosing a variation from one of the select boxes here:
https://vaxjoprint.se/produkt/canvas/ the upload button gets disabled. And it doesn’t help to actually choose a variation by making a selection in both select boxes.
I’m puzzled, and hoping you can help.
Please can you help and let me know if I am doing this right.
I would like to add the file upload box onto certain product pages.
I select the show on product detail page and copy and paste the code into the description. The code just shows up as code.
Please can you let me know how this work.
Thanks Alex