Did you receive any message about site down immediately updating the version from 6.0 to 7.0? site and admin are both unaccessable after updating.
]]>Hi, we have a client who has been getting ‘Error Processing Payment’ emails and notifications on multiple orders. They say the payment will keep retrying and eventually go through after several attempts and we want to make sure there’s no config errors happening on our side.
The plugin was very outdated so I updated it and will be checking to make sure payments are going through more reliably. I looked through the logs and added the information below, anything personally sensitive I’ve replaced with [REDACTED]. The error code received is 10004 with message ‘Invalid Data’ but in this instance the order seems to go through after another payment is successfully completed:
06-14-2022 @ 15:03:33 - Processing order # 7713
06-14-2022 @ 15:03:33 - Do payment request Array
[VERSION] => 119
[SIGNATURE] => *********************************************************
[USER] => **********************
[PWD] => *****************
[METHOD] => DoDirectPayment
[AMT] => 179.90
[INVNUM] => UR-18252
[ACCT] => ****************
[EXPDATE] => *******
[CVV2] => *****
[NOTIFYURL] => https://unrust.com/?Woo_PayPal_Pro&action=ipn_handler
[BUTTONSOURCE] => mbjtechnolabs_SP
[L_NUMBER0] => 0
[L_NAME0] => UN-1.25 gallon UNRUST Stain Preventer
[L_AMT0] => 89.95
[L_QTY0] => 2
[ITEMAMT] => 179.9
[TAXAMT] => 0
06-14-2022 @ 15:03:35 - Parsed Response Array
[TIMESTAMP] => 2022-06-14T15:03:35Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 69dfbb4008f07
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 119
[BUILD] => 56068150
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10004
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Data
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed.
[AMT] => 179.90
06-15-2022 @ 00:18:40 - Processing order # 7714
06-15-2022 @ 00:18:40 - Do payment request Array
[VERSION] => 119
[SIGNATURE] => *********************************************************
[USER] => **********************
[PWD] => *****************
[METHOD] => DoDirectPayment
[AMT] => 89.95
[INVNUM] => UR-18253
[ACCT] => *****************
[EXPDATE] => *******
[CVV2] => ****
[NOTIFYURL] => https://unrust.com/?Woo_PayPal_Pro&action=ipn_handler
[BUTTONSOURCE] => mbjtechnolabs_SP
[L_NUMBER0] => 0
[L_NAME0] => UN-1.25 gallon UNRUST Stain Preventer
[L_AMT0] => 89.95
[L_QTY0] => 1
[ITEMAMT] => 89.95
[TAXAMT] => 0
06-15-2022 @ 00:18:43 - Parsed Response Array
[TIMESTAMP] => 2022-06-15T00:18:43Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 2cade4188b049
[ACK] => Success
[VERSION] => 119
[BUILD] => 56068150
[AMT] => 89.95
[TRANSACTIONID] => 18V778790V9443638
06-15-2022 @ 14:34:17 - Processing order # 7713
06-15-2022 @ 14:34:17 - Do payment request Array
[REDACTED] - Same exact info as 1st attempt on order # 7713
06-15-2022 @ 14:34:20 - Parsed Response Array
[TIMESTAMP] => 2022-06-15T14:34:20Z
[CORRELATIONID] => b8778dbddd58
[ACK] => Success
[VERSION] => 119
[BUILD] => 56068150
[AMT] => 179.90
[TRANSACTIONID] => 80G82822MR933352D
Does this plugin not handle automatic refunds? So far I’m seeing only the option to Refund Manually when I do a refund for a PayPal Pro transaction. Thanks!
]]>When trying to set this up I am getting this error message
“Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
Why would I be getting that?
I am unable to place orders using a credit card, however if I choose the Paypal option, the order will go through. After looking in the WooCommerce logs I am receiving the following error:
2021-12-01T00:08:43+00:00 CRITICAL Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e
is not supported. Use either (a ? b : c) ? d : e
or a ? b : (c ? d : e)
in D:\websites\Blue Collar WordPress\wp-content\plugins\woo-paypal-gateway\includes\gateways\paypal-pro\class-woo-paypal-gateway-paypal-pro-api-handler.php on line 432
I have updated to wordpress version 5.8.2, WooCommerce 5.9.0, WooCommerce PayPal Gateway 4.0.4. The website is also using PHP 8.0.
Please help, as my customers can no longer place orders on my website using this plugin.
]]>Plugin: PayPal Pro for Woo
Is this plugin for just sandbox testing and not actually taking real sales?
Or is it part of a paid scheme with Woo?
I am Not in sandbox mode. I am live.
I put products in the cart. I go to check out. All the information is in there. I have an account created as a buyer – I’m logged in as a buyer (NOT the admin)
I put in my card number and every time I get this error: Payment error: This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant’s account is not able to process transactions.
I am using a different browser, I’m Not logged in to the site as the admin. I am Not logged into paypal, I am using a valid credit card Not associated with my paypal account.
Is it that this plugin is for testing sandbox and nothing else?
]]>Customer can’t complete orders, and in the backend in the order I get this error message:
Paypal Credit Card Payment Failed with message: ‘The transaction was refused as a result of a duplicate invoice ID supplied. Attempt with a new invoice ID’
This only happens a couple of times per day, totally random. I saw that other PayPal plugins are having the same issue:
Maybe something changed in the API? What should I do?
]]>While I love the convenience and flow of this PayPal Pro plugin, a big missing piece for us is that it does not pass the Item ID or SKU to PayPal. Other PayPal Pro plugins will send the WooCommerce SKU as the Item ID.
This plugin only has the option to send nothing, or Line Items (just a numbered list of products “0, 1, 2, 3, 4”, etc.).
This make it impossible to look at your PayPal transaction detail and see what the customer ordered, or to import PayPal transactions into QuickBooks.
Is there a way to pass the SKU’s from WooCommerce to PayPal?
Thank you
]]>Would like to rename “Expiry (MM/YY)” with “Expiry Date”.
Already changed woo-paypal-pro.pot and class-premiumdev-woo-paypal-pro-gateway.php, but remains the same.
]]>It would seem that if you are checking out with a smart phone, you can not add the CC expiration date in the proper format. It won’t allow the back slash. 11/20. Customers can not check out on a smart phone and that is half the traffic. Is there anything I can change in the code to allow the back slash?
I am trying to check out of my test environment and the Paypal plugin is disabled, but I’m getting this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WC_PP_PRO_Utility’ not found in /var/www/html/development.sullivansupply.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-chargelogic-connect/woo-chargelogic-connect-gateway-class.php:117
Do I have to uninstall the plugin if I’m not using it?
]]>I am using auth and capture. I had a customer place an order with a credit card which was authorized by PayPal Pro. I voided the transaction in my PayPal account. Now the order is not displayed by WooCommerce. The order is still present in the database with a post_status of wc-voided. Can you let me know how to get that order to be displayed in the WooCommerce > Orders dashboard, or if this is a WooCommerce issue vs an issue with the plugin. Thank you.
]]>I have configured the plugin as instructed and double checked paypal and plugin settings but I am still getting the below error on my website based in Ireland: https:// www [dot]clooneyquingaa[dot]ie
Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements
Any ideas?
]]>Is this plugin compatible with the 2-series bin from Mastercard? I don’t see anything in the changelog that shows that support was added for it.