Hello, I really like your plugin very much. There is nothing quite like this here. But, unfortunately, due to the lack of updates, the plugin conflicts with WordPress. Some errors can be ignored, but the plugin affects the display of text on the site. Whether you are planning to update your wonderful plugin? That would be really great, because I don’t think I can replace it with anything.
]]>I have only viewed your demo website, and when I use the inspector and toggle between devices, and switch from a small device to a big device, the JS renders the icons for products before some CSS loads that enlarges the image, which gives the result that the icons end up in the wrong place.
I will also download and test this in different responsive solutions before I suggest this to a client.
]]>Hi I have test this plugin with default template and blog posts.
And that seems to work.
The only problem is that I have Theme – Flatsome.
And when I want create a Blog post with the Flatsome Editor, I cann’t use this plugin.
example of a page is : https://consulentenwerk.nl/2019/09/22/hoe-jij-jouw-scentsy-wax-bars-bewaart-doet-er-toe/
How can I manage that, that it will work, because I like this plugin very much.
]]>I am Busy with my test page (localhost)
And I am running on php 7.3
I get the following error message:
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in D:\xampp\htdocs\tjooze.prod\wp-content\plugins\woo-photo-tags\woocommerce-photo-tags.php on line 452
I would like to use the plugin but I am afraid to install it to my WP 4.9.1 as it shows not compatible… Please, could you tell me if it could work with my wp? Or could you prepare version for 4.9.1. wp please..?
Thanks in advance for kind reply!
]]>Hi team,
Here a great plugin, congratulations! But it produce some conflict with spanish characters in WP v5.2 & WOO v3.6.3 (as ‘ or ?) so i can’t use it… Is any solution coming in future versions?
Thanks in advance.