Excellent plugin. Works well.
But, WordPress has now marked it “Abandoned”.
I have not found a good replacement yet, and I would prefer to keep your plugin.
Any plan to update the plugin? At least marking it tested on the current versions of WordPress and PHP? It seems to work fine on WP 6.1.1 and PHP 8.1.
when I try to get api I place de site url and fan page but i get “Oops! Seems like you have entered incorrect Website OR Facebook Fan page URL please enter correct URL”
How can I fix it?
]]>Hello guys
can i add (embed) a one woo-commerce store in multiple Facebook means in 50 pages??? i have i my pages follower more then 2000 fans.
is it possible???
thanks in advance
we trying to show our products in facebook page, but …getting troubles with refreshing pics. FBShop doesn’t show pics of products.
Could you help me?
Can i choose the products that are displayed or does it default to the first products alphabetically on my site?
I sent a pre-sale question to the listed contact email on your site for information about swapping from WooCommerce to Facebook plugin to yours, and I have had no reply yet.
Not sure if you received it or still dealing with it?
Let me know
I’ve need to connect 2 o more facebook pages with one store (woocommerce or suggest me another), say me if i can buy a plugin o to download it.
Thank you
Hope that you are well.
I would like to allow Customers to purchase directly from Facebook and not have to visit my website.
I use the Facebook/WooCommerce plugin to integrate my store with my Facebook page however it directs people to the store to purchase. I cannot find a way to update the settings to allow people to purchase on Facebook directly.
This means I am not eligible for Instagram shopping and other benefits of direct Facebook purchasing.
Does anyone know how to update this?
Do you have feature where I can post FB Shop link to my existing FB Business Home Page?
Location is at the left panel/sections.
Please check this photo:
Please confirm. Thanks!
Do you have feature where I can post FB Shop link at the FB Home Page?
Location is at the left panel/sections.
Please check this photo:
Please confirm. Thanks!
]]>Whether the plugin “Facebook for WooCommerce” is compatible with wordpress V 5.0 ?
When trying to set the parameters, I receive the error message on the settings page: “required plugin WooCommerce is Missing. Click here to Install & Activate.” However, I certainly have Woocommerce, including an entire shop set up and working.
Could this be a WordPress multi-site issue? (I’m using the multi-site feature).
Because of this plugin installed and activated on my web site, the products pages in my site loading 20-30 seconds. When I deactivate it product page loading become normal.
If I deactivate plugin and when add new product can I activated it again and sync new products and then deactivate it back ? it will not effect to normal working status of facebook page ?
we have one issue with our CMS that exists only if this plugin is active.
On the order page in CMS if you click on a product and click on increase/decrease stock the loader starts but never ends.
I can see that the API call was made and the response was successful, just the view component doesn’t update.
There are no network or JS errors in the developer tools also no PHP errors.
If I disable the plugin everything works fine again.
Please let me know if you need any additional info form me.?
With the Woocommerce facebook plugin, it will add a product for each variation. This becomes particularly idiotic for size variations because you will see the same product several times with no indication that it is a different size. Click on the Buy button and it takes you to a cart with your mystery size already chosen. LOL.
]]>Hello ,
I need help with my Facebook Page Shop. The products are synced correctly from woocomerce website, they are in inventory but in products catalog is zero products. My website developers tried to open new page and we have connected products Succesfuly with no issue. But we can not do it under my primary page Dragana.I have contacted facebook support they said all looks fine from their side.That I have to contact woocommerce support. I am hoping you can help in resolving my issue. We have tried to delete plugin, activate again but didn’t work ?? Please help
We only have 6 items we sale and there is the “shop” button on a desktop facebook but when we send the link to someone and they open it in a text to go to the mobile version it says “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporary unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.” This is the link
it works perfect on desktop I am just wondering for mobile is there something I need to activate?
since i install the plug i can’t log in into my wordpress admin
that the message i get
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Background_Process’ not found in /home2/sevdoll4/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-to-facebook-shop/wcfb_inc/class-wctofb-process.php on line 3
what to do?
Products are not un-syncronizing from my facebook page. Deleted products are still showing on my page.
How to delete theme?
]]>Does this plugin sync delivery options too?
]]>After activating the plugin it throws a 500 error. I have to then change the plugin folder name to recover my installation.
I have WP 4.8.1 with WC 2.7 installed with no other plugins activated.
Best regards,