Regarding the plugin:
Variation Swatches For WooCommerce
Would i be able to create a size variation like this?
Please confirm
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
I have this website using the variation swatches for woocommerce – pro, and the variation’s attribute is now called ‘testatr1’. We find it not meaningful, and we wish to update it (probably on the fly as the current database is quite huge and we are worried that updating the product’s attributes name/slug can cause issue) into something more meaningful (e.g.: variation_name).
How can we do this?
Kindly advise,
]]>I’m sorry to ask but this item is still maintained and get updates?
Peace be upon you. Is there a setting to change the order of the variation swatches on the product page? Currently, they are displayed alphabetically (A => Z), but I would prefer them to appear in the order I selected on the product page or based on their ID (with the first created showing first).
Thanks in advance for your help!
The linked page is an example of a product with multiple variations. The problem is that I can’t select/activate any variations so I can’t add the product to my basket. When I deactivate the variation swatches plugin I see the default Woocommerce dropdown variations and these work perfectly fine.
Since I don’t see any error’s I have no clue what the problem could be. Am I missing something in the plugin settings?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First and foremost: the password to view my page is VG2024
I’m wanting to make it such that when I have two separate attribute options, in my case: Frame Color and Size, that the user can click the color swatch and see the image in the large window change to the correctly associated color without having to select a size.
In certain cases, I will have two sizes on some of these glasses frame products, but I want the user to be able to select the color of the frame and have the image switch before they are made to select a size and see the large image to the left switch to that color. They would obviously have to select a size before adding the item to their cart, but I don’t want them to have to select a size prior to seeing the large image change to their respective selected color.
What can I do to make it so that I don’t have to select both options in order to see the selected Frame Color image?
]]>Hi! I set images to show in the tooltip when I hover over an image swatch. But this feature does not work for me. Any ideas why?
I installed the plugin and it works great.
One problem is that the images of the product gallery appear when the product page is loaded
But when I press on one of the variations image, the product gallery images disappear.
I need them to be shown.
I am rebuldingg a woo website. On my old website the plugin works, on the new staging the buttons not display (the dropdown exist).
What can be wrong?
]]>Hi, can i display a variable product same way like grouped product?
I want to create some variable products , but i want to display the products like a grouped.?https://prnt.sc/QOuj-rwTOBvJ?(to show quantity next to each variation)
I am using the Razzi theme along with the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin. The plugin works great, but I’m encountering an issue on the product page, specifically in the “Recent Products” section. When I view a product that has variations, later on the product page in this section, I am unable to select a variation.
For everything to work properly, you need to first view products that have Variation Swatches.
Then see section “Recent Products” and try to change variation.
Hello can we create swatches on simple product?
]]>On one of my website if i activate the plugin Paypal and Stripe stop working and i can’t end the purchese.
If i deactivate the plugin i can see the Paypal buttons back and also Stripe’s form is visible. What can effect this behavior? What can i do to keep using your plugin and allowing my customers to buy on my ecommerce?
]]>hi , im using your plugin with shopengine (archive product widget)
everything looks fine until i go to page2 using pagination, all variations stop working and not changing
but if i reload the page they will work fine again , is there a snippet to make a bridge between these 2 plugins?
Hi @fizanzvai . Thanks again for your help earlier.
I was also wondering, is there a way to control the spacing? Your CSS fixed the issue mostly, but the spacing is not optimal, and some users get confused with the Title of the swatches and the swatches themselves, especially when there are two sets of swatches.
View post on imgur.com
Product link: [link]
]]>Hi, If we purchase the premium version for the support of swatches on the category page, if there are, for example 30+ colors, is there an option to have it show only a certain amount with a + sign to view more? Or would it just show every option? Thanks!
I found a problem when trying to create a term of an attribute of type image inside a product variable.
I created two attributes ��Image Attribute�� and ��Select Attribute��, one of type image and the other of type select.
When I’m creating or editing a variable product, in the attributes panel, when I try to create a new term for the ��Image Attribute�� attribute, the page reloads and saves the product as a DRAFT instead of starting the process of adding a new term. If I try to do the same with the ��Select Attribute�� I don’t have any problems
I have WordPress version 6.6.1 and only these two plugins installed:
I’d like to know if it’s possible to fix this.
Thanks in advance
can I increase the dimensions of the image type attribute used for the variations shown on the product page? For color its ok but for images they’re too small, I need the customer to be able to identify whats on the image.
I tried changing the thumbnail size on media settings and also “Attribute image size” in the advanced tab on the plugin settings.
Maybe this thread was the answer but the image has expired: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/image-swatch-size-is-not-ok/
Thank you
]]>hi there! i have a question concerning the pro version of the plugin. I sell custom caricatures and I would like to customise the product variants. I would need these options:
1) variant selection with image and variant name (not in the product image but just in the selection)
2) drop-down menu with the different variants
3) photo and image upload
4) message the customer can leave
5) possibility to write the additional price of each variant (e.g. write +$5 next to the variant, both in the drop-down menu and in the multiple selection)
6) calculation of the cost of the product as the customer selects the variants.
I leave links to two websites that allow these options. I could use something very similar.
Does your pro version allow this?
]]>Hi, after installing your plugin, the dropdowns we have on the products all look like buttons. When we disable the plugin, the dropdowns return to their normal function. Is this a conflict or by design?
]]>Hi is it possible to dequeue scripts on blog pages? any hook or anything that i can put into if !is_woocommerce()?
]]>Variation options do not change images when clicked instantly right after clicking an image from gallery on WooCommerce Single Product Page. I have to wait for about 3 seconds, then when I click the variation option, then the image changes. Here’s the link to the video for better understanding: https://app.screencast.com/D11hQP7yY5nvK?conversation=5IjHK8cCvSdropcTzecoB8
You can see in this video that I have 2 variations for mug, 11 oz and 15 oz. I select an image from product gallery. Image changes and correct image is shown. Then instantly, without wasting any time, I click on the variation options, images do not change. I have to wait for about 3 seconds, click, and then image changes and correct variation image is shown.
I’m using Astra Pro theme. I switched to a different theme (Twenty Twenty-Four). Issue is still there. I deactivated all the plugins except ‘WooCommerce’ and ‘Variation Swatches for WooCommerce’. Issue is still there. I wrote some custom CSS, removed all the custom CSS, issue is still there. Seems like this is ‘Variation Swatches for WooCommerce’ plugin issue.
Can you please fix this? I’ve had many people complain me about this issue.
]]>Hi! I have an issue where the variation selections are way of to the side. I want them to display below the title of the variation like normal. Is there a setting for that? I could not find it.
I am using the Crocoblock “Single Add to cart” widget.
Hello, I have configured images to display colors in the site’s default language, but I can’t figure out how to set up wpml compatibility so that color images are displayed in other site locales.
background-image: url((unknown));
]]>Hello, I��m using your plugin, but it��s causing me an error with the AJAX add to cart.
Here��s the error the console displays when I click on the button to add to cart:
TypeError: t(��).addClass(��).fadeTo(��).block is not a function
at String. (add-to-cart.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:2865)
at Function.each (jquery-3.7.0.js:389:19)
at a.updateFragments (add-to-cart.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:2800)
at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery-3.7.0.js:5135:27)
at elemData.handle (jquery-3.7.0.js:4939:28)
at Object.trigger (jquery-3.7.0.js:8619:12)
at HTMLBodyElement. (jquery-3.7.0.js:8697:17)
at Function.each (jquery-3.7.0.js:383:19)
at jQuery.fn.init.each (jquery-3.7.0.js:205:17)
at jQuery.fn.init.trigger (jquery-3.7.0.js:8696:15)
(anonyme) @ add-to-cart.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1
each @ jquery-3.7.0.js:389
a.updateFragments @ add-to-cart.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1
dispatch @ jquery-3.7.0.js:5135
elemData.handle @ jquery-3.7.0.js:4939
trigger @ jquery-3.7.0.js:8619
(anonyme) @ jquery-3.7.0.js:8697
each @ jquery-3.7.0.js:383
each @ jquery-3.7.0.js:205
trigger @ jquery-3.7.0.js:8696
(anonyme) @ add-to-cart-variation.js?ver=6.6.1:111
fire @ jquery-3.7.0.js:3213
fireWith @ jquery-3.7.0.js:3343
done @ jquery-3.7.0.js:9617
(anonyme) @ jquery-3.7.0.js:9878
send @ jquery-3.7.0.js:9897
ajax @ jquery-3.7.0.js:9511
jQuery. @ jquery-3.7.0.js:9667
(anonyme) @ add-to-cart-variation.js?ver=6.6.1:93
dispatch @ jquery-3.7.0.js:5135
elemData.handle @ jquery-3.7.0.js:4939
When I deactivate your plugin, I no longer have this problem.
Do you have a solution?
Thanks in advance,
Hi there,
Please can you assist , the cross on out of stock items is not working.
What I have checked on my side so far that I got from the support forum questions
– Hide out of stock items from the catalog is enabled
-Always show quantity remaining in stock is also active
-Plugin is on the latest version
-Below snippet has been added
add_filter( ‘woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max’, ‘woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit’, 10, 2 );
function woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit( $size, $product ){
return 700;
Hi, I’m trying to stop the label text from wrapping. How do I do that? Thank you!
View post on imgur.com
Usually, we set several attriburtes for variable product like color, size, material, capacity.
To show the image of variation, we have to click each attributes, is it possible to show image of variation only upon click the color?
If yes, is it possible to support by a code snippet?
]]>Is it possible to add a class or id to the active variant in the archive/store?
For example:
<ul class=”products columns-3″>
<li class=”wvs-archive-product-wrapper product current-variation-id”>
I would like the current-variation-id class to change dynamically when the variant changes.
Hello WooCommerce Support Team,
I am currently using the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin to display product variations as swatches instead of dropdown menus. However, I need to make an exception for products in a specific category called ��Anh?ngerkupplungen�� (Towbars). For this category, I want the variations to be displayed as standard dropdown menus instead of swatches.
What I Have Tried So Far:
1. Functions.php Approach:
add_filter('wc_product_enable_variation_swatches', 'disable_swatches_for_towbar_category', 10, 2);
function disable_swatches_for_towbar_category($enabled, $product) {
if (has_term('Anh?ngerkupplungen', 'product_cat', $product->get_id())) {
return false; // Disable variation swatches
return $enabled; // Default behavior for other products
This approach did not disable the swatches for the specific category.
2. JavaScript Approach via Functions.php:
function custom_disable_variation_swatches_for_category() {
if (is_product() && has_term('Anh?ngerkupplungen', 'product_cat')) {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.variations_form').each(function() {
add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_disable_variation_swatches_for_category');
This approach also did not yield the desired result.
3. Custom JS File Enqueued via Functions.php:
function disable_variation_swatches_for_towbar_category() {
if (is_product() && has_term('Anh?ngerkupplungen', 'product_cat')) {
wp_enqueue_script('disable-swatches', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/disable-swatches.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_variation_swatches_for_towbar_category');
This also did not work as expected.
Plugin Information:
? Plugin Name: Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
? Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/
? Version: 2.1.0
? WooCommerce Version: 7.5+
? WordPress Version: 6.5
Desired Outcome:
I want the Variation Swatches plugin to be disabled for products in the ��Anh?ngerkupplungen�� category and for these products to use the standard dropdown menus for variations instead. The swatches should remain enabled for all other product categories.
Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this? Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your support.