Hi guys,
I just came across this plugin of yours and it looks like it could address a specific need of mine – except it hasn’t been updated n over a year.
Will it still work, and do you plan to continue development?
We have existing Extended Profile fields with data already inputted by users. Whenever running Sync, all the user data is deleted. Anyway around this? Is it intended? Thanks
]]>Hi Sven,
I just bought and already installed the WC4BP -> WooCommerce BuddyPress Integration premium version. Now I want to try it with WC4BP -> Checkout Manager, but couldn’t install the plugin. It says “Package not available”. Please help, thanks.
Shipping and billing address tabs are showing twice on profile.
Any idea
Since you require your paid plugin in order for this plugin to work, might you consider updating the links on all tabs here (Description and FAQ) so that they go to the correct location on your site? Currently, the links go to a 404 page.
I know how to find what I am looking for on your site, but it would be much easier for you to have the correct links here to begin with.
]]>Hello and thank you for this useful plugin!
I would like to translate some strings to Hebrew since these are the only English words shown on the website that I am working on.
It says that the plugin is not properly prepared for localization.
Please suggest how I would go for translating strings such as “checkout” etc’.
Please do not use the WP Forum. We only check the WP Forum from time to time
If you get stuck somewhere, our support gets you back on the right track. You can find all help buttons in your WC4BP Settings Panel in your WP Dashboard!
Or directly in our Help Center support.themekraft.com
Your Themekraft Team
]]>Please do not use the WP Forum. We only check the WP Forum from time to time
If you get stuck somewhere, our support gets you back on the right track. You can find all help buttons in your Plugin Settings Panel in your WP Dashboard!
Or directly in our Help Center support.themekraft.com
Your Themekraft Team
]]>Please do not use the WP Forum. We only check the WP Forum from time to time
If you get stuck somewhere, our support gets you back on the right track. You can find all help buttons in your Plugin Settings Panel in your WP Dashboard!
Or directly in our Help Center support.themekraft.com
Your Themekraft Team
I wanted to provide my code to improve your plugin for better integration of the Xprofile fields with Woocommerce, my changes should also support the ‘Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type’ plugin as well but would appreciate review before updating the plugin.
The changes affect the wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php file and update the wc4bp_custom_checkout_field function as well as introduce two additional ones.
Updates include;
– Introducing appropriate Woocommerce class (ie. input-text) onto the Xprofile fields
– Adding Woocommerce validation classes
– Replacing (required) text with Woocommerce required asterisk html
– Removal of empty group field div wrappers
– Better id on group field divs
– Improved markup to match Woocommerce
Updated/Added Code:
* Add the field to the checkout
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'wc4bp_custom_checkout_field' );
function wc4bp_custom_checkout_field( $checkout ) {
global $field;
$bf_xprofile_options = get_option('bf_xprofile_options');
$shipping = bp_get_option( 'wc4bp_shipping_address_ids' );
$billing = bp_get_option( 'wc4bp_billing_address_ids' );
foreach( $bf_xprofile_options as $group_id => $fields){
$group_fields_included = 0;
$display_group_name = true;
foreach($fields as $field_id => $field_attr){
if( ( ! empty( $billing ) && array_search( $field_id, $billing )) || ( ! empty( $shipping ) && array_search( $field_id, $shipping) ) )
if( isset($field_attr['checkout']) ){
$field = new BP_XProfile_Field( $field_id );
if( $group_fields_included == 0 ) {
echo '<div class="wc4bp_custom_checkout_fields_group" id="wc4bp_checkout_field_group_'.$group_id.'">';
if( $display_group_name ){
echo '<h4>' . $field_attr['group_name'] . ' INFORMATION</h4>';
$display_group_name = false;
$row_class = 'form-row';
if ($field->is_required) {
$row_class .= ' validate-required';
if ($field->type_obj instanceof Bxcft_Field_Type_Email) {
$row_class .= ' validate-email';
if ($field->type_obj instanceof Bxcft_Field_Type_Web) {
$row_class .= ' validate-url';
echo '<p class="'.$row_class.'">';
echo '</p>';
if( $group_fields_included > 0 ) {
echo '</div>';
* Update the field for the checkout to include Woocommerce classes and pattern
add_filter('bp_xprofile_field_edit_html_elements', 'wc4bp_woo_class_for_xprofile_checkout_fields');
function wc4bp_woo_class_for_xprofile_checkout_fields($elements) {
if (is_checkout() && array_key_exists('type', $elements)) {
switch($elements['type']) {
case 'select':
case 'multiselect':
case 'multiple':
$class = 'select';
case 'checkbox':
$class = 'input-checkbox';
case 'radio':
$class = 'input-radio';
case 'day':
case 'month':
case 'year':
case 'date':
case 'color':
case 'file':
case 'number':
case 'text':
case 'textbox':
case 'textarea':
case 'tel':
case 'phone':
case 'email':
case 'mail':
case 'url':
case 'web':
$class = 'input-text';
if (array_key_exists('class', $elements) && ! empty($elements['class'])) {
$elements['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
} else {
$elements['class'] = $class;
return $elements;
* Add Javascript to replace Buddypress (required) with Woocommerce required asterisk (*)
add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_form', 'wc4bp_woo_replace_required_for_xprofile_checkout_fields');
function wc4bp_woo_replace_required_for_xprofile_checkout_fields() {
echo '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(".wc4bp_custom_checkout_fields_group label").each(function(i){$(this).html($(this).html().replace("(required)","<abbr class=\"required\" title=\"required\">*</abbr>"));});});</script>';
Note: I have a ticket open with Buddypress for introducing a label filter to improve the implementation and remove the required jquery snippet for updating the (required) denotation with a Woocommerce asterisk (*)
Please let me know if you have any improvements, questions or suggestions.
Disabling the xProfile integration for Billing & Shipping but allowing the xprofile checkout manager to function through my previous post here;
Due to this we get the following warning;
[31-Jul-2015 18:22:07 UTC] PHP Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/ljlee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-buddypress-integration-xprofile-checkout-manager/includes/wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php on line 22
As the options for wc4bp_shipping_address_ids and wc4bp_billing_address_ids don’t exist we get an error with the array_search function here;
if( array_search( $field_id, $billing ) || array_search( $field_id, $shipping) )
To correct this I’ve done an empty check prior to the array search as follows;
if( ( ! empty( $billing ) && array_search( $field_id, $billing )) || ( ! empty( $shipping ) && array_search( $field_id, $shipping) ) )
Hope this helps someone remove the mass of warnings (one per field)
Just wanted to suggest the heading level on field groups be dropped from an h2 to an h4 as they’re subsection to the main Woocommerce segments which use an h3.
So in wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php on line 27 update to;
echo '<h4>' . $field_attr['group_name'] . '</h4>';
I’ve installed the WooCommerce Buddypress Integration along with WC4BP Checkout Manager. I’ve turned off the WooCommerce BuddyPress Profile sync so as not to introduce the Billing and Shipping xProfile groups. But I’ve set-up syncing of custom xProfile fields through the Checkout Manager.
Saving any xProfile causes a fatal error and doesn’t save properly, errors;
[27-Jul-2015 21:26:50 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ljlee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-buddypress-integration-xprofile-checkout-manager/includes/wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php on line 243
[27-Jul-2015 21:26:50 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ljlee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-buddypress-integration-xprofile-checkout-manager/includes/wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php on line 246
[27-Jul-2015 21:26:50 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wc4bp_sync_addresses_from_profile() in /home/ljlee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-buddypress-integration-xprofile-checkout-manager/includes/wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php on line 251
Following the path I found that the wc4bp_sync_addresses_from_profile is included in the wc4bp-sync.php file which is only included if the tab_sync_disabled is false.
To get this working I’ve amended wc4bp-component.php to have an or case on line 78 so the wc4bp-sync.php is required if the WC4BP_xProfile class exists;
if(!isset($wc4bp_options[‘tab_sync_disabled’]) || class_exists(‘WC4BP_xProfile’)){
require( WC4BP_ABSPATH .’core/wc4bp-sync.php’ );
This has corrected my issue and wanted to provide the fix so it can be address in a future update.