Hello :). Thank you for a great plugin! I am wondering whether it is possible to use coupon categories in the shortcodes to only show coupons from one coupon category?
I thank you very much for your reply.
Kind regards.
I found that your website url linked to ithtinx not itthinx when I clicked the link on the admin plugin page
]]>Why all the coupons available are showing on the product page? I want to show the coupon code only in the related product page not in every product. How to fix this issue?
]]>hello I would like o add he short code to my mailpoet email.
I just want to know if this would work for my email marketing. Thank you
Hi, I get this error message in “WooCommerce/Extensions” in WordPress admin:
Installed Extensions without a Subscription
Below is a list of WooCommerce.com products available on your site – but are either out-dated or do not have a valid subscription.
WooCommerce Coupon Shortcodes
To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to purchase a new subscription or consolidate your extensions to one connected account by sharing or transferring this extension to this connected account.
It’s as if there is a pro plugin, but I don’t think there is. Is there maybe another plugin with same name? Any suggestions for getting this resolved?
i cant find any support page or anything about this. I would like support for this product
]]>Hi, how do I customize the checkout page based on the coupon code applied?
I want to show the coupon code which is used by user on the orders page, I created two columns look at the image https://ibb.co/hDcy5ks, one is working and other one which is “coupon code” is not working, what is the short-code for the coupon which is used by the user. I tried so many [coupon_code], [coupon_description], and [coupon_discount]. but non of them are working.
and I used this code in the function.php for creating a columns
// ADDING 2 NEW COLUMNS WITH THEIR TITLES (keeping “Total” and “Actions” columns at the end)
add_filter( ‘manage_edit-shop_order_columns’, ‘custom_shop_order_column’, 20 );
function custom_shop_order_column($columns)
$reordered_columns = array();
// Inserting columns to a specific location
foreach( $columns as $key => $column){
$reordered_columns[$key] = $column;
if( $key == ‘order_status’ ){
// Inserting after “Status” column
$reordered_columns[‘howdidyouhearaboutus’] = __( ‘How did you hear about us?’,’theme_domain’);
$reordered_columns[‘coupon_show’] = __( ‘Coupon Code’,’theme_domain’);
return $reordered_columns;
// Adding custom fields meta data for each new column (example)
add_action( ‘manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column’ , ‘custom_orders_list_column_content’, 20, 2 );
function custom_orders_list_column_content( $column, $post_id )
switch ( $column )
case ‘howdidyouhearaboutus’ :
// Get custom post meta data
$my_var_one = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘howdidyouhearaboutus’, true );
echo $my_var_one;
// Testing (to be removed) – Empty value case
echo ‘<small>(no value)</small>’;
case ‘coupon_show’ :
// Get custom post meta data
$my_var_two = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘coupon_show’, true );
echo $my_var_two;
// Testing (to be removed) – Empty value case
echo ‘<small>(no value)</small>’;
Hello, I typically add shortcodes in my theme with the function echo do_shortcode.
Since this has a conditional ‘wrapping’ format I’m curious how I would do it.
Like this?
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[coupon_is_active code=”easterbunny”]’) : ?>
<p>this is some html to show if coupon is active</p>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[/coupon_is_active]’) : ?>
is there any api docs available for this plugin ? woocommerce coupon shortcodes
]]>In your documentation, you state this;
“op : (optional) The operation applied to evaluate the validity, and (default) as well as or are accepted. Indicating op=”and” requires all codes to be applied, op=”or” requires at least one to be applied.”
I haven’t been able to find examples of the exact syntax for applying this. Would it be something like:
[coupon_is_applied op="COUPON1andCOUPON2"]
Will display only if COUPON1 and COUPON2 exist
Also, will “nesting” work with shortcodes, such as:
[coupon_is_not_applied code="COUPON3"]
[coupon_is_applied op="COUPON1andCOUPON2"]
Will display only if COUPON1 and COUPON2 exist, and only if COUPON3 is not applied
Or, is there another different syntax to create this type of condition.
Thank you very much for the great plugin and for any clarification.
thanks for you create plugin.
We generated 10 coupon code in WooCommerce and want to show a valid random code on a post page, so each visitor see another code. It this possible?
[coupon_enumerate code="*" type="percent"]
[coupon_discount element_tag="div" prefix="code"]
Shows all the time all available codes.
Thank you so much
]]>Shortcode doesn’t show until product is added to the cart. I entered the shortcode in the product description and would like coupon text to show up if coupon is valid.
If i go back to products with valid coupon after a valid coupon product is added to the cart the shortcode works fine.
Please advise…
]]>Hi there,
I’ve got this client with a very old WooCommerce (2.5.5) and that, for now, we cannot upgrade (the previous developer messed up big time).
We are currently using WooCommerce Coupon Shortcodes 1.3.0
Can we safely upgrade to your latest version? Are you keeping compatibility with WooCommerce pre 3.0 and pre 2.6?
I would like to create a wordpress page for loggedin users, showing to them available and non-expired coupons, ONLY for them.
I’m using the shortcode provided in your documentation:
[coupon_enumerate code="*"]
[coupon_discount element_tag="li" prefix="code" prefix_separator=": "]
But I see all coupons, even coupons for other customers.
Do you know if there is any workaround for this? Thank you very much for your time. ??
]]>can this plugin make the coupon code mandatory?
]]>I want to show available coupons on the top page by [coupon_is_valid].
But nothing shows up if cart is empty.
Is there any way to validate coupons when cart is empty?
is it possible to exclude coupons having email restrictions from enumerate?
Also, how can I display [coupon_code]: [coupon_description]
in div
I thought this would work, but all coupons and their descriptions were placed in a single div.
[coupon_enumerate code="*"]
<div>[coupon_code]: [coupon_description]</div>
]]>This looks like the perfect plugin for my needs. My only problem is figuring out where the shortcodes go. Do they go within the content of a product, or the description of the coupon itself?
Thanks, I look forward to your response.
]]>Hello there,
How can I use this slider to show the coupons as testimonial slider with navigation ?
]]>This plugin quit working after the big WC update. It does not calculate the mixed case product discount.
It appears the short code is only used to display that the coupon/discount has been applied. I need it to calculate.
Am I missing something?
]]>I am trying to show the information of coupons on a page, but does not appear. I insert several shortcodes, but nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>After activating, getting the error “WooCommerce Coupon Shortcodes needs the WooCommerce plugin. Please install and activate it.” while WooCommerce is clearly activated.
Using WordPress 3.9.1, running Morphis theme. WooCommerce Version 2.1.10. Any thoughts?
]]>Have you tested the latest version of WP?
When I enter the short-codes they do not work. Any help?
]]>[coupon_is_valid code=”x,y” op=”or”]
blah blah blah
[coupon_countdown code=”x,y”]
Sets the entire remainder of the post into blockquote format when the coupon is not valid.