Hi, I have a question about your former Woocommerce Cross Sell Products Display (shortcode [wcsp_cross_sell]): when I want to use this display instead of slider, how do I get pagination?
echo do_shortcode(‘[wcsp_cross_sell orderby=”date” order=”ASC” columns=”3″ limit=”6″ paginate=”true”]’); works fine but does not paginate
echo do_shortcode(‘[products paginate=”true” orderby=”date” order=”ASC” columns=”3″ limit=”6″]’); works with pagination but has all products
whatever I try without shortcode (like woocommerce_pagination() with array etcetera) won’t work with cross sells.. Struggled for 2 nights ?? I hope you can help me!
]]>Hi, when a product is deleted from woocommerce and it was present in the cross-sales of a another product, this creates a display bug by putting the header of my site in place of the cross-sales module.
Do you have any solution or update for this problem ?
Thank you. Guillaume
I’m actually using woocommerce with the flatsome theme and would like to display upsells at the bottom of my single product page.
Is it possible with this plugin to display only the up-sells and not the cross-sells ?
Thank’s for your helps
]]>On a woocommerce product page, like
I’ve a header misalignment only for Arabic language translation, in Italian (original one) and English (translated page) the header is OK.
]]>Hi guys,
Thanks for this plugin. It’s simple and works flawlessly.
Apart from one small thing I found ??
When enabling the Slider, using Arrows for nav causes an empty box to display. I fixed this by commenting out navText in the owl.custom.js. I believe it was broken because there is a missing FontAwesome asset with the fa-* classes?
Secondly while I was there I added stagePadding: 30 to allow a small peek of the next item and encourage the user to scroll. It would be nice if this was an option in the plugin settings.
If the code is on github I can submit a pull request with these updates.
Appreciated for this plugin.
However, when I activated this plugin and used the shortcodes in single product page, I can’t access the specific page, and got an error about the database.
Could you please how to solve this problem ?
]]>Shortcode won’t render inside of Elementor
]]>Hi there,
i created a custom TAB in woocommerce’s single product page.
There i show cross sale product by Your shortcode.
If the single product does not have defined cross sale linked products, my php debugger shows error.
If the single product has any cross sale products defined – there is no error.
can You fix that?
I wouldn’t mind some documentation on how to implement.
I saw some old topics and you answering to remove the double quotes to replace them with short codes. But which short codes exactly? Copying the short code as-is, doesn’t display any of my defined cross sell products.
Hi there,
I have a question: You didn’t update your cross selling plugin for a long time.
Something is going wrong oin my website with displaying these products.
Will there be an update for new WP and new WooCommerce versions?
Thanks and best regards,
By mistake, I have upgraded then Deactivate to the latest WooCommerce version and Now I have the following error message :
Downloading installation package from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/woocommerce.4.1.1.zip��
Unpacking the package��
Installing the plugin��
Destination folder already exists. /home/lookingattoysco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/
Plugin installation failed.
A similar message with the other woo commerce too, please advice.
]]>I just installed the plugin and activated cross sells.
I see the title on the product page but nothing else. I made sure the product has other products added to the cross sells list.
I tried several different products and combinations.
I tried enabling/disabling the slider.
I added the shortcode in my functions.php hooked to the product page and it does the same thing.
I reduced the shortcode in functions.php to just [wcsp_cross_sell] but that didn’t help either.
I’m stuck
]]>Hi, the plugin is working well for “Upsell products”. But it is not working for “Cross-sells products”. I have 5 cross-sells products to display and it displays one after another. It takes too many spaces. I need to make it as a slider.
]]>I have enabled the related products slider but the products are not shown.
Please help me and tell me how to fix this….
]]>I’m not using any shortcut and the plugin is working but for some reason, it always shows a minimum of 4 cross-sell products on the single product page. So if Product A has 2 cross-sell products (J & L) then when you look at the single product page for Product A you see the Cross-sell products but it is shown as Product J then Product L then Product J and L again. If you only have 1 cross-sell product listed, it shows it 4 times. If you enter in 4 or more products then it works as required.
I can’t find any reason for the duplication, has anyone else come across this?
I’m using the latest version of WP and Woo. Everything is up to date and including PHP Versions, also memory limits are higher than required.
THank you.
]]>Hi guys,
I am getting the following warning:
Notice Undefined variable: columns in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-cross-sell-products-display/woocommerce-cross-sell-products-display.php:95
That line is:
if($display_columns == 0){
$woocommerce_loop[‘columns’] = apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_cross_sells_columns’, $columns );
However $columns is not defined anywhere. Maybe something to fix in the next version?
I tried updating the Title in the settings page, it isn’t updating. This might be because I am using an Elementor template for the products? I’m wondering if anyone else is also having this problem.
My Theme is GeneratePress, I’ve updated to the latest versions of WordPress (5.2.3) and WooCommerce.
I found the code that should be updating it, on line 102 in woocommerce-cross-sell-products-display.php The code is:
__($title, WPSC_CROSSSELL)
I ended up just replacing it with what I wanted, “You might also like…” but I’m sure that will be erased with the next plugin update.
]]>After using the recommended shortcode, I’m getting this message: “Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /xxxxxx/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-cross-sell-products-display/woocommerce-cross-sell-products-display.php on line 54”
Using latest WP, WC, ElementorPro, and PHP 7.1. I am not a PHP coder. Any ideas about how to fix?
Thank you
I need to have 8 columns for the layout I want but the plug in only wants to go to 6 columns. What can I do?
I am trying to get my Cross-Sells to show on the product page but I can not seem to get it to work. Could you please help me. I downloaded your plugin and I put it on my site but when I add the shortcode it is not doing anything. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi. I can’t seem to change the number of columns from 3. Despite any number I enter in the “Products display columns” field they only show 3 columns on the single product page.
What should i do to get 4 columns?
After upgrading to the latest WooCommerce version (Version 3.5.1), I have the following error message :
Please Install and Activate Woocommerce Plugin.
WooCommerce is installed and activated (as you can see from the web site).
Cross Sell Products Display plugin used to work ok before the WooCommerce upgrade.
Note that I am using the OceanWp theme (with a child theme) and a few others plugins have similar issues (Woocommerce Wishlist, WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips).
]]>Hi I installed the plugin and I want to use it with the shortcode inside a produc tab.
It works but I can’t modify params. If I change params from the shortcode nothing happens.
Would you please help in solve this issue?
I have installed the plugin cross sell products Display and activate the plugin and enable the Checkbox “Enable cross sell products on single product page” but I don’t see any cross selling product.
Also I insert the following Code in a product https://www.agoshop.at/shop/schimmelentferner/ago-schimmelstop/:
[wcsp_cross_sell orderby=��rand�� order=��ASC�� product_num=��5�� display_columns=��3�� title=��Produktempfehlungen��]
but in the product I don’t see a cross selling product.
Hope you can help me
kindly regards
I did not want to have a blank H2 echoed if there was no Title specified in the parameters, so I did this modification…
On or around line 88, change to
echo '<div class="cross-sells">';
if (trim($title)) { echo '<h2>'.__($title,WPSC_CROSSSELL).'</h2>';}
This is useful when used as a widget, where the widget title is what I want to display rather than the title included in this shortcode.
I have 12 cross-sells but only displaying 10 instead of all of them. I have the following code placed in the snippet in the product page….
[wcsp_cross_sell order=��ASC�� display_columns=��3�� title=Extras]
All help appreciated
]]>Hi there!
There is a problem when using the plugin with multisite:
The code in your plugin that checks if the woocommerce plugin is activated works onli for single site, so on the multisite it exits with the following message: “Please Install and Activate Woocommerce Plugin.”
However I fixed this problem temporarily by modifying the “if” condition:
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
if ( !(is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php')) ) {
exit("Please Install and Activate Woocommerce Plugin.");
Could you please release a new version with this minor fix?
Thank you ??
What are the acceptable params for the cross-sell shortcode? I’m guessing at a few…
orderby=”” rand, ? *this is the one I really want to kow. Does it default to the order they are in the linked products list?
order=”ASC” ASC or DESC obviously
product_num=”” max number of products to include?
display_columns=”” max number of columns before scrolling
]]>The plugin shows the related product but squeezes it between the other elements of the page. I tried changing the priority and number of columns but nothing worked.
]]>Hi logicfire,
Is it possible to change the images of all cross-sells products with the image of a button?