From Shop archive page, when I went to single product page and clicked Add to cart button, the quantity displayed in Dropdown Cart was correct. But when I clicked Back navigation on top of the browser to go back to Shop archive page, the quantity and details in Dropdown cart returned to last visit number, which is wrong. I had refresh page to get the quantity and details right. Is this cache issue? How can I fix this?
When I turned on Woocommercer Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives, I have problem with Dropdown cart when in Guest mode or not login. When I clicked Add to cart button when on Shop product archive page, dropdown cart worked fine. But when I moved to Single product page and clicked Add to cart button and then clicked back navigation to return to Shop product archive page, products and quantities displayed in Dropdown cart were not correct. Could you help to investigate it?
My shop url is
Thank you
]]>After adding product in the cart, dropdown cart still have no product, and only after reload page there are products. How I can get auto update of dropdown cart?
]]>Hello ,
My single product page is
Drop down cart works well on all the other pages but not on the single product page.. it doesn’t show the image in the mini cart ..
Please help.
]]>Hi i want to replace my default woocommerce cart with this drop down cart but i don’t know how to add the cart on top of the page ??? (when i hover the mouse over the shopping cart icon it should show the products added in a drop down way)
my site is :-
]]>Hi Guys,
Using WP Rocket on a site, alongside WooCommerce and this plugin.
If i go to my homepage, and add an item directly into the basket, the page refreshes, but my cart does not update. I have to go to a non cached page, or manually refresh the cache in order for my cart widget to update.
Is there a a potential for an Ajax option for this, as any site that takes advantage of caching has major issues with this plugin.
Cheers guys
]]>Hey there,
Is there a way to add the cart in the main navigation menu?Thanks a lot
i put your plugin here
you can add tickets from calendar in here
i tested plugin in mobile phone (android) and drop menu is no clickable. i cant open drop menu.
Is it possible to fix this problem?
it is a great plugin i was looking for. very good job. thanks for that.
but is it possible to add a cross button before each product in the cart so that customer can remove any product like any other cart?
i need it deadly. please help and i think everyone will like this.
Hi! How to implement the switch quantity of products
I know this plugin isn’t officially compatible with 4.6.1 yet. Though it sort of works. It just doesn’t show a dropdown when you click on it.
Does anyone have experience with this and know how to fix this?
Kind regards,
]]>I use the Page cache in the W3 Total Cache Plugin. It speeds up the site greatly and everything is good except this widget which appears to be cached and therefore showing the incorrect number of products in the cart.
Does anyone know how I can configure it to avoid this problem other than switching the cache off
]]>I am using this code in my header:
<aside id=”widget_shopping_mini_cart-2″ class=”widget widget_shopping_mini_cart dropdown-cart”>
$instance = array(“title” => “”, “number” => 1);
$args = array(“title” => “My Widget”, “before_title” => “”, “after_title” => “”);
$sb = new WooCommerce_Widget_DropdownCart();
$sb->number = $instance[‘number’];
This code displays nothing after an AJAX add to cart button trigger (specifically from the [best_selling_products] shortcode add to cart button). Also, nothing is displayed when on the /cart page.
]]>Hi i just install this plugin but it don’t have any css or styling, in screen shots it have a good style, so my question, is there no style in this plugin or its just i am who is not getting his style ? Thanks
]]>I’m very new too all of this so quick question for the start:
Dropdown Cart doesnt work for my site ??
When adding a (woocommerce) product in product view drop down works fine.
WHen you ad a product in category view the cart updates but is not displayed – it simply disappears.
Also does not displaying following add to cart when you are displaying featured/new items using woocommerce short code.
Any ideas what may cause this.
Also – any chance we can get a delete button added to the products in the drop down please?
Im installing the cart here, but its not showing items in it when in guest mode. Is it possible to make it work for guests too?
Thank you, its a great plugin
]]>I’ve noticed that when refreshing the widget after an AJAX add to cart button trigger, the widget title is not generated at all.
Sample sidebar registration array to test this out:
'name' => __('Domy?lny', 'callisto'),
'id' => 'default_sidebar',
'description' => __('Domy?lny panel boczny', 'callisto'),
'class' => '',
'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="sidebar-item clearfix %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="main-title clearfix"><p class="custom-font-1">',
'after_title' => '</p></div>'
The widget title (if set in WP admin panel) will not be displayed after making the AJAX refresh.
Not sure what’s the cause, but your strings don’t show up in the’s translation mechanism:
Please fix it so we can translate your great plugin ??
Chris Trynkiewicz
]]>Is there a way to enable the plugin to work in mobile view also? Please and thank you!
Thanks for this great plugin. Very useful.
I have a question that is not directly related to this plugin but there might be someone who can help.
I would like to also have a drop-down list for each of the following WooCommerce widgets:
On-sale Products
Top Rated Products
Featured Products
Right now, I have added them to my sidebar but for each widget a list of these product is shown which could be too long. I would like to have a drop-down list instead.
Does anyone know of a snippet or plugin that can do the job?
Thank you,
]]>great plugin. Just a thought. The icon was coming out more blurry than I liked so I switched the Icon from the image to use font awesome.
I did not modify the plugin directly, just in case there was an update. I just modifed using CSS.
/**** Hide current cart image ****/
.dropdown-cart-button {
background: none !important;
border: none; }
/*** Add Font Awesome cart ****/
.dropdown-cart-button:before {
content: “\f07a”;
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-decoration: inherit;
position: absolute;
left: 15px;
top: 4px;
/**** adjust padding for my needs ****/
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown-total {
padding: 7px 36px 5px 0;
Again, great work on the plugin. thx
This question has already been posted before, but in my version 2.0 cart is not update when adding products using ajax method. Update only when page is refreshed.
In version before this has been ok, but now when I update it to 2.0 is not working any more.
Thank you
]]>Thank you for the plugin, Phuc Pham! It’s great!!!
But for some reason when I click the widget, nothing happens, the cart does not drop down. What could it be?
I’ve managed to preview what it would look like when clicked by changing the “display:none” line on CSS using Firefox’s “inspect element”, and it shows up fine.
Maybe it is a function issue? Maybe it’s related to the new wordpreess update?
note: my website is not live yet
Thanks ??
]]>Hi i have noticed that when adding a product to the cart in the 2 browsers listed above that the cart will not refresh and show the new total until the page is manually refreshed, in firefox and chrome the plugin works fine.
Product amount in the header cart doesn’t seem to update right away after update to WP 4.3. Any ideas why this is?
What does “Updated the translated text “items”” in the changelog mean? Is it possible to translate “Items” to local language now?
]]>I wanted to share my FULL CSS code for this wonderful script.
I tested this CSS on ALL devices.
And it looks great !
Enjoy !!
/* Affects the Cart button in the sidebar BEGINS */
.dropdown-cart-button {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
width: 240px !important;
min-height: 35px;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
text-align: left;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 36px;
margin: 0px;
position: relative;
z-index: 10 !important; /* Lowered this from 9999 since it overlapped the sticky headers navig bar */
overflow: visible;
background: transparent url(“../images/cart.png”) no-repeat scroll 0px center;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown {
display: none;
position: absolute;
right: -101px !important;
top: 34px;
background: #FFF none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
padding: 10px 6px 8px;
width: 340px !important;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .cart_list img {
width: 80px !important;
margin-right: 4px;
float: left;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .cart_list a {
float: left;
font-weight: normal !important;
width: 75% !important;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .cart_list .quantity {
float: right;
width: 22%;
font-weight: bold !important;
color: #F308C7 !important;
margin: -12px 12px 12px 12px !important;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .total {
clear: both;
float: left;
color: #00B7FF !important;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .buttons {
text-align: center !important;
p + p {
margin-top: 35px !important;
/* Affects the Cart button in the sidebar ENDS */
/* Affects the DROPDOWN View Cart and Checkout buttons in the sidebar BEGINS */
.dropdown-cart-button .button {
margin-left: 10px !important;
padding: -5px 6px -5px 6px !important;
border-radius: 5px !important;
.dropdown-cart-button .dropdown .buttons {
display: inline-flex !important;
float: right !important;
/* Affects the DROPDOWN View Cart and Checkout buttons in the sidebar ENDS */
]]>How do we lower the z-index so it does not overlap or bleed into the sticky header menu ?
]]>Thanks for this plugin.
Is very helpful.
Only one thing having trouble with…
What is the CSS for the View Cart and Checkout buttons ?
The checkout button is too wide, and I need to shorten its width .