Hello, my name is Vasily.
Thank you for your wonderful work on the plugin: I installed your plugin on the purchased WordPress theme:https://www.shoeswordpress.com
But unfortunately the plugin does not work, very sorry …
I really like the function that your plugin should perform: WooCommerce Image Hover
I beg you to help me run the plugin in my site theme :
Thank .
[email protected]
hi Brad!
First of all, let me thank you for your perfect plugin because it is a perfect idea and it works perfectly!!
i saw a similar idea in dpreview.com but i couldn’t find WordPress plugin with this performance until i found your perfect plugin.
i have a request and i need help about this plugin that i hope you solve it.
is it possible that all product gallery and main picture be in thumbnail and the thumbnails have square shape like the example?
thank you.
Hi. I love the idea of having this feature on the products that have lights, but only those ones. Is there an option to turn this feature on per product ? Don’t want this to happen to any other products than the ones that light up.
Thank you.
Hi Brad!
First of all, let me tell you that i’ve tested a lot of plugins trying to achieve this and your is the best so far!!
I’m wondering if its possible to make some little adjustments in order to turn the hover effect in a click & replace. So instead of hover and replace the main image, it would be a click to replace the main image, is that possible?
Maybe you could add this option in the plugin settings in a near future in order to make this beautiful plugin even more complete ??
Hope you can help me with my question. Thank you so much!
]]>Gallery image was replacing main product image upon hover just fine – including displaying a tool tip of the image Title set in the WP Media Library.
Suddenly the plugin seems to have stopped working. Now the gallery image does not change on hover, but only changes if the gallery image is clicked (changes as a slide-in-from-right).
I have tried disabling a few other plugins I thought might have updated and caused the change, without success. The new click-and-slide gallery effect seems to be new in WooCommerce core. Also the image Title tool tip no longer displays when hovering over the either the gallery image(s) or the main image.
Has something changed with a recent WC update affecting the hover plugin? I can’t 100% pinpoint when the hover image change stopped working but I suspect it was recently and probably due to either WC or another plugin updating and now conflicting.
I use the StoreFront theme.
[UPDATE] According to the WC Changelog for v.3.0.0 issued today: “New gallery on single product pages with better mobile support, using PhotoSwipe and Zoom. Declare support with add_theme_support() – wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider”.
That would appear to be the culprit. However, I miss the hover effect, and tool tip. I understand the tap or swipe support for mobile, so here’s hoping you can update the plugin to work with that.
I′m using this plugin in my website create with theme the7, but it doesn′t work.
Process is… active and ready?
]]>Hello admin,
Love your app! I wanted to achieve removing the Lightbox effect AND remove product link URL when clicking the main product image. So I added this below which removed the image clickable action:
function custom_remove_single_product_image_html( $html, $post_id ) {
return get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, apply_filters( 'single_product_large_thumbnail_size', 'shop_single' ) );
add_filter('woocommerce_single_product_image_html', 'custom_remove_single_product_image_html', 10, 2);
But now that disabled the ability for the product gallery to be hovered over and your plugin not work at all which I want!
Help please!
]]>Not works, i have no srcset on woocommerce thumbnail, i have srcset just on main image but not thumbnail.
]]>My images are pixelated on my page https://www.gregthechemicalguy.com/product/sha-brz/
I love the plug in – but I’m having trouble resolving the problem of the slight change of size of the picture (main / 1st thumbnail) – which is the same picture – but repeated.
I can’t seem to resolve this small change of size – while the picture is exactly the same – and that is a very huge problem, since my client really needs the pictures to be their main selling part here (attached the URL to the products when hover on thumbnails: https://seemsoap.fr/produit/seem-soap-savon-patience-numero-2/ )
Please let me know if someone knows how to resolve!
]]>It worked before last major update of wordpress.
]]>Theme Weaver Pro, Woocommerce v 2.3.9
Your plugin is great, but I need to make some adjustments to make it working properly on my website and I need your help:
1. If I disable lighbox, when I click on thumbnail it opens all my product images bellow the page content. I have to change the click action to block the main image to clicked thumbnail (I guess in the js file of your plugin goes some magic code).
2. On hover my images are entering a flashing loop, and I have read that it’s because of caching and I have to preload the images with js. (The problem is that I will have very many products and I need to preload just the one currently on the product page).
3. With settings right in woocomm backend thumbnails still not getting cropped.
I hope you have the time and you can help me trough this as I find you plugin very helpful for my website.
Thank you!
]]>Hi! Sorry for bad english, i hope you can understand me. I have resolution of single product image 350×350. When i hover on thumbnail, plugin load full-size image, which size is different and not proportional, with same attributes width=”350″ height=”350″. In result i can see compressed image.
Original: https://prntscr.com/8eegpz
On hover, compressed: https://prntscr.com/8eegvg
How i can modify plugin to load my single product size cropped image (350×350), not full-size image?
]]>is there an easy way to get rid of the links that open up the lightbox -> featured image and thumbnails ?