How can I translate the text being displayed to the customers ?
Thanks a lot
]]>Hi all,
if this support still live, after activate the plugin, i got a fatal error message.
More info if the support is live.
For some reason I am unable to save changes to my Multiple Shipping Addresses page that this plugin created for me.
I want to remove the sidebar from this page but everytime I try to save the changes it takes me to a page that says…
This page isn’t working
tsunamipremiumvapor.com is currently unable to handle this request.
]]>Ok so i recently imported a bunch of users into wp and had to import their additional addresses, here is the inset i used to add the info. It is fake info but you get the idea. This includes TWO address sets, 1111 includes ONE address and 1112 includes THREE addresses with the first one set as the default address.
INSERT INTO wp_usermeta
(user_id, meta_key, meta_value)
('1111','wc_multiple_shipping_addresses','a:1:{i:0;a:11:{s:19:"shipping_first_name";s:8:"Fakename";s:18:"shipping_last_name";s:8:"Morefake";s:16:"shipping_company";s:0:"";s:16:"shipping_country";s:2:"US";s:18:"shipping_address_1";s:13:"312 20th St N";s:18:"shipping_address_2";s:0:"";s:13:"shipping_city";s:10:"birmingham";s:14:"shipping_state";s:7:"Alabama";s:17:"shipping_postcode";s:5:"35203";s:27:"shipping_address_is_default";s:4:"true";s:5:"label";s:1:"1";}}'),
('1112','wc_multiple_shipping_addresses','a:3:{i:0;a:11:{s:19:"shipping_first_name";s:5:"Sarah";s:18:"shipping_last_name";s:5:"SMITH";s:16:"shipping_company";s:0:"";s:16:"shipping_country";s:2:"US";s:18:"shipping_address_1";s:21:"12345 STATE HWY 111 S";s:18:"shipping_address_2";s:0:"";s:13:"shipping_city";s:5:"FakeC";s:14:"shipping_state";s:5:"Texas";s:17:"shipping_postcode";s:5:"77777";s:27:"shipping_address_is_default";s:4:"true";s:5:"label";s:1:"1";}{i:1;a:11:{s:19:"shipping_first_name";s:5:"Sarah";s:18:"shipping_last_name";s:5:"SMITH";s:16:"shipping_company";s:0:"";s:16:"shipping_country";s:2:"US";s:18:"shipping_address_1";s:12:"11111 CR 123";s:18:"shipping_address_2";s:0:"";s:13:"shipping_city";s:5:"FakeC";s:14:"shipping_state";s:5:"Texas";s:17:"shipping_postcode";s:5:"77777";s:27:"shipping_address_is_default";s:5:"false";s:5:"label";s:1:"2";}{i:2;a:11:{s:19:"shipping_first_name";s:9:"FirstName";s:18:"shipping_last_name";s:8:"LastName";s:16:"shipping_company";s:0:"";s:16:"shipping_country";s:2:"US";s:18:"shipping_address_1";s:17:"123 Some Address";s:18:"shipping_address_2";s:0:"";s:13:"shipping_city";s:4:"City";s:14:"shipping_state";s:5:"State";s:17:"shipping_postcode";s:5:"77777";s:27:"shipping_address_is_default";s:5:"false";s:5:"label";s:1:"3";}}');
Let me know if you have any questions, i just put this all together for importing from Zen Cart so i have a little bit of experience converting from zen cart to wordpress.
]]>I have tested and can confirm this plugin works with WooCommerce v3.0.4. It does need one modification to assets/js/public.js
Replace the following lines
Line 27 $("#select2-shipping_state-container").html(stateName).parent().removeClass('select2-default');
Line 51 $("#select2-shipping_state-container").html(stateName).parent().removeClass('select2-default');
This will fix the state fields when changing between saved addresses.
Love the plugin – works great however is this only available for users that are logged in?
I’d like guest users to also be able to submit multiple addresses.
Kind regards,
]]>How do you change the redirection after saving the address at the moment it’s redirected to account page. I want it to be redirected to checkout page after saving the address
I’d like to use this plugin in an italin website: how can I translate it?
Best regards,
First Thanks for creating this plugin!!
I find a error in this plugin.
While customer saved four shipping addresses like add1,add2,add3,add4… in his account,After that he add a product to checkout page and selected in shipping addresses (predefined addresses) option “add2” and in that address feild he changed one feild like gender “male to female” and done order success.
Now in his addresses “add2” need to change “male to female”,But it not happening.Why it not happend,How to find solution for this.
Please figure out me from this issue!!urgent.
Advance Thanks,
I have 800 customers that drop ship to multiple locations. In all there over 7800 unique shipping addresses. Some customers have 5-10 locations they ship to and some customers have as many as 125 locations. It will take a life time to manually enter all of this data. Is there a way to bulk import all of this data? And if so what does the template for the csv file need to look like?
]]>The hook “before_checkout_form” is not working with WPML.It always link to default language.
]]>It looks like Woocommerce 2.6 changed how “shipping” code works and this plugin doesn’t work with it as a result.
Any chance we can get this working again?
The plugin worked great one year ago but the vendors didnt use it.
Now the commercial staff wants to use it, but the plugin doesnt work. I have 2 adresses save of the initial test, but the save or reset button doesnt appears.
I have WC 2.6.0 version with the WordPress 4.5.2
Thanks in advance.
]]>I am using Woocommerce 2.5.5 and I’ve installed the Multiple Addresses plugin.
Unfortunately, when I select an address and checkout, I just get “N/A” in the billing address section and it does not return the correct values.
Where in the code does it set the address in the order so I can make sure that the selected address is being stored properly in the order? Currently when debugging, both the session and customer objects do not have any values in them.
]]>hi, it’s possible hide the field “label”?
click on link to see the image:
I’m trying to figure out how to show multiple addresses within the WordPress backend user. I want to be able to update addresses upon request that are saved as the secondary shipping address. I know that I can edit within my account but if I needed to update a customer shipping information I wouldn’t be able to do so without knowing their password. Is there any way to show all addresses that the user has published within the WordPress user backend so the site admin can edit the addresses if needed? With X-cart and Magento you can add as many shipping addresses as you would like. Any ideas to add this functionality to WordPress?
Thank you.
Can i add Contact Number field to Shipping address form easily?
Thanks in advance.
[ No bumping please. ]
I need to display the shipping addresses in some different style and within a popup so this means that page must not be refreshed by any action like Update, Add, Save, Edit button click as it will close the popup.
Is there any way of doing this easily and making calls with AJAX?
Thanks in advance.
[ redacted, support is not offered via email, Skype, IM etc. only in the forums ]
]]>I have the plugin installed and running on my wordpress site. But in the my account page or on the checkout page, there are no options for the adding of multiple addresses other than that billing and the delivery addresses as per the standard WooCommerce Installation..
Can you help at all?
]]>Hello there,
I need to add some extra fields when adding a new address and remove some other fields.. How can i do this?
]]>wordpress version 4.4-alpha-34720
woocommerce Version 2.4.7
Hi, on the “my account” page only the default shipping address shows. Is this the normal functionality, or a bug?
<img src=”https://imgur.com/nvBet7Z” />
]]>I have an account with 60+ addresses. Is there a hook I can use to list the options in ascending alphabetical order?
I have some questions about the plugin.
1) The possibility to configure multiple addresses is available only during checkout?
If so, by clicking on “Save Address” you should be redirected again to checkout, to complete the order, right?
When editing billing / shipping address from “My Account” you see only the default address. Is there any way to see multiple addresses here?
2) Is it possible to choose to have multiple address only for shipping and to disable this feature for the billing address?
]]>Hi there, just to let you know 2 issues I found after testing the plugin.
1) The shipping edit page has an inline JS that relies on the jquery method “.live” which is deprecated. So the edit page JS breaks and a few things don’t work, like selecting the default address.
2) when adding a second address from the edit page (the first time), the label you save is improperly stored in the first existing address and not assigned to the new address.
Have a good day!
]]>My-account page is not working – clicking on ‘Addresses’, ‘Downloads’, etc. does nothing.
Addresses are displayed on the page on first page load.
Thinkup theme developers say that this has been caused by html injection from this plugin? I’d like to keep using the plugin if anyone can advise on workarounds to get the my-account page to work with it?
Thank you.
]]>Hello. I am wanting to ship products from different warehouse locations from a vendor. Is there a way to add this feature so that my UPS shipping costs will be correct?
Great plugin btw! Thanks.
Having a slight issue. When an address is selected from the ‘Predefined addresses’ dropdown on the checkout page, it populates the fields, however it does not calculate the shipping cost….
… However when I manually type the address in it does update the shipping.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Thanks in advance.
I am using this plugin but when we click on manage addresses that goes to the page it has all the addresses down the page. Is it possible to have that in a drop down. They choose one and they can delete it ect .. If someone has 10 ship addresses page will be a pain for them. I want to show all addresses in drop down rather than too many forms same as like predefined addresses .
is there any way or settings?
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi there
Im getting a label error when I upgrade to WP 4.2.2
and upgrade this plugin to the latest version, 1.0.7
I had to downgrade back to Version 1.0.5
Is there any issues?
]]>The save address button is not being displayed on the Edit Multiple Address page that is automatically generated after installing the plugin.
The page displays the one address that was saved before installing this plugin, but it doesn’t display the save address button or allow to add new addresses on the page.
Please help.