Rating: 5 stars
Nice Widget.
you can find the list of supported logos here
‘amazon’ => ‘Amazon’,
‘american-express’ => ‘American Express’,
‘atm’ => ‘ATM’,
‘bank-transfer’ => __( ‘Bank Transfer’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘bankomat’ => ‘Bankomat’,
‘bitcoin’ => ‘Bitcoin’,
‘braintree’ => ‘Braintree’,
‘carta-si’ => ‘Carta Si’,
‘cash’ => __( ‘Cash’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘cash-on-delivery’ => __( ‘Cash on Delivery’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘cb’ => ‘CB’,
‘cirrus’ => ‘Cirrus’,
// ‘cheque’ => __( ‘Pay with Cheque’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘clickandbuy’ => ‘ClickAndBuy’,
‘credit-card’ => __( ‘Credit Card’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘diners’ => ‘Diners Club’,
‘discover’ => ‘Discover’,
‘ec’ => ‘EC (Electronic Cash)’,
‘eps’ => ‘Eps’,
‘fattura’ => __( ‘Invoice’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘facture’ => __( ‘Invoice’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘flattr’ => ‘Flattr’,
‘giropay’ => ‘Giropay’,
‘gittip’ => ‘Gittip’,
‘google-wallet’ => ‘Google Wallet’,
‘ideal’ => ‘Ideal’,
‘invoice’ => __( ‘Invoice’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘jcb’ => ‘JCB’,
‘maestro’ => ‘Maestro’,
‘mastercard’ => ‘MasterCard’,
‘mastercard-securecode’ => ‘MasterCard Securecode’,
‘ogone’ => ‘Ogone’,
‘paybox’ => ‘Paybox’,
‘paylife’ => ‘Paylife’,
‘paymill’ => ‘Paymill’,
‘paypal’ => ‘PayPal’,
‘paysafecard’ => ‘paysafecard’,
‘postepay’ => ‘postepay’,
‘quick’ => ‘Quick’,
‘invoice’ => __( ‘Invoice’, ‘woocommerce-payment-methods’ ),
‘ripple’ => ‘Ripple’,
‘skrill’ => ‘Skrill’,
‘sofort’ => ‘Sofortüberweisung’,
‘square’ => ‘Square’,
‘stripe’ => ‘Stripe’,
‘truste’ => ‘Truste’,
‘unionpay’ => ‘Unionpay’,
‘verified-by-visa’ => ‘Verified By Visa’,
‘verisign’ => ‘Verisign’,
‘visa’ => ‘Visa’,
‘visa-electron’ => ‘Visa Electron’,
‘western-union’ => ‘Western Union’,
‘wirecard’ => ‘Wirecard’,
Rating: 5 stars
Good job.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Excellent plugin, just what I was looking for.
Keep it updated please.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for the nice font and plugin. It plays well with Font Awesome and is very clean looking.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Nice job man, I really love it.
Keep up the great work!
Rating: 5 stars
Very nice plugin.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Works like a charm and integrates well with my theme because of the icon font. Finally no ugly logo images on the WooCommerce checkout page anymore!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This is really well integrated with WooCommerce, assuming the payment options configured in your store. The usage of a icon-font instead of images allows for extra flexibility to display the icons as you wish. Recommended.