Would it be possible to integrate BudgetSMS into the plugin?
I use this SMS gateway for a while now and would like to know if that is possible.
Still use the Messagebird integration, but would like to move all my SMS traffic to 1 SMS supplier.
]]>Hello, amazing idea! I am in need of this plugin, I use plivo already.
For some reason, when running the test, it gets an error related to jquery.
POST https://mantravape.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?_fs_blog_admin=true 500
send @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
ajax @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
(anonymous) @ admin.js?ver=2.1.0:17
dispatch @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
r.handle @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
Thanks a lot for such a great plugin. The screenshots attached to the plugin says you can add your own custom variables to the message aside the available variables. I’d like to know how to do that. I’d like to make my messages more personalized by saying something like Hey {first_name}, your order with ID {order_id} has been received.
Also are there woocommerce variables that you can just use by default?
]]>Two items please…we have looked everywhere and it seems so simple, but here we are. Is there a way to read reply texts from customers after they receiving yours? If so a link to where and how would be appreciated.
Secondly, possibly a future feature. When using the “Add Notes” feature, it would be nice if you could only send a text if you preferred? or uncheck the WooCommerce email or choose either?
So you could send a full woo email and an abbreviated SMS.
Thanks again!
]]>First of all, there is a Fatal Error that is preventing the settings to be visible on woocommerce settinga page:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getVariables() on a non-object in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-plivo/includes/admin/wcp-admin-setting-fields.php on line 96
Secondly, can we have number validation in place? Currently, Plivo requires country code to be present in the number you want to send SMS to. However, some customers fail to provide it. Can we have a basic setting to set default country code, which this plugin will add as prefix to the customer number, incase the country code is missing?
In previous versions of this plugin, I used to achieve this view modification of sendSMS function. I haven’t checked new version and its code yet. But this will certainly help many people.
]]>What about the Product Vendor compatibility?
The plugin settings was not display. Just a blank screen display instead.
WordPress: 4.4
Woocommerce: 2.4.5
Hope you will fix it soon.
]]>Can this plugin also be used with a different SMS provider?
I’m using MessageBird as it is one of the biggest European sms providers but can’t find any plugin available for it.
Your plugin seems to have all nice features on board. Can it be tweaked to work with others too?
More info: https://www.messagebird.com/nl/developers
Just Now I am using trial of it but unable to send sms notification Error shows Could not send “BestGiftCart status update: Order 407 is now completed.” to 8XXXXXXXX4..Do please check it, I keen to buy it.
Thanks In Advance
]]>Hi, thanks for this plugin! Is there a possibility that we can use Alphanumeric characters in the Sender’s name so it can display our company name instead of the phone number?
Is there any plans on adding custom/extra fields on the SMS messages in a way that other plugins could “hook” and output their custom text?
Practical example:
I’m the developer of a Payment Gateway for WooCoomerce (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/multibanco-ifthen-software-gateway-for-woocommerce/) and I would like to add Plivo support to this plugin so that I could add the order specific payment details to the SMS sent for “On Hold” messages.
We could achieve this in several ways:
– You could create a special tag/field that would have a filter associated and other plugins could use that filter (where the order id should be available) and return their own custom text
– Your plugin could have a way for other plugins to “register” custom tags/fields that would run a function on the 3rd party plugin that would return their own custom text
Hey guys, are you going to update this plugin?
Thank you
Thank you, very much.
nice plugin
but, when I tried the extension with the defaut sms texts, it worked and i receive the sms.
But when I put my own SMS message for the various statut, i could not receive sms, on the Pilvo debug console it says ‘undelivered’
Please help