Fatal error: Call to undefined function woo_cd_admin_notice_html() in /home/####/public_html/####/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-exporter/includes/functions.php on line 55
]]>On activating the plugin, I got PHP error messages relating to missing cron.php file.
I edited functions.php and remmed out the include on line 14 just to get past this error.
Another error remains relating to ‘woo_ce_add_help_tab’ not found. I remmed out line 345 in admin.php to get past this error.
]]>Errors upon installation:
Missing file: cron.php
Missing function: woo_ce_add_help_tab AND woo_ce_products_custom_fields
First i wanted to thank you for this plugin.
I have an issue on it, when i export my list, i select the “quantity” checkbox.
But when i see my csv ou xlsx file, the “quantity” column is there but all the numbers of stock inside are to zero and all the rest of columns’s content are goods.
Do you have any idea about this issue?
Thanks by advance for your answer.
]]>You mention this product on https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce-products-exporter –> “Description” tab.
Where can I find this product?
Where can I find documentation on this product?
We are specifically interested in importing (and exporting) products with multiple Variable attributes (for example: Colour, Size and Scale) … so:
Product [Pinstripe] is available in:
___ Red | Green | Blue
___ Thin | Medium | Think
___ 1/8 | 1/18 | 1/24
–> Client can select / order: [Pinstripe – Red – Thin – 1/24]
–> Client can select / order: [Pinstripe – Green – Thick – 1/8]
Can you do this?
]]>I received this error upon activation of the plugin: woocommerce-products-exporter/includes/cron.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in //////////public_html/wp-content/plugins/-woocommerce-products-exporter/includes/functions.php on line 14.
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘////////public_html/wp-content/plugins/-woocommerce-products-exporter/includes/cron.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /////////public_html/wp-content/plugins/-woocommerce-products-exporter/includes/functions.php on line 14.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function woo_ce_cron_activation() in //////////public_html/wp-content/plugins/-woocommerce-products-exporter/doo-products-exporter.php on line 1335