The problem he has is that he can add a product twice, and can’t control it from the shopping cart, just delete the product and add it again
]]>This plugin is throwing errors in the latest version of WP. At the top of the front-end and the Admin, I’m seeing stuff like this:
\s*(.+?)\s*\<\/div\>#s'; $contents = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, create_function( '$matches', 'return "";' ), $contents ); /* Remove the TH from the Cart page */ $pattern = '#\\s*(.+?)\s*\<\/th\>#s'; $contents = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, create_function( '$matches', 'return "";' ), $contents ); $pattern = '#\\s*\s*<\/td\>#s'; $contents = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, create_function( '$matches', 'return "";' ), $contents ); $buffer = $contents; return $buffer; } function buffer_start() { ob_start("callback"); } function buffer_end() { ob_end_flush(); } add_action('wp_head', 'buffer_start'); add_action('wp_footer', 'buffer_end'); ?>
Once this plugin is disabled, it’s fine again. Can you fix please? It’s a very helpful little plugin.
]]>Hi, I just want to inform about a plugin conflict. I have started to use Nextgen gallery but i notice that this nice plugin seems to seem to affect Nextgen gallery so that it does not work as it should. When disabling the Nextgen gallery starts working again? I am no pro in any way so if this is not correct, please excuse this topic.
Appreciates if this could be fixed.
Best regards
]]>Hi Marirs and community,
First of all, thank you for this plugin. It is solving a problem for me and for that I am grateful. With that said, it stopped working for me when I recently upgraded my WooThemes Canvas theme (version 5.6.3). What do you think the issue could be?
Here’s a product on my site: I appreciate any help I can get.
]]>I’ve installed Woo Remove Qty selectors and activated it.
Do I need to configure it somewhere to get it to work because it is making no difference at the moment.
Thank you!
]]>I didnt see anything in the readme about how to set this up.
I installed the plugin, activate it and there no difference on my woocommerce site.
Did I miss something here?
]]>Thank you for a nice plugin.
when selling unique products, it makes no sense to de able to choose an number and here this plugin works fine.
but while testing my shop I ran into a problem: how to cancel your order before paying?
after scrolling with the cursor over the page for a while a red X appeared in front (on the left of the product) and here I could cancel my order.
Now I tried to leave the product in my basket and then do some other web browsing and then return to the page.
I clicked on my basket but now there were no X to cancel my order.
I had to update my basket and then the X re-appeared.
Is it possible to make the cancelling more visible? in both cases?