how to display the gravatar user beside the name??
]]>Widget displays 5 light grey stars overlapping with “SSSSS” and right under them there are 5 dark grey stars.
Please point me to the proper section to alter the position of the dark grey stars in order to make them overlap the light grey ones properly.
I would like to show random reviews on my home page (no sidebar). Is it maybe possible to use a shortcode or can u give me the code to add to load the review on a page.
Thanks for the plugin. On my site only the name and stars are showing but not the description. Can this be corrected.
]]>Hi There –
Can I have an updated version of the plugin that when selecting “random order” – it will show a random review vs. no review if there isn’t one?
Currently I have the random option picked, but if there isn’t a review on a particular item – than the widget leaves a “blank space.” But I need the widget to pull random reviews only – no blank spaces.
]]>My Theme doesn’t have the font called ‘star’ installed so therefore the stars are showing as SSSSS.
I tried searching for this font titled ‘star’, but I’m not have any luck.
Anyone have any idea what to do?
]]>Hey, first of all, great plugin!
Everything works really well, however, I’m wanting to show the whole review comments (not just a few lines)…. I’m sure there is a an easy enough solution to do this?
so that this:
The product was fantastic I really enjoyed the colors and the taste, will definitely be purchasing again…
becomes this:
The product was fantastic I really enjoyed the colors and the taste, will definitely be purchasing again soon no doubt, will recommend to all!
Thanks in advance!
]]>hello there iam aweb developer and i am really intersted on your plugin actually i was trying to extend it to add the fucnction of querying only spesfic parent category here is what i used in the query var
// $query = "SELECT c.*
// FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts p LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON p.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id ,
// {$wpdb->prefix}comments c
// WHERE p.ID = c.comment_post_ID AND c.comment_approved > 0 AND p.post_type = 'product' AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND
// p.comment_count > 0 AND term_taxonomy_id = 233 ORDER BY ".$order_by." LIMIT 0, ". $number_of_comments;
but for some reason it’s not working it’s getting wrong comment’s not on the 233 taxonomy .. any help will be apperciated and i will be glad to hand you over my source code to use in future ver’s .. thanks asem
]]>В режиме связи отзывов с категориями для тех рубрик, где нет отзывов, а также для статичных страниц приходится наблюдать в сайдбаре заговок виджета с надписью “Нет отзывов о товарах” … Выглядит это не очень хорошо. Если отзывов нет, то логинее было бы вообще убрать виджет из сайдбара (т.е. не показывать, скрывать его), ну или в виджете отображать какие-то общие отзывы по товарам магазина. А так, это выглядит как какая-то ошибка в работе сайта, особенно в том случае, когда находишься на странице просмотра товара, для которого есть отзыв. Т.е. получается: в каталоге товаров рубрики для данного товара есть отзыв, а на странице просмотра этого же товара – “Нет отзывов о товарах”. Логичнее было бы сделать, если мы находимся не в категории для которой есть отзывы, то вообще не выводить сайдбар…