Is it possible to use hooks/filters to send invites only for specific orders?
My goal is to split invites over different review systems in order to have a broader representation. So for instance even orders go to review system A and uneven orders go to system Trusted Shops. All I need is a filter or something to block/send an invite per order.
]]>Hi Vendidero,
I can block the Scripts from Trustedshops.com with Borlabs Cookies Pugin.
BUT the unblocking is not working.
I am curious, if you know a solution about this?
I think without consent, it is not legal to load the widgets in Germany, correct? However, this is what our lawyer said… ??
I saw it should be possible with UserCentrics, right? But do you know a way to achieve it with Borlabs Cookies https://de.borlabs.io/borlabs-cookie/?
I mean these URLs:
Dear Max (or support),
We are experiencing issues with Google and the Review Snippet since a couple of days. We receive warnings and errors about certain parts missing in our snippet.
The message (summary, because it’s in Dutch):”
Missing field: ‘ratingValue’
‘ratingCount or ‘reviewCount’ should be eliminated.
We advice to solve these problems as soon as possible, else this will have effect on Google Search.”
It seems that Google has changed their way of handling the review snippets (structured data). Could you please look into this matter? I can imagine more people will be having this issue sooner or later.
We run your plugin with the latest version and without modifications on a couple of shops.
If there are any questions about our setup please let me know.
Kind regards,
a short feature /change request.
Could you please change the thankyou template (…./woocommerce-trusted-shops/templates/trusted-shops/thankyou.php) to use the get_order_number() method of the Woocommerce WC_Order class.
<span id=”tsCheckoutOrderNr”><?php echo $order->get_order_number(); ?></span>
instead of
<span id=”tsCheckoutOrderNr”><?php echo wc_ts_get_crud_data( $order, ‘id’ );?></span>
This would be really helpful if you use a plugin like “WooCommerce Basic Ordernumbers” and do not want to communicate the WordPress postID as the order Id to a customer.
The get_order_number() Method returns by default the order Id, so no change for all who do not use a plugin like i mentioned before.
Would be great to have control over font size for customer reviews.
We can only select a custom font in plugin settings.
The plugin throw a PHP error when I try to activate it without Woocommerce installed:
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wc_get_attribute_taxonomies()
It might sounds stupid but I’m setting up a new site and I didn’t install wooocommerce yet. I wanted to show testimonials in the theme first.
Maybe something you can fix on future versions.
Thank you,
]]>I need to have Trusted shops interaction only on 2 language version of my site.
unfortunately, although the badge is not shown on the pages that I don’t want it show (which is fine). The plugin still shows up the thank you page after an order ON ALL LANGUAGES and also sends e-mails to clients after purchase asking for a review even if the client bought the product using a language of the website where trusted shop should not be active.
Is there a way to ensure that review requests are sent to the customer only when the order is moved to completed status and not when the order is created?
If the customer cancels the order, the request is sent anyway and the customer who canceled the order has the possibility to give a negative review.
hi all,
is there a way to make the rich snippets with the stars clickable?
i want that people can click on the rating and then jump to the reviews on the bottom of the page.
]]>We have been using the trust badge on the youpri.nl website for a number of years. As of last week, the trust badge does not show on any page. (we always used advanced settings badge).
We’ve already tried the following:
– Disabled all plugins
– Standard Twenty Twenty theme activated
– Default configuration applied in the trustbadge options.
The trust badge was not visible in any of these changes. Do you have any solutions?
]]>We tried changing the settings in expert modus to reposition the badge but they are not applying.
_tsConfig = {
‘trustcardDirection’: ‘topLeft’ , /* for custom variants: topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft */ ‘customBadgeWidth’: ”, /* for custom variants: 40 – 90 (in pixels) */
We’ve been using this plugin for a while now and we like it, Google Search Console points out the following issues with the rich snippets created by this plugin:
Rating value is out of range
The value in the property “reviewCount” must be positive
The value in the property “RatingCount” must be positive
I hope you can help here.
I’m using WPML and just updated to latest version:
And WPML strings: Version
Now TrustedShop plugin is throwing errors:
2019/06/23 13:07:04 [error] 517#517: *95572 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function icl_st_is_registered_string() in /www/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/compatibility/class-wc-ts-compatibility-wpml-string-translation.php:157
Stack trace:
#0 /www/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/class-wc-trusted-shops.php(228): WC_TS_Compatibility_Wpml_String_Translation->get_string_id('woocommerce_tru...')
#1 /www/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/class-wc-trusted-shops.php(189): WC_Trusted_Shops->__get('id')
#2 /www/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/class-wc-trusted-shops.php(105): WC_Trusted_Shops->refresh()
#3 /www/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WC_Trusted_Shops->load('')
#4 /www/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
I would like to show the star rating of the related product within the archive page. How can I do this?
Fatal error after update from 2.2 to 3.0.0
line 297
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WC_TS_Dependencies’ not found in /woocommerce-trusted-shops.php
Why as good developer, don’t you test your new plugin version before releasing it? …
]]>autoload function is misspelled, does not find classes
Is there an “apply_filters” that I can use to change the ID? I want different ids per WPML language.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Unfortunately we get the following error and the stars are not displaying on product pages:
Uncaught ReferenceError: productStickerSummary is not defined
How can we fix this?
Also: Is it possible to display stars within the category-listing?
Thank you very much for help!
]]>This plugin adds product review snippet, but instead of hooking inside WC snippet, it adds another one.
Google finds 2 separate snippets about the same product on the same page. This may not me optimal for SERP snippets.
Please integrate reviews and aggregate rating data inside the WC snippet using the woocommerce_structured_data_product
filter hook
AND please remove TS image from product snippet. This is just spam.
]]>After updating plugin to v 2.2.0 activating/deactivating ANY plugin gives the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function WCML_Emails::set_locale_for_emails(), 1 passed in /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 298 and exactly 2 expected in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-multilingual/inc/class-wcml-emails.php:418
Stack trace:
#0 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): WCML_Emails->set_locale_for_emails('it_IT')
#1 /public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(203): WP_Hook->apply_filters('it_IT', Array)
#2 /public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/class-wc-ts-install.php(43): apply_filters('plugin_locale', 'it_IT')
#3 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): WC_TS_Install->install(false)
#4 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#5 /public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#6 /public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(591): in /home/wwwfortu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-multilingual/inc/class-wcml-emails.php on line 418
maybe it happens only when WPML is active
Anyway fixing the stack trace #2 fixes the issue.
Just adding the text_domain to the plugin_locale filter.
Change the line 43 of the file /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-trusted-shops/includes/class-wc-ts-install.php
from this:
$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale() );
to this
$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale(), 'woocommerce-trusted-shops' );
Hello everyone,
is it possible to display the ratings on the homepage of the shop, too?
It only works on the product detail pages but we would like to display the overall shop rating on the home page. The rich snippets are only included on product detail pages.
Any help would be highly appreciated ??
Kind regards and many thanks in advance!
]]>Hi I have the reviews feeding into the review tab just fine.
I cant seem to get the star reviews to work at the top using the plugin.
Hope you can help?
Best Regards,
]]>I setup the whole plugin and the badge use to show before and now it disappeared and doesn’t show anymore. seems the plugin has an issue.
]]>Is there a way to inject other infos in the TS product snippet?
it is quite limited about product info.
my products show in SERP with a wrong image.
As the TS snippet has no image for the product (uses just the TS logo on any product), Google choose a random image from the product page (usually a related product).
As the snippet is written by an external source (https://widgets.trustedshops.com/reviews/tsSticker/tsProductSticker.js), Is there a way to specify the product image in the TS ld+json structured data?
]]>Hi everyone,
I tried to install your plugin on my shop and it crashed the site, i.e. failed to load the content and displayed a few php errors instead. One was about an undefined Operator in line 266 of woocommerce-trusted-shops.php
I changed line 266 from
$GLOBALS['template_name'][] = $template_name;
$GLOBALS['template_name'] = $template_name;
which solved the issue. Unfortunately I now have an altered version of your plugin that will be overwritten with the next update.
Could you please fix the issue?
Thanks in advance
We added trustedshop widget in our footer and it work very well on normal pages.
We noticed that the widget disaper from the footer when we are on the woocommerce cart or the thank you page.
Could you please help us underdtand why this is happening?
We tried to activate wordpress debug but we have nothing to give you that relate to trusted shop
the plugin does show stars under title of the product, but does not add the proper schema.org/AggregateRating snippet to let stars show in Google SERP.
You should edit this code:
<div class="ts-rating-light ts-rating de_DE productreviewsSummary">
[... stars html ...]
<span class="ts-stars-reviewCount">(2)</span>
<div class="ts-reviewSummary-averageRating">
<span class="ts-reviewSummary-ratingValue">4.50</span>
<span class="ts-reviewSummary-bestRating">/5.00</span>
like this:
<div class="ts-rating-light ts-rating de_DE productreviewsSummary" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/AggregateRating">
[... stars html ...]
<span class="ts-stars-reviewCount">(<span itemprop="reviewCount">2</span>)</span>
<div class="ts-reviewSummary-averageRating">
<span class="ts-reviewSummary-ratingValue" itemprop="ratingValue">4.50</span>
<span class="ts-reviewSummary-bestRating">/5.00</span>
are you planning to add this feature in a near future?
I’m looking forward to implement product reviews but I have a foundamental question about product variations:
each variation has a specific SKU, reviews for different variations will be aggregated on the same page of the product or not?
As stated on integration instructions (https://www.trustedshops.eu/merchants/integration/product-reviews/) having a product SKU is mandatory, as (I assume) it is used by TS to get reviews and show them on the product page.
On my shop I sell only food products, and I have only 1 variation for my products: the weight.
Customers can buy 50gr, or 150gr, or 500gr of a product. Each weight represents a different variation, with a specific SKU, but they all are the very same product.
Wich is the best approach in my case? Should I apply some WP filter or it is better having a manual integration instead of using this plugin?
(I’m already in contact with TS commercial staff, but they can’t help me with WP plugin).
I really hope you can support me, as I’m already paying for the product reviews service.
my website is really slow, and p3-Plugin told me, that the problem comes from your plugin, as you can see on the screenshots:
help please!
best regards,