Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (1) in e:\….\wp_w5\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3297
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.4630 13574328 shutdown_action_hook( ) ..\load.php:0
2 0.4630 13574360 do_action( ‘shutdown’, ??? ) ..\load.php:611
3 0.4630 13575200 call_user_func_array:{E:\….\wp_w5\wp-includes\plugin.php:503} ( ‘wp_ob_end_flush_all’, array (0 => ”) ) ..\plugin.php:503
4 0.4630 13575232 wp_ob_end_flush_all( ” ) ..\plugin.php:503
5 0.4630 13575328 ob_end_flush ( ) ..\functions.php:3297
*** on windows, nginx..
]]>The plugin generated 578 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.