The doc for installing a new theme says,
Note: If you are using WordPress Database Reset plugin you should not?click on ‘Select All’ option, as that will delete your user and you’ll be locked out of your site. You only need to remove content you previously added, such as pages, posts, images, etc.
Great, but neither the theme doc nor the Reset doc says what exactly you SHOULD do when presented with a long list of things that might be chosen to remove. All I can surmise from the text above is to NOT remove users. So, I requested that everything be removed EXCEPT the two items with the word “user”. Here is the results:
Could not connect to database
This site is currently experiencing issues. Please try visiting at a later time.
Yup, it’s creamed and I’m dead in the water. Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!
What SHOULD I have done?
]]>Hi, can this reset the whole database via a .sql file? I’m looking for a way to reset the database every 3 days back to a sql file. Possible?
]]>Hi, I use this plugin to reset WordPress and now I can’t log in to my dashboard. It says wrong username or password.
]]>I can’t login after reset
]]>I installed the plugin and went to the page within the tools dropdown. I am given a dropdown of things I’d like to reset. I select “posts” from the dropdown and then type in the code and get this message “Please select at least one table to reset.” I am confused as to what is going on. Can you please help?
]]>I really need help because i don’t want to rebuild my entire site from the ground up. I used this plugin selected all except site and Username and I have not been able to logon to my dashboard.
Can someone help?
I have setup a few plugins :
1. WP Mail SMTP
2. All in One WP Security
And installed and configured a Let’s Encrypt SSL cert in
1. htaccess
2. wp-config
Will all these settings be lost on reset?
Is this plugin working for WordPress 4.9?
I can see it is not tested or updated for 2 years now.
Can anyone confirm?
]]>I used the WordPress Database Reset Plugin, I selected ALL, then entered the code, afterwards it kicked me off, now I can’t even log in as an admin or access my website as it says This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
]]>I recently did complete overhaul on one of my sites, and used WordPress Database Reset to reset every database except for the users, usermeta, and posts databases. I was under the impression that leaving those out meant my posts and pages would be safe, but after executing the reset they were gone. I had a backup of the site, but didn’t realize it wouldn’t include the posts or pages. I tried repairing the databases, but still don’t see my content. Are they lost?
]]>How does this plugin handle users? Will the logged in user get kicked out / deleted if you reset all tables? Will their password remain the same?
My site has 100000 product which i have deleted using this plugin but it has not deleted the data from wp-content and there is still 101 GB showing on my VPS
Qode recommends using your plugin to erase “Demo Site”‘s content when switching from one demo to another. I was wondering if there’s a way to delete most of the information but keep the data from “Pages” and “Media”. If this is possible, which of the tables do i NOT delete?
Hi there. I’ve used your plugin for a subdomain. I clicked on all except reset users when using it. It went successfully and I can login to wp-admin (after having to go through several password changes and amending wp.config file but I have no access to the dashboard. When I click in the site name where it should be it stays the same after refreshing. Help! How can I get my dashboard back!
]]>Actually the plugin works here (local development) but got a Warning after resetting all tables. (which it does without probs it seems?!)
Anyway the warning as it:
WARNING: wp-includes/class-wp-http-encoding.php:58 - gzinflate(): data error
require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('admin_init'), call_user_func_array, DB_Reset_Admin->reset, DB_Resetter->reset, DB_Resetter->reinstall, DB_Resetter->install_wp, db_reset_install, wp_install_maybe_enable_pretty_permalinks, wp_remote_get, WP_Http->get, WP_Http->request, WP_Http->_dispatch_request, WP_Http_Curl->request, WP_Http_Encoding::decompress, gzinflate
Could it be a server warning because of misconfig here locally or is it really a (minor imho) plugin issue?
]]>Unfortunately, this plugin is not compatible with multisite, it doesn’t let me choose any site IDs or tables:
I used the plugin to reset the settings, then I can no longer access the wp-admin.
It seems to have deleted my permissions, and I even chose not to reset the users and usermeta tables.
Why is this happening? Is there anything I can do to prevent this form happening? For now I am deleting the WordPress instalattion and installing again, but I would like to know if there is a better solution.
Thank you!
]]>It does not work on the latest WP. Please update this. Thanks
]]>Not working
while testing my own plugins for compatibility with php 5.2 (to at least avoid the white-screen-of-death), I noticed that this plugin throws an issue too:
Notice: Use of undefined constant __DIR__ - assumed '__DIR__' in /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-database-reset/wp-reset.php on line 26
]]>Hi there,
Love your plugin and use it every week.
There is a minor problem with notices from other plugins (like YOAST) not showing properly on your plugin screen. Please, check this screenshot
Thank you.
]]>hello chris berthe,
unfortunately the database reset plugin will not display the delete-options when the plugin is getting activated. in the past this worked well, but now i have no possibility to reset the database. i can activate and deactivate, but nothing happens.
plugin version: 3.0.2
wordpress verison: 4.3.1 DE
thank you for helping!
gerhard huber
]]>Hello, I am trying to reset my wordpress with this plug-in but it is not showing up under my tools bar. Thanks!
]]>Hola, como puedo hacer para borrar todas las configuraciones de los temas actuales de mi wordpress?
]]>What is the point of this plugin if it removes the user? Had to reinstall WordPress from scratch.
Thanks for wasting my time.
]]>I downloaded and installed the plugin. Unfortunately it is not working. When I go to tools there is no “database reset” option appearing in the Tools section. I’ve tried to use the plugin for a few days now and it’s still not appearing. Any advice? Thank you in advance for your help.
The plugin is not compatible on multisites, the effect is devastating. Gladly we have a backup.
]]>I installed and activated this plug in but the reset is not showing up under tools.
]]>After running reset I can no longer access any page on the site.
The following PHP error is thrown:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Twenty_Fourteen_Ephemera_Widget in /home/…./wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/inc/widgets.php on line 269
(Censored out path)
]]>I’m a novice trying to solver some server memory issues because the experts are stumped. They advised me to fix my databases. I found your plugin, backed up everything on my FTP and reset them. To my horror, it deleted EVERYTHING. My hosting company, DreamHost has an automatic backup for MySQL. I restored it from there, but nothing. What other databases (other than the MySQL) did this plugin delete?