Whenever I create a page with the ICS calendar shortcode, the page fails to load – it looks like it stops at the shortcode and gets no further. allow_url_fopen is on in PHP, so I don’t think that is it.
So here’s the weird thing, it works just fine with a very small calendar that I’ve created (https://saintmarkshoreline.org/test-2/) but the calendar I want to use – which has at 2-5 events per day – won’t load. Is this just a case of having too much for the plugin to handle?
]]>Just to inform anyone interested in this Plugin, there is a new Version in the works which runs with recent Versions of WordPress/PHP.
See the related Story (incl. Download Link) at hoernerfranzracing .
No events coming up. No error message either. So I assume the plugin simply has gone out of business … too bad.
]]>I used repeat option for each week for one of the event and this repeating event not showing up. Can anybody help regarding this issue. Or is there any pro version for this plugin?
]]>The concept behind this plugin seems awesome, but it keeps telling me that “There are no events” in my ICS file.
The ICS file is formed according to official ICS standards and validates perfectly through this online validator: https://severinghaus.org/projects/icv
]]>my shortcode: [show-ics-events cal=1]
problem: i live in timezone UTC+2 (berlin, germany) and the time of the events is always 2 hours in future. e. g. one event is from “19:30 to 21:30” but the plugin shows “21:30 – 23:30”.
i could set the timezone of wordpress to “UTC+0” but than the month names are in english, not german.
any idea? plugin is awesome but this bugs me.
]]>I translated the frontend to german.
1.Create a new directory yourblog/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-ics-importer/languages/
2. Unzip the following file and put these or other localization files files into the new directory:
3. Add the following code into ics-import.php, this will activate the localization support:
near line 694:
if(!function_exists("WPICSImporter_init")) {
function WPICSImporter_init() {
if(function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) {
load_plugin_textdomain('WPICSImporter', false, dirname(plugin_basename( __FILE__ )).'/languages');
and near line 794:
add_action('init', 'WPICSImporter_init');
4. For sidebar widget translation change the following strings near line 578 in ics-import.php:
More »
'.__('More »','WPICSImporter').'
« Previous
'.__('« Previous','WPICSImporter').'
Next »
'.__('Next »','WPICSImporter').'
]]>insert into ics-functions.php, line 283:
if($event['URL']) {
$event_url = htmlentities($event['URL']);
} else {
$event_url = '#';
$output = str_replace('%url%',$event_url,$output);
to inform the user insert into ics-import.php, line 274 at the end:
and <i>%url%</i>.
Then you can use in the sidebar widget Custom Event Format p. ex.:
<li style="color:#333333; ">
<strong>%date-time%</strong><br />
<a href="%url%">%description%</a>
I also tried to contact the developer but his contact form captcha crashed and I couldn’t find an email address. So I think if someone want to fork that project that would be a great idea.
]]>I’ve searched the forums to find a solution to this problem, but none have helped.
I’ve added the “putenv” code in the ics-importer.php, I’ve made sure my WordPress installation is in the right timezone (New York City), I’ve made sure the Google Calendar feed has the right time zones listed.
Still, the event times are displaying with an hour later than scheduled. (For example: see see here. The Nov. 9th event actually starts at 7:30pm and the Nov. 12th event starts at 5:30pm.)
Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
]]>Anyone having issues getting the next and previous buttons to work with the latest WordPress update?
]]>Is there is the possibility to include a url for the event.
When opening the ics file it looks like this: URL;VALUE=URI:www.blablabla.fr
I would like to have the possibility to include this field in the list or calendar view with a %URL%.
Thank you for the great plugin.
]]>I’ve been able to correct the DST issue for recurring events, but single events are 2hrs off. Here’s the client’s calendar – https://www.tourosynagogue.com/events/calendar/ – the Torah studies have the correct time, but the Kiddush Luncheon on 5/28 should be 12pm – 1pm instead of 10am – 11am. I’ve gone through everything I can find here in the forums regarding the DST issue. Any help will be appreciated!!
– Helen
[Email removed]
I can’t find the widget.. i really like to try this.
]]>Is this plugin still being maintained? It doesn’t look like there has been much developer activity for quite some time.
I tried to contact the developer on his website but the contact form isn’t functioning.
]]>Please offer also %begin-end-date% and %begin-end-time% resulting in e.g.
%begin-end-date% = 1 Apr (one day event)
%begin-end-date% = 31 Mar – 1 Apr (two day event different months)
%begin-end-date% = 1 – 2 Apr (two day event in same month)
Date format must be taken in to account for the latter situation. Something similar should be build for %begin-end-time%, e.g.
%begin-end-date% = 1 Apr 12:00 – 13:00 (start and end time on same day)
%begin-end-date% = 31 Mar 12:00 – 1 Apr 13:00 (start and end time on different days)
Implementing this will prevent odd situations as a hyphen without end-date when end-date is identical (therefore empty) to begin-date. One cannot expect end-users to implement this logic in Custom Event Format, hence it has to be offered.
Any patches via this thread are welcome.
]]>Add a space after colon in line 706 of file ics-import.php
Replace this
else $options['custom_format'] = '<li style="color:#333333; "><strong>%date-time%:</strong>%event-title%</li>';
with this
else $options['custom_format'] = '<li style="color:#333333; "><strong>%date-time%:</strong> %event-title%</li>';
Also, make the colon configurable so people can use hyphen, n-dash, m-dash, colonm, non (only the space) or whatever they like.
]]>I have 3 calendars using the ICS Calendar widget on my site in development. I would like Calendar 1 and 2 to show up in the Sidebar Widget, and not Calendar 3. I see where to select Calendar 1, 2 OR 3, or select Combine all calendars. But I’d like to only select 2 of the 3.
Is this possible?
]]>For French-speaking users, here is a fr_FR translation I did for ICS Calendar Importer 1.6.8.
Kind regards
]]>I have created a plugin for a client that uploads a .ics file and overwrites the current .ics file that wordpress is reading.
i would like to know how to call the update ics calendar function from my plugin.
if anyone knows, let me know
]]>I have my wp-config.php file above the webroot for security. WordPress automatically adapts to this situation. However, ICS can’t find my wp-settings.php file. I added require_once(“../../../wp-settings.php) to the top of ajax_loader. . . to no avail. ??
The list of upcoming events shows up, but when I click on the Next link I get the Warning message.
Also, shouldn’t the upcoming event listing be a link so that I can click it and get more information??
Thanks for any help with either of these.
Larry Levenson
Sigma Web Technologies
]]>My start page stops loading when reading the widget area, showing the following message at the top:
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3237 Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3237
]]>I loved ICS Calendar until my entire site broke. I’m trying to reconstruct it, but get these scary messages when activating the calendar:
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/content/99/6576099/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3237
Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /home/content/99/6576099/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3237
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /home/content/99/6576099/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3321
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/99/6576099/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php:3237) in /home/content/99/6576099/html/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890
Any suggestions? Some code editing that I’m not comfortable with?
Also I can’t contact the developer because on his site his “CAPTCHA” code image doesn’t display for copying so I can’t send an email!
]]>Great plugin. I ran into a minor issue where the dollar sign was messing up the feed. It, and any characters right after it, would disappear.
E.g.: Instead of “$75 fee applies”, I’d see ” fee applies”.
I needed a quick fix – adding the following str_replace @ line 38 in import_ical.php seemed to do the trick.
$data = str_replace( "$", "$#36;", $data );
Thought I’d note this – hope it helps someone else.
Where do I edit the output of the sidebar widget date and time stamp?
I would like to add a single space between the last time stamp and the event title.
Now it looks like this:
06/07 08:00 –
Would like it to look as this:
06/07 08:00 – 09:00 Eventtitle
So when the line is too long it automaticaly makes a linebrake and leave the time on the same line as the rest of the time stamp instead of taking it to the line below as above.
Hope you get my point ??
Thanks for a great plugin,
Is there still no fix for daylight savings? I have my calendar listing all of the events of the school year. The event times are correct until November and then they are 1 hour off. Since I am showing the whole year of events, I really need a fix.
The only hack that I have seen seems to change all event times not just Daylight savings.
Anyone have a solution?