I’m trying to implement WLS support in another plugin, but there is an issue – WLS is loaded after my plugin.
So, for example to add a category I have to do this:
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( &$this, 'register_logging' ));
function register_logging()
wls_register( 'Posts Importer', 'Posts importer logs');
So now my category works but I can’t log anything because wls_log() is not defined when I call it in my plugin.
So how would I call wls_log() and ensure that it is actually loaded?
]]>Firstly – thanks for developing this plugin. I’ve used it with many plugins I’ve developed for clients and have found it very useful.
As I’m sure we’re all aware it’s recommended to develop for WordPress with WP_DEBUG set true. I would also expect that WLS is commonly used during development (that’s my primary use of it), and so the fact the WLS system logs page spits out warning ‘Notice’ messages is rather frustrating.
Here are the two issues…
1. Notice: Undefined variable: show_new_info in ######\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-logging-service\includes\admin-overview.php on line 150
Line 150 is:
if( $show_new_info ) {
and I can’t find any other reference to $show_new_info anywhere in the wordpress-logging-service plugin code.
2. Notice: Use of undefined constant WLS_TXS – assumed ‘WLS_TXS’ in C:\src\dustymoon.git\public_html\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-logging-service\includes\admin-overview.php on line 101
Line 101 is:
<h3><?php _e( "New log entries from all categories", WLS_TXS ); ?></h3>
I presume that WLS_TXS is supposed to be WLS_TXD ?
I’d really appreciate the next version not spitting out warnings when developing – hope this helps with that.
Once again – thanks for sharing this plugin with the community.
Dave Amphlett
Davelopware Ltd
]]>When I deactivate and delete the WordPress Logging Service plugin, the database tables it creates don’t get deleted. I found when I re-installed the plugin, my old log data was preserved.
I didn’t see a setting to control whether or not the logged data is preserved or deleted when the plugin is removed but I imagine if one were to remove this plugin, they would want the database cleaned up as well as the plugin files removed.
]]>I’m running WordPress Logging Service in WordPress 3.6 and for the most part, it works fine. The main issue I have is when I try to delete log messages in bulk. Here is what I do and the results:
1) Login to WordPress
2) Go to “Dashboard/System Logs”
3) I see the log entries shown
4) I click “Bulk actions” and choose “Delete”
5) I select all of the log entries
6) I click “Apply”
7) I’m taken back to the Dashboard “Home” page
At this point, if I click “Dashboard/System Logs” again, the log entries I thought I deleted are no longer shown.
I did some research and found a solution which seems to work for me. In the “Custom List Table” example plugin, I found the HTML form used and it contained a relevant HTML comment:
<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
<form id="movies-filter" method="get">
<strong> <!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page'] ?>" /></strong>
<!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
<?php $testListTable->display() ?>
The hidden INPUT field with name “page” is what I added to admin-overview.php and now when I perform the steps above, the log entries are deleted in step #6 and I remain on the “WordPress Logging Service” page, as expected.
I have screen shots I can send via e-mail, if necessary.
]]>Two notices in the Dashboard->System Logs page:
Notice: Undefined variable: show_new_info in /var/www/vhosts/.../wp-content/plugins/wordpress-logging-service/includes/admin-overview.php on line 150
Notice: Use of undefined constant WLS_TXS - assumed 'WLS_TXS' in /var/www/vhosts/.../wp-content/plugins/wordpress-logging-service/includes/admin-overview.php on line 101 New log entries from all categories
A quick grep of the code shows me that neither are defined anywhere, except that maybe $show_new_info was possibly originally extracted from wls_get_settings() in wls_show_severity_filter()?
]]>I’m probably being really thick today, but where do I view the logs?
I can change the settings for this plugin, and write a log entry using wls_simple_log(), but I cannot find any screen or file to show the logged details.
Where should I be looking for this?
]]>Under Dashboard / System Logs, if I select an item (or items), then on the dropdown menu choose Delete, then the Apply button, the item doesn’t delete.
]]>Used ftp to delete the plugin folder.
Everything works fine now.
I’m getting a fatal error.
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_List_Table’ not found in \wp-content\plugins\wordpress-logging-service\includes\admin-overview-table.php on line 6
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for a great plugin ??
I am using the plugin in a web application, where a sales force are sending in images from mobile phones to a gmail account which is monitored by Postie. So all mms’es and emails sent to the mail address are inserted as posts into the web application.
There is a problem, however, as a lot of the messages received contain images that are not parsed by Postie. I can see the images in the gmail account, but when they reach the web app, they are gone.
There is a clue: In Gmail, some mails do not show the attachment clip next to the mail in the mail list. However, when the mail is viewed, the attachment is there. Other mails do show the attachment icon, and their attachments are also shown in WordPress.
I have looked at some google forums, and it seems that if the mail is sent by a mail agent that attaches images with content-disposition: inline, then Gmail does not show the attachment icon.
So this leads me to believe that if a mail has “content-disposition:inline”, then Postie does not attach the image properly.
But Postie does (partially, anyway) identify the image, because when running Postie manually, it lists the email content parts, and lists one with content-type=image and secondary type=jpg.
I cannot provide the address for the web site, but I certainly can provide sample emails upon request.
Any help is appreciated! If anybody has met this problem before, please tell me what you did to solve it.
…Or can this be a feature request for Postie – to be able to handle these mail types?
Thanks in advance ??
Joachim B?ggild
]]>I may have my eyes not well open, but I couldn’t find the Usage information for this plugin…