I am using this plugin since a long time, and even if it seems not updated anymore, it still works for me in 4.5.3
I know there are other plugins that do similar things, however, none work as good as this one. For example, in other plugins I have to click on “Edit more details” on the attachements page to add tags. This plugin allows adding tags on the preview attachement in admin panel, it even sometimes pulls tags from EXIF data from photos. Plus, I don’t need to click save, tags are automatically saved.
Still, I have a couple of issues, the premier one being URL Rewrite not working. If I edit wordpress-media-tags.php and set 'rewrite' => true,
, searching for specific tags will not return any results. I don’t know how to solve this.
Furthermore, a “paged” query isn’t possible. It will return the first x number of results and then stop (e.g. 'posts_per_page' => 20,
in function media_tags_query($term, $size)
). I’d like to add paging functionality (my theme uses jquery), but couldn’t get it to work for a while now..
Also, custom tag feeds to not work, the rss feed is empty, e.g.
shows nothing other than:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
<title>tree – trees on white</title>
<atom:link href="https://www.treesonwhite.com/media_tag/tree/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<description>Alexander Dunkel Photography</description>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:10:06 +0000</lastBuildDate>
If anyone has a solution to either one of my problems, it would be greatly appreciated!
]]>If you edit a media file by clicking from the grid layout on the media page there is no tag cloud. The cloud only appears when editing from the list layout of the media.
(The WP editing screen differs when going from different layouts, which is odd, and a WP problem.)
I have applied a tag to 45 media files but the tag view shows only 1. Why is this not updating? Clicking the “1” brings up all 45 though.
I Have a suggestion to display in alt attribute for images the respective information from media, instead of filename.
$image = wp_get_attachment_image(”, $size, false, array(‘alt’ => trim(strip_tags( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘_wp_attachment_image_alt’, true) )) ));
instead of:
$image = wp_get_attachment_image(”, $size, false)
Thanks for the great plugin. This could have huge potential for my website, if I can link to the attachment page instead of directly to the image. I’ve seen the question on this forum a couple of times, but it remains unanswered. Wondering if anyone has figured it out.
I have figured out how to disable the lightbox gallery script with this code:
[mediatag name=”fine art” size=”thumbnail” number=-1 class=”thumb-link nolightbox”]
But the link goes direct to filename.jpg instead of the attachment page – no matter what I select in the “cleaner gallery” options (link to attachment page instead of image)
I wonder if there is some class that will send it to attachment page instead? Or is there another way?
]]>Is this plug-in supported/functional in 3.9+?
]]>While using Media Tags I faced a bunch of PHP errors like the following:
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method media_tags_init() should not be called statically.
Fixing it is easy, see:
I opted for making all methods in wp_media_tags_plugin
public static function media_tags_textdomain() {
Maybe that’s an option for you, too?
]]>Is it possible to link to the attachment page instead of the media file itself when clicking on the thumbnails displayed?
shortcode for viewing the tagged images works well
i did not understand how to display media tags in the wp tag cloud (i am using alterna template on wp 3.8) – i can display all media tags but their links show no results although on mouse over the number of tagged images is shown properly.
thanks for any hint or help
(test page is https://44224.w24.wedos.ws/karton/)
I’m trying to display the images as links so I can use them for a lightbox gallery. I have searched everywhere but cannot find a way to do this.
From what I’ve read, it seems that the plugin should be doing this automatically, right? Currently, the markup structure is:
<li><img src="my-image.jpg" /></li>
Hello, I just installed the plugin for a client’s site since they asked for the ability to organize their Media library. Very useful but I have found a couple of bugs.
I started to create tags and add them to the media files but noticed on the Media Tags admin area that the count of media for each media tag always remains at “0”. When I click on the “0” number, it then displays the correct list of media using that particular tag.
Possibly related, when editing a media file info to add a Media Tag, clicking “Choose from the most used tags” returns “No tags found” even though I have several Media Tags in use.
I think someone has suggested this already, but I would second the idea to have the capability of bulk adding of Media Tags. Using this plugin may be great for a small Media library, but with a medium to large size library, this becomes a very long and time-consuming process to tag what you need.
Thank you for your effort!
Best regards,
Is there a was of arranging the order of images displayed? Would be nice to be able to reverse the order, sort by date – ascending, descending etc…
]]>The plugin starts a WP_Query object, which might break any loop requests from other plugins after inserting images with Media Tags plugin. solution to this is: reset the Media Tags query right before the functions media_tags_query end or return part.
]]>Is there any chance of getting the output sorted alphabetically? Or at least get an array of the image urls?
I am using WP Media Tags, and I have to make it work with another plugin called Frontend Uploader. I have no idea how to do this…
Is there anybody here who could help me ?
]]>I have a left sidebar menu, in it are some pages. I want my tags to appear as sub-menus to one of the pages. Such that the page is “books” and has a gallery of books in it, and each book is categorized into “level 1”, “level 2”, etc. Clicking on “level 1” takes you to a list of all the level 1 books. How can I do this?
I want to display all related images for every single article. Is there a way to do so?
For example my article is about Assassin`s Creed, and it is also tagged “assassins creed”. Now I want to display all related images (which are also tagged as “assassins creed”) in the widget area. Can I do this with this plugin?
I hope you could understand, what I`m asking for because my english skills are not so good.
cheers Chris
]]>You’ve done an amazing job with this plugin Philipp. We’ve got a local community history project that we’re developing – and it’s no exaggeration to say we wouldn’t have been able to do the project without your fantastic work. Thank you.
The [mediatag name ..] call does a great job of automatically gathering photos.
Is there a way the same thing can be achieved with audio files? (Our is an Oral History project, so has loads of audio snippets as well as photos).
]]>@deepbevel: You could do sth. like this:
$term_list = wp_get_post_terms(19, 'media_tag', array("fields" => "all"));
As lot of other user’s requested, we also noticed that this amazing plugin was missing the ‘number’ attribute in the shortcode which was limiting it’s functionality. We have patched the code (I wish we had access to source code so that we could patch it as well) to make it working and here’s the solution for everyone else –
If you are using V1.4, just replace two functions with the following:
[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
// Get media_tags from database
function media_tags_query($term, $size, $number) {
$pattern = "/\d\,\s?\d/";
if (strrpos($term, ',') !== false) {
$term = explode(',', $term);
if ( preg_match($pattern, $size) ) {
$size = array($size);
if ( preg_match($pattern, $number) ) {
$number = array($number);
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'posts_per_page' => $number,
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'media_tag',
'terms' => $term,
'field' => 'slug',
$loop = new WP_Query($args);
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
$image = wp_get_attachment_image('', $size, false);
$url = wp_get_attachment_url();
$output .= '<a rel="lightbox[roadtrip]" title="'.get_the_title().'" href="'.$url.'">'.$image.'</a>'."\n";
return $output;
// Function for shortcode
function media_tags_shortcode($atts) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'name' => '',
'size' => 'thumbnail',
'number' => '-1',
), $atts ) );
return self::media_tags_query($name, $size, $number);
For other versions, just use the above as reference and manually apply the patch.
Thanks for the great plugin.
Is it possible to open the images in a lightbox or carousel so that they can be navigated? Currently its opens just the image that is clicked, which is not that good for visitors if there are lot of images. There should be a way for user to click the first image and then navigate all the images.
Please help.
]]>I have created a custom menu in which to list the media tags.
I have created a tag but when I click on the menu item I get a “no results” page. Now I am wondering whether this plugin will work for me as I see that it is necessary to use shortcodes and I don’t see where I would place a shortcode for the menu item to work.
Also I saw a reference to a limit of 10 items on another forum post so am wondering whether there a limit on the number of items that will be returned as the site I am working on will have hundreds of tagged images.
]]>Hey, I want to use this plugin to apply tags to my images, but I want to use the same tags that exist on my posts, that way I don’t have to ‘re-create’ them all, and have matching tags across posts and images.
Is there a simple way to customize the script to use the same tags as post tags?
Is it as simple as replacing all the ‘media_tag’ strings with a different string in ‘wordpress-media-tags.php’?
Just to clarify: I do not mean an image and a post would have the EXACT same tags. I just want the image and post tags to be stored in the same table or under the same meta-name, if that makes sense.
]]>Hi, thanks for your plugin. In addition to the unresolved questions other posters had (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-wordpress-media-tags-how-can-i-display-the-tags-on-a-image-inserted-in-the-content?replies=5), I have some more questions or maybe suggestions:
– Can the plugin/shortcode limit the number of images displayed? So, the shortcode can have arguments like: number=5, number =all etc?
– If the above is possible, can it be randomized? I.e “selection=random” etc?
– Is there any integration with a slideshow or gallery plugin? So the result would be s slideshow/gallery of the chosen number and tagged images?
Many thanks!
]]>Hi the media tag is perfect as it is very well integrated within the theme. Though and I use search plugin to search by tag, they don’t look for the media tags but only into the posts tags. Is there a way to correct this? thanks
]]>How might I link to the attachment page instead of the attachment itself?
For example: Currently clicking on a thumbnail generated by the shortcode directs me to the image file itself. I’d like it to direct me to: https://mydomain.com/?attachment_id=7
Sorry, but I’m new to plugins. Thanks,
]]>Hi there,
Thank you for the great plugin. This is exactly what I’m looking for.
I’m currently working on a personal site, where I am in need to print all the tags of the images being displayed. Can you show me how to go about doing that?
Thank you!
Good plugin, very useful because i have a lot of pictures.
When i use shortcode in a page or a post for show all pictures with a tag, it returns only 10 items.
When i click on the tag in library, i have all pictures with the tag.
Is it a known problem?
Than you
I needed the functionality to grab ALL media (not just pictures) and return an array of absolute urls that I could manipulate. I added another function in the class ( inserted below on line 105) based on media_tags_query.
Returns an array of urls like
Array (
[0] => https://absoulteurl/item1,
[1] => https://absoulteurl/item2,
[2] => https://absoulteurl/item3
$query = wp_media_tags_plugin::all_urls_from_tags_query('flowers');
function all_urls_from_tags_query($term, $size='thumbnail') {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
/* 'post_mime_type' => 'image', */
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'media_tag',
'terms' => $term,
'field' => 'slug',
$loop = new WP_Query($args);
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
$image = wp_get_attachment_image('', $size, false);
$url = wp_get_attachment_url();
$output[] = $url;
//if ($output) return join($output);
if ($output) return $output;
// Reset Post Data