I run WordPress v6.5.5 as a MultiSite. I use PHP 8.2.20.
I have the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages plug-in installed and it has served me well over the years.
However, since upgrading PHP, I encounter an error with this plug-in enabled. For instance, when I want to write a new blogpost on one of the member sites, I get the following error:
PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null in F:\DirTeam.com\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags\sitewide-tags.php on line 421
When the plug-in is removed, this error does not occur, but I lose the functionality of the plug-in.
Line 421 and beyond read like this:
$global_post = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE guid IN (%s,%s)", $post->guid, esc_url( $post->guid ) ) );
if( $post->post_status != 'publish' && is_object( $global_post ) ) {
wp_delete_post( $global_post->ID );
} else {
if( $global_post->ID != '' ) {
$post->ID = $global_post->ID; // editing an old post
foreach( array_keys( $global_meta ) as $key )
delete_post_meta( $global_post->ID, $key );
} else {
unset( $post->ID ); // new post
if( $post->post_status == 'publish' ) {
$post->ping_status = 'closed';
$post->comment_status = 'closed';
/* Use the category ID in the post */
$post->post_category = $category_id;
$p = wp_insert_post( $post );
foreach( $global_meta as $key => $value )
if( $value )
add_post_meta( $p, $key, $value );
How do I overcome this error?
]]>Hi Ron or Donncha: It’s been a wonderful plugin. But I’d like to retire it. Problem with deactivating the plugin is that it deactivates the existing permalinks on the duplicate/tags posts that redirect to the original post. Is there a way (or hack) to deactivate the plugin without doing that? Basically, I’d just like to retire its function going forward, not backward.
]]>The URL above redirects to blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/global which is the global tags site.
If you look at this category page on the global site https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/global/category/natural-resources/invasive-species/ the latest post is from a year ago. But the same category on network sites, such as https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/marionco/category/natural-resources/invasive-species/ do have more recent posts.
I compared the setup of the natural-resources/invasive-species category on the two sites mentioned above. Both have the title and slug spelled the same.
Do you have any idea why posts for this category are not being indexed to global but posts for all other categories are being indexed correctly?
]]>Hi Ron or Donncha: It’s been a wonderful plugin that has served me well over the years. But I’d like to wean myself from it now because of a change in the way my site operates. However, I don’t want to change the way past posts work. Problem with deactivating the plugin is that it deactivates the permalinks on the duplicate/tags posts that redirect to the original post. Is there a way (or hack) to deactivate the plugin without doing that? Alternatively, is there a fork of the plugin, or a hack, that will allow post tag duplication to be optional per post?
I’ve followed your instructions, but there is no tags blog in my multisite. Nothing was created. Tag redirection to main blog doesn’t work either. There is no relevant error in error log. I have WP 4.9.4, default theme twentyseventeen and just a few plugins. Plugin deactivation doesn’t work. How should I debug this problem?
]]>I’ve been using the MU Sitewide Tags plugin for years to aggregate content on the main page from my subdomains. I selected the option to post on the main blog. I have a Genesis/Studiopress theme. I also set the main page to be hidden from search engines since it didn’t generate original content. However, nos some of my content originates on the main blog therefore hiding it from search engine bots is not good. On the other hand, having duplicate content visible to the search engine bots is also a problem.
So basically, my question is:
If switch settings to use a tags blog, how can I display (or can I) display those posts on my main blog?
]]>Trying to adjust themes I come to realize that I’d need to dig in too deep into the themes to make the post meta key “thumbnail_html” to work… IT would only cause more problems down the road, when I change a theme, or when it would be updated… hence I wondered if the easier solution would be to enable the transfer of the featured post data to the main blog…
Or if I should step away from this plugin and use a different one.
Does anyone have a working solution to add the thumbnails from source blogs on the main blog?
Or have an alternative plugin that can do this?
Thanks in advance
]]>Please I’m using Ipin theme with WordPress 4.7.3 multisite, so the problem is the post are posted on subsite showing images, but on main blog the post dont have images. Please help me to, because I have 3 days searching solution.. my website is jounalib.com
]]>On a large Multisite network, I’ve had a number of users complain that Jetpack Subscriptions emails point to the incorrect URL for the source post. After a bit of guesswork, I figured out that wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags is involved. Something like this is happening:
– During its sync routine (run as wp-cron), Jetpack grabs the permalink of a post and sends to wordpress.com https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/348e72d6c854b010359b9951d8d548f03802e514/sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-posts.php#L197
– Somehow, wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags (network activated) is filtering the permalink, so that the original permalink (https://subdomain.example.com/my-post) is being mangled into https://subdomain.example.com?p=12345, where ‘subdomain’ is the proper source blog, but 12345 is the post ID from the *tags* blog. I assume it’s coming from https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags/tags/0.4.2/sitewide-tags.php#L571, but I don’t understand how.
I don’t have a clear idea of what’s happening, but for the time being, I’m going to drop if ( DOING_CRON ) { return $link; }
into sitewide_tags_post_link()
. I’m hopeful that even if this doesn’t solve the underlying bug, it should prevent Sitewide Tags from interfering. Not sure if it’s worth adding this to the mainline plugin.
Hi, I’ve been using this plugin for a number of years. I was also using the old genesis news child theme, and the genesis featured posts widget to display posts from the tags blog that were originally posted at a subdomain. At the subdomain, I designated a featured image. But this doesn’t seem to carry through to the tags blog. In any case, under the old news theme, the widget still displayed thumbnail images. Now I’m trying to upgrade to News Pro 3.02 child theme, but they thumbnail images no longer display in the featured posts widget. How can I get this working again? I noticed you have have widget in the repository for pairing with this plugin. Can that be used to replace the featured posts widget and display thumbnails?
I have set so that I have three custom meta keys in settings to be copied to main blog like this:
But for some reason it duplicatestt these always when post is updated. Why is this? When blog is update, on main site it looks like this:
_my_big_image_url = http:… (url of image)
_my_big_image_url = (empty)
_my_postviews = 3831
_my_postviews = (empty again)
_my_likes = 84
_my_likes = (empty)
In functions.php (child blog) I do this:
function my_update_blog_meta( $post_id ) {
// Get number of comments on the post
$big_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ), 'big-image' );
$likes = 3;
$views = 6;
// Create meta field 'comments_count' and insert the number of Approved comments into it
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_my_big_image_url', $big_image[0] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_my_likes', $likes );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_my_postviews', $views );
add_action( 'save_post', 'my_update_blog_meta' );
So you can see that when I try to show any data from those fields, it shows empty on main blog. Is this bug?
]]>I’m able to get this plugin to work for posts but not pages. When I add a new page it doesn’t show up in the tags blog.
When I try to populate the blog under settings, I get a 500 server error. Any ideas?
]]>Most network blog posts are making it to the tags blog fine. Some posts link to the actual post on the tag blog, not the source blog. The posts that do get messed up, seems that every post from that blog is having the same problem.
]]>hello ,
is there any way to get post featured image on main blog sidebar widgets.
i want my all subdomain post’s show on main domain (home page).i try this with MU Sitewide Tags Pages now.My wordpress version 4.4.2.
i simply install and activate MU Sitewide Tags Pages plugin.
]]>I have a question about WordPress MU Sitewide Tags. Does it create duplicate entries in the database? Example: I have three sites in a network. If I write a post on site three and want it to show up on site one, does it create two entries in the database?
]]>Hi there!
Is there a way to filter the posts in the aggregated view by tags used in the posts? What I mean is, that I want to see only such posts from my network blogs that are tagged with “foo” …
I tried …/tags/foo, but that gave me a 404.
Any help is appreciated!
]]>When looking up my website on a smart phone you get redirected to appsbar.com. How can my site be redirected without my permission and how do I stop it.
]]>I’ve been trying to set the thumbnail sizes for “Featured Post” and “Recent Post” with WordPress Multi-site and Site Wide Tags, but can only get add_filter( 'sitewide_tags_thumb_size');
to crop one thumbnail and not more than one.
Here is the code I’ve been messing around with:
// Set Thumbnail Size
add_image_size( '70px_70px', 70,70, true );
add_image_size( '550px_225px', 550,225, true );
function swt_550px_225px( $size ) {
return '550px_225px';
add_filter( 'sitewide_tags_thumb_size', 'swt_550px_225px', 11);
function swt_70px_70px( $size ) {
return '70px_70px';
add_filter( 'sitewide_tags_thumb_size', 'swt_70px_70px', 12);
Strangely, earlier today I was able to get both sizes to work by putting the filters inside the featured-post.php and recent-post.php include files, but later it stopped working and hasn’t worked since.
I have tried many variations of this code, but it always uses the highest priority.
Please help. I have been slamming my head against the wall for 2 days trying to get this relative simple feature to work.
I tried the plug-in to create a big cloud of tags of all tags of the platform. I think I used it bad and I populated 3 sites with all the tags of the sites. It breaks WPML and I don’t have any more a tag or a category attached to my articles ??
I just check my database, and I can still see all the tags/categories. When you visit the admin page or the website (for exemple this one https://new.danstoncloud.com/william/fr/), you can see there are 807 unclassified tags but you can’t see it or access to it.
I don’t have a backup of my platform just before I tried this plugin. I’m totally lost and I don’t know how to fix this ! ??
Any idea ?
]]>How to open posts on main site which were pulled from blogs (by sitewide tags plugin) in new window? (original it goes to the blog when click on the post on the main site)
is there any way to display the featured image at the Main Blog?
I dont mean pull it to the Main Blog, i mean only show it at the Main Blog.
I have seen the following tutorial, but this not working.
Also i have checked the “Include Post Thumbnails” checkbox at the SWT settings.
I’m using the twentyfifteen Template. Here is an other function to integrate the featured image.
<?php twentyfifteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
Thank you and best regards
]]>When i click “Poplate blog” i get a blank page with the message “Access Denied”.
]]>i try to change blogname from tags to tagnew, but when i click update setting,the field blogname still tags. When i check to sites menu, there are no site tagnew. I also try to populate to main blog, but no change on my main blog.
please advise
]]>Hello and good day.
I have a question that I hope anyone here can shed some light into. So let’s say I created a new post with a tag [Piza]. After publishing and checking it out, the post is now available in the blog and in the Sitewide Tag blog.
Then I noticed that the tag was wrongly spelled. So I’ll go to that post again and rename it to [Pizza].
I tried this as a test, but renaming the tag doesn’t seem to update in the Sitewide blog tags. Does this mean if I update a tag from a blog, I’ll also need to do the same changes in the Sitewide blog?
Thanks and good day~
]]>Hello and good day.
I want to ask if there’s a way for us to get the post’s proper post ID. We can see the post’s ID on the permalinks, but I do not want to use php codes where I’ll have to get the ID from the permalink…
So yeah, is there a way for us to properly get a post’s ID from the Sitewide Tag blog?
Thanks and good day~
]]>hi guys! my sitewide tags plugin stopped to aggregate one specific blog on my network. all others work, but just this one. it used to – a couple of posts are on the mainblog – but it somehow just stopped. tried deactivating all plugins, but that didn’t populate the new postings either. anyone experiencing this issue as well?
]]>Hello and good day.
Is there a way to get the proper categories (and if possible, the parent category) of a post in the Global Tag subsite?
]]>Hi Ron or whoever answers – former mu forum subscriber here. This wonderful plugin has been a mainstay of my multi-site multi-author blog. I use it display all posts published on subdomains on the main site. Recently, I accidentally deactivated one of my subdomain sites. Not sure how that happened but no problem, I reactivated it. However, I have since discovered that all the posts, i.e., hundreds of posts on that subdomain have disappeared from the mainsite (tags page?). Is there a batch method for making them show up on the main page again? I tried a batch edit with no changes but not a 414 too large error message
I get the following error when I populate sites.
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags/sitewide-tags.php on line 195