Have a business directory that is setup on a multisite installation where have created 1 site for each city. And currently using WPMU global site search and post indexer to show results.
I would like to show proximity based results to the users search where the most relevant results closer to the user will be shown first and then results further away should be showed including results from across the network. Please let me know if this is a possibility.
I would like to purchase an add-on, but your site won’t allow me to register. It gives me an error message that says “invalid username” as if it thinks I’m already a user. But I’m not a user yet. I see no place on your site to contact you without being a registered user, so I am reaching out to you here hoping you check this support forum regularly.
It looks like a great plugin that will meet my needs.
I’ve installed GeomyWP on my Buddypress site.
And just found out that search process is not working well.
My testsite contains a dozen members, but when doing a search query it’s only searching within my profile, not others.
Can you fix this bug or are there problems with settings? If so what and where?
]]>In the wp-admin, when I go to the page that my locator is on, the locator block doesnt appear on the bottom below my comments. Also on the top of the page, there is this error that appears:
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home2/atlantic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-places-locator/wp-places-locator.php on line 88
My site is at (without the spaces):
https://198.57.247. 228/ ~atlantic/ caesars- atlantic-city/
I don’t know how to fix this. Please help.
]]>The zip file can not be installed
]]>Is there a way to insert/replace an image over the “Submit” button?
]]>Hey there,
Great plugin potential, How can i change it to search for people instead of real estate listings, events? Im using buddypress and i wanted to add some fields that connect to the plugin database when they are registering.
Is there a way to centre the results map and the heading above it (showing 3 of 3 results…) ?
I have looked through the code but cant work out what I need to edit.