Is there a way to prevent WPP from registering multiple posts views from the same user within 24 hours? Only counting one view on a post (per 24 hours/IP)? Currently users can refresh the page continually and send their post to the top of the leaderboard. The Data Caching temporary helps “trick” users into thinking their refreshes are not counting towards a higher ranking, but the views are still being counted and reflect once that caching period expires. Users frequently visit their own posts so we wouldn’t want to count duplicate views or those trying to manipulate.
Thanks for your time.
]]>The page I use for the Popular Posts plugin scrolls painfully slow. It only recently started doing this for no reason.
What’s going on?
]]>Any ideas, thanks!!
]]>I don’t see how to use existing predefined thumbnails generated from the media library like you used to be able to with the old widget. The old widget had a nice dropdown list where I could choose which size to use.
]]>i am using post_html, but in the Frontend, the output is coming in a Json form. My custom HTML also contains SVG and many other elements that showing unstructured HTML design. Is this possible to get the post id or URL of top 4 trending posts within last 30 days by views?
my footer.php HTML structure is:
<!-- Maximum 4 posts in Trending post widget, note that only first post contains Image, other 3 doesn't contain image -->
<div class='widget PopularPosts' data-version='2' id='PopularPosts00'>
<h2 class='title dt noTOC'>Trending</h2>
<div class='itemPp' role='feed'>
<article class='itm mostP'>
<div class='iThmb pThmb'>
<a class='thmb' href="get the url">
<img alt='Post title as Image alt' class='imgThm lazy' src='get the large size image URL' />
<div class='iFxd'>
<a aria-label='Comments' class='cmnt' data-text='get the comments number' role='button'>
<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(2.000000, 2.000000)'><path d='M17.0710351,17.0698449 C14.0159481,20.1263505 9.48959549,20.7867004 5.78630747,19.074012 C5.23960769,18.8538953 1.70113357,19.8338667 0.933341969,19.0669763 C0.165550368,18.2990808 1.14639409,14.7601278 0.926307229,14.213354 C-0.787154393,10.5105699 -0.125888852,5.98259958 2.93020311,2.9270991 C6.83146881,-0.9756997 13.1697694,-0.9756997 17.0710351,2.9270991 C20.9803405,6.8359285 20.9723008,13.1680512 17.0710351,17.0698449 Z'></path></g></svg>
<div class='iInf pSml'>
<time class='aTtmp iTtmp pbl' data-text='Jun 11' datetime='2021-06-11T13:20:00+05:30' title='Published or Updated if modified: June 11, 2021'></time>
<div class='pLbls' data-text='in'>
<!-- Show the main category -->
<a aria-label='GFX' data-text='GFX' rel='category'>
<!-- Show the first tag if available -->
<a aria-label='Review' data-text='Review' rel='tag'>
<div class='iCtnt'>
<div class='iInr'>
<h3 class='iTtl aTtl'><a >15 Best Free Transitions for Alight Motion | Free Download Preset Pack</a></h3>
<div class='pSnpt'>
Love Alight Motion Transitions? here we have 15 Professional Transition…
<article class='itm'>
<div class='iInf pSml'>
<time class='aTtmp iTtmp pbl' data-text='Mar 1' datetime='2022-03-01T19:07:00+05:30' title='Published: March 1, 2022'></time>
<div class='pLbls' data-text='in'>
<a aria-label='Blogger' data-text='Blogger' rel='category'>
<a aria-label='Widget' data-text='Widget' rel='tag'>
<div class='iCtnt'>
<div class='iInr'>
<h3 class='iTtl aTtl'><a >How to Add Bookmark Widget on Blogger</a></h3>
<article class='itm'>
<div class='iInf pSml'>
<time class='aTtmp iTtmp pbl' data-text='Feb 28' datetime='2021-02-28T12:31:00+05:30' title='Published: February 28, 2021'></time>
<div class='pLbls' data-text='in'>
<a aria-label='GFX' data-text='GFX' rel='category'>
<a aria-label='Review' data-text='Review' rel='tag'>
<div class='iCtnt'>
<div class='iInr'>
<h3 class='iTtl aTtl'><a >YouTube Channel Art Banner | Pixellab Free PLP Template</a></h3>
<article class='itm'>
<div class='iInf pSml'>
<time class='aTtmp iTtmp pbl' data-text='Oct 5' datetime='2022-10-05T06:59:00+05:30' title='Published: October 5, 2022'></time>
<div class='pLbls' data-text='in'>
<a aria-label='Blogger' data-text='Blogger' rel='category'>
<a aria-label='Tutorial' data-text='Tutorial' rel='tag'>
<div class='iCtnt'>
<div class='iInr'>
<h3 class='iTtl aTtl'><a >How to Create Auto Safelink Post in Plus UI | Safelink Script for Plus UI</a></h3>
Currently, the plugin count every page load. Suppose a user visit and refresh 5 times, then it count 6 visits. Can we set
localStorage.getItem('wpb_post_viewed_' + postID))....
// Mark the post as viewed in localStorage localStorage.setItem('wpb_post_viewed_' + postID, 'true');
to only send view count request if local storage for the post is not found. This way, repeated reload from the same user will not count.
]]>Hello @hector
On one of my articles
I have this response in error in the console
the impact is that it disconnects the subscriber and he can no longer see the article reserved for Premium
By deactivating the plugin it works
Do you have any idea where the problem comes from
]]>Hello, was wondering if there is a hook or something available to expose all post data to GraphQL?
]]>I hope you’re doing well! First, I want to thank you for your fantastic work on the WordPress Popular Posts plugin. It’s been incredibly helpful for our site, and we’ve seen great engagement thanks to its ease of use and functionality.
I wanted to reach out with a suggestion that I think could make the plugin even more powerful for users like myself. Currently, the plugin tracks and displays popular posts beautifully, but I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature to generate an RSS feed specifically for the most popular posts over a set period (such as weekly, monthly, etc.).
I believe this feature would be incredibly valuable, as many site owners (including myself) would love to have an RSS feed that can automatically reflect the trending content on their sites. It could be a great way to share popular posts in an easily digestible format for readers, or even use it in other applications, automating content distribution.
I understand that this might involve some development work, but I truly think it would add a lot of value to the plugin and make it even more versatile for a broader audience. I would be more than happy to support the idea in any way I can, and I’m confident it would be well-received by many users.
Thank you again for considering this request, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
]]>Hi Hector,
WordPress Popular Posts plugin Version 7.0.1, then 7.1.0
WordPress version: 6.5.5
PHP version: 7.4.33
I had a problem when trying to delete (bin) a post or page – it caused the dashboard to be replaced by a blank screen showing:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 402653184 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 7181
When I disabled the WPP plugin, I could bin a post as normal.
I saw another support topic mention to reset the cache by changing the setting Data Caching to Disabled on the WPP Settings | Tools page. I tried this, but when I clicked Apply, I got a similar Fatal error: memory exhausted error displayed in the dashboard, and the Data Caching setting was still set to “Enable Caching” when the dashboard was refreshed. I updated the plugin from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0, but the problem was still there.
I then added:
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’ );
to wp-config.php to increase the memory limit in PHP (which was 384M), but this was not enough. Eventually I tried: define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1G’ ); and then it worked normally and the Data Caching setting was disabled. I then set it back to “Enable Caching” again. I could now also delete a post successfully without the PHP error occuring.
I noticed that before I turned off Data Caching, the table wp_popularpoststransients in the database was quite large (there were 100k+ records created over the 3 months from when WPP was first installed). The tkey_date of the first record was dated from when the plugin was first enabled. After disabling and re-enabling Data Caching, the table had been cleared.
Although I’ve managed to fix my initial problem by increasing the PHP memory limit to a large size, I’m wondering if the large number of records in the wp_popularpoststransients table was causing a WP internal query to run out of memory? Is this table ever automatically pruned? If I leave the config as it is, will the number of records build up again in a few months and cause even a 1G memory limit to run out and the same problem will return? Or should I leave the Data Caching disabled (it was enabled by default when the plugin was installed)?
Plugin Configuration
Performance Nag: Dismissed
Log Limit: No
Log Views From: Everyone
Data Caching: Yes, 1 minute
Data Sampling: No
External object cache: No
Hi, it used to work fine then I don’t know why it only tracks visit for me when logged in
my config
Plugin Configuration
Performance Nag:?Inactive
Log Limit:?No
Log Views From:?Everyone
Data Caching:?No
Data Sampling:?No
External object cache:?No
No encontré ningún tutorial, por eso pregunto como eliminar todo rastro del plugin.
]]>[wpp range=’last7days’ limit=10 stats_views=1 order_by=’views’ stats_taxonomy=1 title_length=35]
I want to remove the fixed text when using parameter, but it doesn’t have class to use css, can you support me?
I can find in the file and delete directly, but worry about the issue of updating later
Google’s Page Insights is reporting wp.min.js is render blocking for 450?ms.
I have AutoOpimize running and trying to improve performance. We need to exclude WPP, yet this is blocking the page for half a second. Yikes.
Is there a way to defer it, or somehow cause it not to be blocking?
function truyen_hot_shortcode($atts) {
// L?y tham s? num t? shortcode, m?c ??nh là 5
$atts = shortcode_atts(array(
'num' => 5,
), $atts, 'truyen_hot');
// B?t ??u xay d?ng output HTML
if (function_exists('wpp_get_mostpopular')) {
// G?i wpp_get_mostpopular() và s? d?ng post_html ?? ??nh d?ng HTML cho t?ng bài vi?t
'limit' => intval($atts['num']),
'range' => 'all',
'order_by' => 'views',
'post_type' => 'post',
'stats_views' => 1,
'thumbnail_width' => 158,
'thumbnail_height' => 258,
'wpp_start' => '<div uk-slider="autoplay: 1; autoplayInterval: 3000;" class="uk-margin uk-text-center uk-slider uk-slider-container" role="region" aria-roledescription="carousel"><div class="uk-position-relative"><ul class="uk-slider-items uk-grid uk-grid-small uk-grid-match" aria-live="off" role="presentation">',
'wpp_end' => '</ul></div></div>',
'post_html' => '
<li class="uk-active" aria-hidden="false">
<div class="el-item uk-grid-item-match">
<a class="uk-cover-container uk-transition-toggle uk-display-block uk-link-toggle" href="{url}">
<img src="{thumb_url}" width="158" height="258" class="el-image uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque uk-object-cover" uk-cover="">
<div class="uk-position-bottom-center uk-overlay-primary">
<div class="uk-overlay uk-padding-remove uk-margin-remove-first-child">
<h3 class="el-title uk-h5 uk-margin-top uk-margin-remove-bottom">{text_title}</h3>
<div class="el-meta uk-text-emphasis">
' . do_shortcode('[count_chap post_id="{pid}"]') . ', {views} l??t xem
'default_thumbnail' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/Chua-co-anh-bia.png', // ?nh m?c ??nh n?u kh?ng có thumbnail
} else {
echo "<!-- Plugin WordPress Popular Posts kh?ng ho?t ??ng -->";
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('truyen_hot', 'truyen_hot_shortcode');
i want to use ‘ . do_shortcode(‘[count_chap post_id=”{pid}”]’) . ‘ in post_html but it seems it doesn’t receive the {pid} as expected
For example, I have an article about a typhoon that was very popular but dates back to last month, and is still at the top of the widget.
I’d like to hide it because it’s useless now, the typhoon passed a long time ago and this article displayed at the top of the popular articles can only worry visitors.
]]>Just when I thought it was ready to go…
Testing pages to see if they’re getting tracked, I find this in the console.
POST 400 (Bad Request)
That seems to be triggered by this line I found in a cached JS file created by the Debloat plugin.
I find WordPressPopularPosts = function()
is in one of its cached files. Within that file is var ajax = function(method, url, params, callback, additional_headers)
. The last line of that function is:
xhr.send("POST" == method ? args : null)
That seems to be throwing the server error.
This all stops when I disable an optimization plugin, Debloat. For both Optimize and Delay of JS, I’ve added wpp-js
and wpp.min.js
in its Exclude Scripts options. So I would have thought that’s all that was needed.
I’m on SiteGround, and even added the sgo_javascript_combine_exclude_ids
filter. Is this still needed? I thought I saw that code in WPP’s defaults.
I confirmed the settings in Debloat, and flushed all caches. I thought it was working, but then after a few tries I get the same error.
I’ve read 401 Unauthorized on api calls and it may be related, but this is getting over my head.
There must be something I can do to keep Debloat from interfereing with WPP.
Performance Nag: Inactive
Log Limit: Yes, keep data for 180 days
Log Views From: Visitors only
Data Caching: Yes, 1 minute
Data Sampling: No
External object cache: No
System Info
PHP version: 8.2.24
PHP extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, enchant, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, json, iconv, SPL, intl, session, mbstring, standard, mysqlnd, pcntl, exif, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, random, readline, Reflection, imap, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, sysvmsg, sysvsem, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, memcached, Zend OPcache
AVIF support: Yes
WebP support: Yes
Database version: 8.0.36-28
InnoDB availability: DEFAULT
WordPress version: 6.6.2
Multisite: No
Active plugins: Ad Inserter 2.7.36, Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) 7.4.4, Advanced Editor Tools 5.9.2, Antispam Bee 2.11.6, Astra Pro 4.8.1, CM Tooltip Glossary Pro+ 4.3.7, Content Views 4.0, Content Views Pro 7.0, CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent 3.2.6, Custom Post Type Widgets 1.5.2, Debloat 1.2.8, Health Check & Troubleshooting 1.7.1, List Custom Taxonomy Widget 4.2, Redirection 5.5.0, Security Optimizer 1.5.5, Spectra 2.15.3, Speed Optimizer 7.6.6, Stackable - Gutenberg Blocks 3.13.6, SyntaxHighlighter Evolved 3.7.0, Table of Contents Plus 2408, TaxoPress Pro 3.25.1, WordPress Popular Posts 7.0.1, WordPress Popular Posts Sortable Columns 1.0.2, WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache 3.6.0, WPCode Lite 2.2.2, WP Crontrol 1.17.0, WPForms Lite, WP RSS Aggregator 4.23.12, WP RSS Aggregator - Feed to Post 3.16.3, WP RSS Aggregator - Full Text RSS Feeds 1.4.1, WP RSS Aggregator - Keyword Filtering 1.8, Yoast SEO 23.5
Theme: Astra Child (1.0.1) by Brainstorm Force
I’m migrating away from Top 10 to Popular Posts. I did the MyPHP migration and can confirm the WPP tables are there and their post id and page views values are correct.
When I go to the plugin’s Stats panel, it’s all blank except for the Hall of Fame panel, which is full and accurate. It’s displaying exactly what I can see in the popularpostsdata
I put the [wpp_views_count]
short code on a page and it works as expected. But, [wpp]
is only returning “Sorry. No data so far.” no matter what I’ve tried.
I’m hosted at SiteGround and have added the sgo_javascript_combine_exclude_ids
filter for wpp-js. I don’t use their optimizer, but instead use the Debloat plugin. This is per their recommendation, and in fact they configured it (for a fee). I also excluded wpp-js and wpp.min.js in minifying and deferring.
I trouble shooted further and disabled all plugins and activated the Twenty Twenty-Four theme. So, even with everything disabled, [wpp]
doesn’t return any data…nor does the Stats panel show anything (other than under Hall of Fame).
Note, popularpostsdata
table had inserted today’s date in each of the 4000+ rows, but then why isn’t the Stats panel showing anything?
Then I tried viewing several post manually testing if WPP was tracking views and updating the tables. I finally got a couple of posts to appear in the Most Viewed panel. So I don’t undersatnd something about the WPP logic in the Stats. It can show posts I just looked at, but not include the thousands of posts that have tens of thousands of views in their history (even with last_viewed
set to today).
Still, even when I got a couple posts to show in the Most Viewed panel, [wpp]
is still returning “Sorry. No data so far.”
One more thing, when I added the WPP Widget for the sidebar I do get the proper list of articles (according to my settings). If I add the [wpp]
short code to the widget bar, it returns “Sorry. No data so far.”
Then I tried adding the Widget to the page (to replace using the [wpp]
short code, and that worked! Huh?
Hello Hector,
I want to move off Top 10 and start using your plugin. I’ve moved the database tables over, and that’s working. I want to add the same sorting of the Views column I once had (which Top 10 has removed in a recent update).
I’ve read the How to: Add Sortable Views Column to Posts / Pages / CPTs Admin Screen.
When I added that code unmodified to WPCode as a snippet, the entire WordPress site crashed. That approach is a bit different from mine. So instead of going further with that code, I’m trying to make the changes in the code I already had working. I’m struggling to the point of just hacking.
I already have a code snippet I’m using to provide columns and sorting, and it had working with the Top 10’s views column. So I’m really just trying to replace the values in that column.
Sorry to bother you with a request to help with my code. My PHP skills are average at best. I don’t know what’s going wrong. I do think I’m close!
I have the column header and populating the column with the correct ‘pageviews’ value from Popular Posts. But, I’m not getting a correct sort.
My existing code for sorting columns:add_filter('request', 'my_column_sort');
function my_column_sort($vars) {
if (!is_admin()) { return; }
if (isset( $vars['orderby'] )) {
Then I test for the column being requested, and the code I thought would work:if ('pageviews' == $vars['orderby']) {
$vars = array_merge( $vars, array(
'meta_key' => 'pageviews',
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num'
But that causes the entire function to fail. If I comment out the meta_key
line stops crashing, but then it also doesn’t sort properly.
Then guessing/hacking some more, I tried added your item_list_query_join
function with LEFT JOIN
. That didn’t make any difference.
So I’m stuck. How do I make the pageviews
column sort with my add_filter('request', 'my_column_sort')
PS – I’ve not used name space at all for any functions (ever). I couldn’t tell you if/when I would ever need that.
Two errors I have logged, if you can look into it:
PHP Warning: ?Attempt to read property “childNodes” on null in \wp-content\plugins\wordpress-popular-posts\src\Output.php on line 181
PHP Warning: ?foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in \wp-content\plugins\wordpress-popular-posts\src\Output.php on line 181
]]>Bonjour, je souhaite ne pas afficher le nombre de vues sous chaque articles , que faut-il faire ?
Merci d’avance
I’ve been using WPP for a long time and it is my statistics plugin, together with google. It would be fantastic if, when we select the Today Stats view, it would show a graph (like the 30 days view) with views per hour.
Hope this can be done.
Best Regards
A Jorge
]]>I often use SVG-formatted images for my posts’ hero. They don’t seem to get converted to thumbnails right. E.g., transparent mapped to white. If I’m correct, the easiest fix would be to skip converting these to thumbnails and use them as is because they’re scalable.
]]>Hi again, Hector! Could you consider a feature to add post views count in WP admin section (where all posts are shown)? “Post Views Counter” plugin has this option. It can be shown here:
Just an eye icon with a number of each post’s views count. Would you consider it?
]]>Hello, I am Japanese.
Sorry my English is not good.
I have been helped by you before.
Thank you very much!
The font in “Popular Posts” is strange again on my web site.
See image below.
My Web Site:
I would like the font in “Popular Posts” (人気記事) to be the same font size and thickness as “New Articles” (新着記事).
What should I do?
Please help me.
If you do not understand my English, please let me know.
I will try my best to get my words across.
WordPress: 6.5.5
WordPress Popular Posts: 7.0.1
Theme: Luxeritas 3.25.0
Hi, just a general question! And I apologize if this info is somewhere and I just missed it, but we wanted to see how often people are clicking on stories in the popular post component to see if it actually is making an impact and keeping people engaged for longer on our site. Is there a way to see that data? I know we can view overall story views, but would love to know if we can parse how many of those are coming from our popular posts implementation!
Thank you!
]]>Hi Hector,
Any way to rollback to the previous version before the classic widget disappeared? Do you have a link to the files maybe?
Thank you,
]]>The client has updated the plugin on a site and looks like there was still an old widget in
It’s all done through code these days so we dont use widgets, but we can’t even get to the widget screen to remove it as it’s throwing a critical error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: preg_match(): Argument #2 ($subject) must be of type string, array given in /wp-includes/formatting.php:1608
Stack trace:
#0 /wp-includes/formatting.php(1608): preg_match('/[\\\\x80-\\\\xff]/', Array)
#1 /wp-includes/formatting.php(2223): remove_accents(Array)
#2 /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/src/Widget/form.php(173): sanitize_title(Array)
#3 /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/src/Widget/Widget.php(186): require('/nas/content/li...')
#4 /wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php(535): WordPressPopularPosts\\Widget\\Widget->form(Array)
#5 /wp-includes/widgets.php(2062): WP_Widget->form_callback(Array)
#6 /wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-widgets-controller.php(701): wp_render_widget_control('wpp-2')
#7 /wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-widgets-controller.php(154): WP_REST_Widgets_Controller->prepare_item_for_response(Array, Object(WP_REST_Request))
#8 /wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1230): WP_REST_Widgets_Controller->get_items(Object(WP_REST_Request))
#9 /wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1063): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request(Object(WP_REST_Request), '/wp/v2/widgets', Array, NULL)
#10 /wp-includes/rest-api.php(555): WP_REST_Server->dispatch(Object(WP_REST_Request))
#11 /wp-includes/rest-api.php(2922): rest_do_request(Object(WP_REST_Request))
#12 [internal function]: rest_preload_api_request(Array, '/wp/v2/widgets?...')
#13 /wp-includes/block-editor.php(750): array_reduce(Array, 'rest_preload_ap...', Array)
#14 /wp-admin/widgets-form-blocks.php(26): block_editor_rest_api_preload(Array, Object(WP_Block_Editor_Context))
#15 /wp-admin/widgets.php(32): require('/nas/content/li...')
#16 {main}
thrown in /wp-includes/formatting.php on line 1608
We can disable the plugin to get to the widgets screen but when we switch it back on it we get the error again as obviously we can’t delete it if the plugin is inactive
I just understand about the manipulation to stop using the widget (I had no time to search before) but can’t find the code for my widget setting.
I can see this on yellow box, without any code:
“Important notice for administrators: The WordPress Popular Posts “classic” widget is going away!
This widget has been deprecated and will be removed in version 7.0 to be released sometime around June 2024. Please use either the WordPress Popular Posts block or the wpp shortcode instead.”
Then, where can I find the code to add in WordPress html code widget?
The problem it’s perhaps because I use custom posts type.
]]>The WordPress Popular Posts widget has problems sometimes displaying images, when it tries to display the webp version instead of jpeg.
Usually it shows a jpeg image, but sometimes it chooses the webp image, and it can’t show it properly (see screenshot here). In the screenshot, all the other images are jpeg, and jpeg images are available for the one that is not showing, but for some reason, the plugin is trying to display the webp image instead, and can’t.
How can I force the plugin to only use jpeg images?