Is it possible to configure this addon to cache Characters?
It loads every character by opening the page. With over 20 Chars on that page it tooks very long. If i could cache that characters (may repull them from Blizzard API every 2-3 hours) it would load faster. I know that the last update for this Plugin was 1 year ago but maybe there is anyone who can show me how to implement that
]]>This plugin stopped working for the past 24 hours. I googled if it was blizzards doing and found they are closing some old api or something, Will this affect this plugin? How can we make it work with the new api?
]]>It looks like there may be an issue with a stale cache entry interfering with the functioning of the new version of the plugin. If you encounter the error
Fatal error: Call to a member function get_achievements_countable() on a non-object in /wp-content/plugins/wow-armory-character/class-wow-armory-character.php on line 73
You may need to run the following against your wordpress database:
DELETE from wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_wow%' OR option_name LIKE '_transient_timeout_wow%'
Please be sure you know what you’re doing with this.
I would like the WoW Armory Character widget displays member information connected and if it is a visitor, the widget disappears.
That makes two weeks that I seek the solution.
How? Thank you in advance.
Is this plugin dead? Some items are not being displayed including reforges/gems/Gearupgrades on gear.
I really like the add on and it works great! I was curious if there was an easy way to add iLvl information to the display?
]]>Hey Grokknar,
just wanted to say thanks a lot for this plugin. I am using it on our guild’s site at Your plugin saved me a lot of headache since I am a pretty noob in terms of the Blizz API.
Just let me know, if I can do anything for you in Azeroth or the real world!
So I guess my theme is styling the mouseover tooltips for items and achievements, as I am getting the near-white background of my content area behind white text on the tooltips. I am searching but can’t find where to edit this. Could you give any advice please? Should I try to adjust within WoW Armory Character stylesheets or on my theme stylesheets? Cheers
]]>I get this error anytime I use the short cord in a post with any character I’ve tried to use – other than yours. Any help would be much appreciated, would love to use this plugin.
]]>Its been working fine since i installed it but for some reason today its seemed to deicded to have a spazzy day and do this
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to WoW_Armory_Character_View::__construct() must be an instance of WoW_Armory_Character, instance of WP_Error given, called in /home/masterre/public_html/ on line 132 and defined in /home/masterre/public_html/ on line 44
first, your plugin is awesome ??
I am currently planning a guild homepage. I use WordPress 3.2.1 with BuddyPress 1.5. Every user registered has a profile page. On this profile page in the sidebar should be your addon. I want that the user can configure a Server and a Mainchar in there profile. This can be done with Buddypress/profile fields. This profile fields can be fetched with the function:
$mainchar = xprofile_get_field_data("Main Char");
whereas the “Main Char”, is the field name. This way is used by another plugin:
I tried that the &instance[name] is not set in the Widget-Configuration. It should be set via the function xprofile_get_field_data. But the plugin cannot retrieve the data. (the Video Plugin can).
I know this is slightly out of the usual, but maybe you have an idea?
It would be a great way to use your plugin!
]]>I’m running the plugin on a WordPress MU installation.
Main URL ->
and the problem occours in the MU Installation of nulli
URL ->
The Directory permissions in the Plugin / cache Folder are (7)777 ( writeable from all Users ) but the Pictures are still not Created with an error thrown ( instead of the URL to the Picture ):
<img src="
<b>Warning</b>: fopen(//cache/spell_holy_guardianspirit.jpg) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/var/www/vhosts/</b> on line <b>248</b>" alt="Heilig talent spec icon" />
plz check if you can fix this behaviour ??
Server Runs with Apache 2.2.9 / PHP 5.2.6
I just updated the plugin a second ago and my page is getting this error when rendering in the page:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/dt10111/ on line 78
The shortcode I am using is:
[armory-character realm=”Sargeras” name=”Aani” region=”US”]
You can see it in action:
Glad to see you adding activity feed in some capacity, been hoping for that for a while. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to resolve this. I didn’t want to go poking around the code myself, I’m too much of a noob.
]]>Just wanted to say thank you for the update, saved me a lot of trouble! I need to poke around more with the new API.
]]>I’m aware of an issue with the code that means it currently only works with PHP5.3. I have fixed this in the development version (I think) and am testing it now.
]]>When choosing a locale that is not English the images on the ‘character cache’ screen that are fetched from the servers are incorrect.
They attempt to pull the class and race images using the language of the locale. Only the English names ones exist on the server and so they fail to load.