I used Optimole Image Plugin. My images was downloaded to Optimole cloud and they deleted all my images because I exceeded visit quota. I have the images backed up in a wp contents upload folder. Can this plugin restore my images to my media library from the wp contents upload folder, with all image url’s pointing to where they are displayed on site?
I see this plugin has not been maintained nor updated in over 2 years. Does it still work ?
Is there an alternative that is properly updated by the authors ?
]]>Not sure if this suppose to fix mrdia library missing images, if not, sorry. My media library pictures are blank, I installed this plugin and all the options possable, but they are all still blank. Any suggestions.
]]>i have an image
used as featured image on
but when i try to add it to another post, it doesn’t appear.
i’ve run fix media library, selecting weak refs/add to Media Library,
log shows hundreds of errors fixed, with no processing errors, but the image doesn’t get added:-\
I have many files that were manually uploaded to my wp-content/uploads/* directories by my designer. I’d like to have these files pulled into the media library so that I can use them more easily than manually entering image URLs. I think this plugin should do that for me?
For the runtime options, I have selected “Don’t analyze” for all options except in “Images with weak references” I selected “Add to Media Library”.
When the plugin runs, it does not add any files to my media library. In the output log, I see a ton of these messages:
2019-10-21T00:23:40+00:00 post : Position 532 in /var/www/sgf-store/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/.media-library-fix not found
Permissions on the wp-content/uploads/* directories are fine; the wordpress user can read and write. Also, image uploads work, so I’m suspecting it is not a file permissions issue.
I searched this forum and don’t see references to anyone else having this trouble.
Any suggestions? I am on WP 5.2.4.
]]>I am trying to fix a problem in this site media library. Every media show two time ans seems the same file. If I delete one file the other display en empty image.
Fix Media Library process have started but stop a first time. After a succesfull Continue processing it stops a second time. Try with a new process and stop at the same file
Process Status
Attachments found: 4298
Attachments processed: 1471
Errors found: 1
Request failed:
6445: Image file referenced by attachment doesn’t exists. Tried ” and ‘/home/villestpascal/dev.villestpascal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Halloween-Saint-Pascal-2015-34-1280×854.jpg’
A few days ago I attempted to update my blogs to version 5.2.2. There was a conflict with Sucuri Plugin and the attempted updates resulted in errors making the sites not accessible.
I then did a clean, manual install of 5.2.2 and everything is fine on all sites except one. The Media library does not show up in the editor and some of the media files are not loading?
The media folder is intact via ftp, but when I click on Media Library in the WP dashboard sidebar, just an empty editor page opens, there is nothing listed in the Library.
Meanwhile “most” of the images are loading, but there are some which show up as missing/broken.
I installed the media library fix plug in. After running it says:
Attachments found: 0
Attachments processed: 0
Errors found: 0
No change in the library? Are there settings other than default I should try? Or another method I can attempt?
]]>I must fix one big distinguish WordPress bug: Originally my wordpress save all media as year/month. It is, physically “uploads/year/month”. For me this was nightmare: I have hundred photos but it all are individual, with it own filename.
Now I make many days work and fix my site: All images are under “uploads”-folder.
Now I must remove this year/month-folders: 2017/01…2017/02…etc, 2018/01. Simply I log in and remove this folders using ftp.
NOW problem is, inside database is hundreds broken link. When I open Media Library in WordPress all this media show broken. My site work, of course, but I want destroy this “year/month”-folder and, update database.
So, how I can update my database?
1, first I make big work and copy all my images to one folder, “uploads”.
2, then I fix all link manually. Now all my site use only and only images just in “uploads”.
This all is ok now!
3, then I remove “uploads/2017…” and “uploads/2018” (don’t worry, I can return it all).
4, now… I must fix my database. So how I can update my database. Using other plugin “Media sync” I can read folder uploads to database. But this plugin does not fix broken links inside database. So, how I can update database and remove all nonexistent media from database? Manually I can remove folders “year/month”, but how I can update database understand this? Is this possible with this your plugin?
wondering if the developer would consider adding an option to bulk attach unattached images?
perhaps a simple script that creates an array of file names, then searches every page/post for that name and, if one is found, automatically attaches the image to that post
I transferred my uploads folder from one server to another and my Media Library is not displaying any of the files.
My questions are:
1. Will this plugin reindex my uploads folder and fix my Media Library.
2. I can see all of the files (I think) in list view. However, the “dates” drop-down filter is not showing all of the folders it should. The majority of my files are “unattached”. Will using your plugin move them, thus breaking the directory link in my posts? What I want is for all of my files to stay in the directory folders they currently are in. No change to my “uploads” folder at all. I just want the media library fixed in the WP Admin.
I had deselected the WP option to organize the media library by month/year. In that case, would your plugin just ignore those images?
I’m trying your plugin on a client’s site and it works great… Up to a point.
My client is an avid blogger and has been for years (since 2009). The plugin reports around 110,000 attachments!
However, for some as yet unknown reason, the processing fails. With so much to go through, it takes a couple of days and then fails.
More accurately, it will sometimes stop and say that the processing was incomplete and I should continue or start the processing anew. Often I can hit continue and it will do so, but every time, at some point, the processing fails and will no longer continue. I’ve tried to run it again from the beginning and the same scenario occurs again. …Although it does seem to make it further each time – Most recently it got to within 2000 attachments from being complete!
Will running the processing multiple times damage the image quality? On a repeat run, it appears to find errors in the same folders its previously successfully processed – Should that happen?
I’ve looked in the logs and do not see any problem noted when the processing does fail.
Any idea why it might fail like it does? Might there be something in the code I could tweak to help?
Any advice you could provide would be most welcome!
Getting this error when I activate the plugin:
The plugin wow-media-library-fix/wow-media-library-fix.php has been deactivated due to an error: The plugin does not have a valid header.
Hi there
I spent ages uploaded products to my woo commerce site then some images disappeared, as can be seen in the link.
My media library shows the same way with that place holder graphic but all the image information, title, Alt text and iomage size still shows up
Can this plugin pull back the images?
]]>Hi, I’m developing a WS that integrate Oracle Database to WordPress Database (MySQL), I have to include all the data through pure SQL, I have a rsync to syncronize the local images to the WordPress uploads folder and in that code I have to insert a pure image metadata and its not working, I have to run this plugin to fix that for me. I’m wondering if I can do a cron to run each 5 minute to fix that for me, someone can help me with it?
]]>Does this plugin work with multisite? And if so, does it reindex the entire database and all sites’ media libraries, or can it work on a site-by-site basis?
]]>It is 2019 – I have WP install that has image folders going back to 2015. I ran this plugin and using Unreferenced Images, only processed images from 2018 folder and none of the other folders. Not sure why.
I ran your plugin and it fixed some of the images. But there are still many images in the wp-content/uploads folder that are not in the Media Library. Is your plugin capable of adding them? Thanks for your plugin and help.
]]>Can this be tweaked to scan for pdf files as well as I have an issue with some old pdf files not being listed in the media library but are in the relevant month year upload folder structure?
I was wondering if there is some custom code that I can add that would enable to ability to run the scans by selecting a specific year/month, also if it’s possible to add it to an upcoming update.
On very large sites with 100s of thousands posts and images, doing it bulk posses a number of issues.
]]>The posts of this site are being created by importing content from external CMS. Each new posts images are directly uploaded into /wp-content/uploads.
I was hoping that “Fix Media Library” would help to “synchronize” the content of /uploads with the media-library, but seems not to work. At least I have run a fix process with this plugin and checked the library afterwards. But none of the images from uploads folders were displayed.
I may have misunderstood the plugins feature, so I wonder if you could please help me clarify or even help me to sync uploads images with media-library?
Thank you and kind regards,
Yesterday I imported about 6-8 normal-sized images. When I went to view the Media Library all I saw was a single empty thumbnail with no name. When I view in List View, I see about 22 items that are not selectable with the name “(no title) — Logo”. I can’t remove them. Now when I search for images or list by month, the images appear except for July, where I see the blank image. I have tried several plugins to fix the problem, with no luck. I can’t upload files anymore either, or rather they upload and show in the Uploads folder, but don’t appear in the Library (I think that when we get to August that might fix the problem). Yes I have the working site files I could back up to, but I would have lost a lot of additional work made in the past couple of days. Is there any way to fix this? I spoke to the web host and they don’t have a recent backup of the DB.