I downloaded this plugin a few hours ago, when I noticed it doesn’t support monks.
So I edited some files, downloaded icons, “photoshopped” some images together and made it so monks and their classes are now displayed if wanted.
Folder contents:
> images
>> icons.png
>> monk.png
> wowrlight
>> wowrlight.css
>> images
>>> monk.png
> wowrecrut.css
> wowrecrut.php
1: Download .zip file: [ https://www.mediafire.com/download/c810kxit711zzv2/wowrecrut.zip ]
2: Unpack the files
3: Browse to the plugin directory in your favorite FTP client
4: Drag the “wowrecrut” folder into your plugins folder
5: Choose “Yes” to “Overwrite files?”
6: Done.
Is there a way to make it so the plugin shows all classes, regardless of whether or not they are being recruited?
ie, say mages arent being recruited, so all three specs would show up but greyed out