I followed the instructions to set up the page; then I updated my 500px gallery by adding one photo and deleting one photo. Now, the page on my blog does not reflect the changes to my 500px gallery, but rather still shows the gallery as it was when I originally linked to it.
I tried deleting the CSS code, disabling the plugin, then reactivating the plugin and entering the CSS code again, but the problem remains the same.
How do I get the page to update and reflect changes to my 500px feed.
]]>Dear Atais,
I’m sorry I didn’t reply before, but I somehow didn’t recevied any mail when you posted your request and now the topic has benn automatically closed.
May you specify the problem you have? Which error gives you WP during the plugin activation?
]]>Do you know what might be the problem?
‘options = $this->getDefaultOptions(get_option(‘wp5jsgal_options’)); add_action(‘admin_init’, array($that,’register_settings’)); add_action(‘admin_menu’, array($that,’admin_add_page’)); add_shortcode(‘jsg500px’, array($that,’getShortcode’)); add_filter(‘plugin_action_links_’.plugin_basename(___FILE___),array($that,’add_settings_link’)); add_filter(‘plugin_row_meta’,array($that,’add_plugin_desc_links’),10,2); load_plugin_textdomain(‘wp5jsgal’,false,basename(dirname(___FILE___)).’/lang/’); $this->scripts_loaded=false; } //Settings page public function register_settings(){ global $that; register_setting(‘wp5jsgal_options’,’wp5jsgal_options’,array($that,’options_validate’)); add_settings_section(‘wp5jsgal_main’, esc_html__(‘Main Settings’,’wp5jsgal’), array($that,’main_section_text’), ‘wp5jsgal_settings_page’); add_settings_field(‘wp5jsgal_user’,esc_html__(‘500px User’,’wp5jsgal’),null,’wp5jsgal_settings_page’,’default’); } public function admin_add_page(){ global $that; add_options_page(esc_html__(‘WP 500px jsGallery Settings’,’wp5jsgal’),esc_html__(‘WP 500px jsGallery’,’wp5jsgal’), ‘manage_options’, ‘wp5jsgal_settings_page’, array($that,’output_settings_page’)); } public function main_section_text() { $output=’
‘; $output.=”.esc_html__(‘How to use this plugin:’,’wp5jsgal’).’
‘; $output.=esc_html__(‘1. Set the 500px username and save the changes.’,’wp5jsgal’).’
‘; $output.=esc_html__(‘2. Use the [jsg500px] shortcode in the page you want to show the 500px gallery on.’,’wp5jsgal’).’
‘; $output.=esc_html__(‘3. (Optional) Use the “user500px” shortcode param to set a different username for a single page.’,’wp5jsgal’).’
‘; $output.=’
‘; echo $output; } public function output_settings_page(){ ?>