In WP 5.0.x and this plugin in Version 1.2 the screen to create new posts have a WSOD. This error doesn’t create any logs inside the PHP errro log.
the reason for it is that the flush_rewrite_rules() function is called incorecctly. The function should never be called on every page load as done in v1.2 of this plugin.
To fix this open this file:
Remove the flush_rewrite_rules();
part from line 53.
Add the following snippet at the end of the file before the ?> or right into line 56:
// Flush rewrite on plugin activation
function wpap_flush_rewrites() {
// call your CPT registration function here (it should also be hooked into 'init')
// flush the rules
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'wpap_flush_rewrites' );
Is there a way to add multiple pages under the publication tab? As of right now, the plugin is limiting the number of publications listed to 10 for only one page, but I have a lot more publications that I would like to show than that. I would like to set it up so that there are 3 or more pages for my list of publications but all under one place. Thanks.
]]>Hi, I love this plugin. I’ve had a hard time finding a plugin that will display academic publications on a research website. This one does the trick but I have a small problem. Every time I use it on a page it breaks the navigation on the side menus. I need the side menu to show child sub menu navigation. I tried digging through the code but I have no idea what I’m looking for to fix this. Can anybody help?
]]>Maybe you could provide a screen shot or 2 or 3 or 4?