This plugin is really helpful for a large network and big team, but there’s a bug that removes all rewrite rules except for the two that wp-amd uses. In other words, all pages return a 404.
I fixed it with two changes to \lib\class-scaffold.php
Line 58:
add_filter( 'pre_update_option_rewrite_rules', array( &$this, 'update_option_rewrite_rules' ), 1 );
changed to
add_filter( 'rewrite_rules_array', array( &$this, 'update_option_rewrite_rules' ), 1 );
and line 543:
public function update_option_rewrite_rules( $rules = array() ) {
$new_rules = array( '' . $this->get( 'permalink' ) . '$' => 'index.php?' . self::$query_vars[0] . '=' . $this->get( 'type' ) . '&' . self::$query_vars[1] . '=1' );
$rules = array_merge_recursive( (array) $new_rules, (array) $rules );
return $rules;
changed to
public function update_option_rewrite_rules( $rules = array() ) {
$rules[$this->get( 'permalink' ) . '$'] = 'index.php?' . self::$query_vars[0] . '=' . $this->get( 'type' ) . '&' . self::$query_vars[1] . '=1';
return $rules;
This is great plugin for LTR sites, but when I use it on rtl site I can not write code because everything is align to right and the direction is from right to left, I need to use editor like notepad++ to write the code and copy-paste it on the plugin.
Any change is will be fixed?
Is it work with multisite? Can I define css to be applied to all subsites?