iTheme Security plugin states that this plugin has a security vulnerability: WordPress Slide Anything plugin <= 2.4.9 – iFrame Injection to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability Mute Don’t mute a vulnerability until you’ve confirmed your current version has a fix, or the issue doesn’t affect your site.
Any plans on updating the plugin to fix this issue?
]]>Just like on your demo page above, my slider has gone from black text/white background to grey text/black background. Your demo page is showing big black boxes for the slider.
I’ve updated to WP 5.6, WP Slider Version 8.7
Hope you can help fix this.
]]>Having used the Anything slider happily for many years, I have noticed what I consider a bug in admin Tiny MCE HTML editor interface for this plugin. In past years selected images were shown in thumbnail size view to allow other sections to appear readable. Now recently on newer slideshows I create, the top image view in the admin interface for creating sliders and ordering the images is seen in full-size view which means that other sections of the admin interface are covered over. I think the thumbnail view is better and should be the default. Older sliders created when the thumbnail view was working are still showing the thumbnail view.
As this bug seems to be seen only in the admin interface for creating sliders, I cannot link to a page to show the issue. However, I hope I have describe it well enough for someone to verify and perhaps even suggest a fix. Perhaps this is an issue with the Tiny MCE HTML editor, the Ait Themes Guesthouse theme I am using, or the plugin itself. I do not know.
]]>In demo it is not
]]>It would be possible to place the Random slider ?
Is it possible to get the before and after images to show?
here is an example of what i mean
any help really would be much appreciated
]]>Excellent plugin! Almost did exactly what I was looking for right out of the box. The only feature it was missing was allowing for the use of short codes within the slider content. I was able to get short codes to work by changing the following piece of code in wp-anything-slider.php from:
return $wpcycle;
to: return do_shortcode($wpcycle);
Maybe this can be incorporated into future releases so the plugin files don’t need to be modified each time?
Thanks again for the great plugin!
]]>Thought it had some promise. Can’t get it to work with WP 3.5.1 Is there any kind of support or update?
I have two problems: 1) the slider doesn’t load properly when you first go to the site. If you click the header to refresh the site it loads properly. How do I fix this?
2) How do I create more than one slide show to feature different items on different pages? Do I need to download or buy any additional software?
Thanks. The site is iqueensny.com
]]>Hi All,
I use anything slider v0.6.8
but it not work with me.
The error message “jQuery(“#slider-125″).anythingSlider is not a function”.
When I try to trace the code.
It’s seem like the JS file in not load and the function jtd_insertjs_front() is not called.
is it a bug?
Best Regards,
]]>the slider doesn’t work – it just displays the first setting and doesn’t slide past number one
]]>The posts are being displayed properly, but the javascript which styles the posts into the slider style is not working – one thing to investigate is putting WP friendly jQuery functions around your code, and also removing your jQuery 1.3.2 call – WordPress now supports jQuery and it comes standard.
]]>Wp anything slider plug-in let you to create the sliding slideshow gallery into your posts and pages. In the admin we have Tiny MCE HTML editor to add, update the content. using this HTML editor we can add HTML text and can upload the images and video files. whatever the content you added in the admin, the plug-in will slide it in the front end, so it is named anything slider. also we have four types of sliding direction, you can choose the one you like for the gallery.
Download link
Plugin explanation
Attached ZIP file location, please help to review and approve this plugin.