Hi, thanks for the plugin. Can it be used to upload cumulative distance for a longer event.
For example, i want my users to reach 1000miles and upload their runs as they go until they reach the total.
Hope this makes sense.
I know it’s a long shot, I think this plugin is great and I have work on some of it to update jquery UI and CSS. however, the plugin needs few tweaks but I’m happy to help out as I think this is great compare to Joomlasport or sports Pro.
( as I’m not sure how to update the WP Athketucsplugin to the latest version but any details or information would be great, or github).
As I mentioned above as it’s a long shot, Any chance for the tip to create a league. as I am working on it, however few errors and glitch, as my PHP is not strong skills.
is there some document or something that can guide me like MySQL database endpoint etc?
the reason I want to create a league is ongoing like user can register the league so they can run 5km or 10km and record it and paste it on adding new activity results. so they can put it on rank as not once off, ( events is great as I use it for the once-off race).
something like that a tour de France etc from stage 1 to stage 10
stage 1 2km
stage 2 5km
stage 3 4km
then total league as who is lowest time and top of league
Something like that
(p.s, great work on plugin and Donnard Harris club, i envy anyone can running in Phx Park :-P)
]]>Hi, I know this plugin is not being updated from at least three wordpress versions.
I want to ask you if you still are using it, and whats are you doing to make it work? If you are not using it, which is ther alternative you are using?
I am trying to make it work and does not show, for example one table of results.
Any help?
]]>Track&Field are more events throws, jumps, and need other units (meters and centimeters). Can you adapter the plugin for all Track&Fields events????.
I have this message and I can not put results:
DataTables warning: table id=event-results-table-1 – Requested unknown parameter ‘time_format’ for row 0, column 0. For more information about this error, please see https://datatables.net/tn/4
Can you help me???
Anyone mind sharing which themes they are using. Other than the standard twenty-nineteen etc I can’t find any other modern looking themes which seem to be compatible with WP-Athlete. The manage results, recent results etc pages are simply blank with all the themes I’m trying.
]]>Hi all,
Can you tell me if somebody have tried WP-Athletics with WP 4.9, or 5,
Linux Centos 7 and PHP equal or greather than 7 ?
As you know PHP is obsolete and therefore we will need to do an update and,
I would also think the update of the operating system.
Now I’m running my site with Centos 6.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards
I’d like to use your plugin, but my page is in Spanish. I can translate it, but when I try to go to the link “Translate “WP Athletics” into your language.” it falls.
Thanks a lot,
Hi there. Our running club uses slightly different fields for their results. I wondered if it was at all possible to change these. Thanks for any reply.
]]>Is it possible to hire plugin owner to update this plugin to meet WP 4.9.4. I would love to use this great plugin
]]>Hi Conor,
I have installed your plugin and it is really awesome , i would like to know is there is a new version wich allows import csv file .
]]>// set up ajax and retrieve my results
WPA.Ajax.setup(‘/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php’, ‘1fe247477c’, ‘/wp-content/plugins/wp-athletics’, ‘0’, function() {
Is there any the query can run without it having to login to wp-admin ?
Thank you so much for anybody who can help out with this.
Special thanks to the author, very grateful my friend
]]>Hello. We have a running club. We would like to log our training results. It would be ideal that every club memebr to register it’s own result. It would be great if not registration to wordpress would be required to get the licence to register the running result. So far I did not find the plugin which would have such capability. I looking for a good solution, please advise.
]]>In wp-athletics-db.php, line 1937 (get_events_for_year), there is an obvious SQL injection vector.
Essentially, using $data[‘year’] completely unsanitised in an SQL statement.
The SQL should ideally be converted into a prepared statement, but a simple fix would be to sanitise $data[‘year’] before using it.
PoC (javascript) – note the ‘; #’ in the year parameter:
WPA.Ajax.getEvents({year: ‘2017 ORDER by e.date DESC; #’}, function(result) {
if(result && result.results) {
When looking at personal bests or club records, it is returning records that are not best. Most all of my races are 1/2 marathons. So far I have entered 8 of them and they range in time from 1:53:07 to 2:25:46 and a pace of 8:37 to 11:07/mile, but when I look at Personal best and club records it returns one that is 2:09:50 and a pace of 9:54/mile. So it isn’t returning the best or the worst, but somewhere in the middle. Any idea what it is looking at or what I can do to correct it? If I can get it all working correctly I’d be more than happy to donate.
I’ve install this plug in and I found that it’s all function only in the wordpress dashboard itself. Every athletes have to log in to my back-end to upload result.
Can it all function at the front-end? Example: A virtual running event allows their participants register,submit result. Participants can view their own user profile page to see their all records which submitted. And it’s all happen only at front-end.
It’s possible that an athlete insert its results in front-end page and that he sees only its results and not even those of the other athletes?
If yes, How can I do?
Is there a shortcode or a way to do this?
]]>Skimmed the first few pages and didn’t see this answered, my apologies if it was and I’m repeating.
Is it possible to have the athlete’s real name displayed and not their user name on the results pages?
]]>Dear All,
after update WP for security reasons I noticed that this wonderful plugin doesn’t
work well, in particular it doesn’t make a new result inside race for athletes.
Anybody has got any ideas ?
Thanks a Lot !
Hello, loving the plugin so far thank you and am setting up my running club with a site. I’ve been asked to disable future events from being visible unless you’re logged in on the Events page. Is there a quick code fix to do this please?
]]>Issue with z-index of dropdown menus in add event model dialog
Changed this classes z-index to !important. There is an issue with Revolution Slider plugin CSS causing the dropdown menus in add event model dialog to hide.
.ui-dialog {
z-index: 200 !important;
Your Doname button does not work, or at least it links to a page that does not load
This is the first time I am working with WordPress so bare with me a little ??
I installed WordPress, installed the Athletes plugin and activated it. I tried to create a new athlete which I can see in the users’ menu however the athlete is not appearing in the “Manage Athletes” page – the backend.
Can anyone help me out please?
PS: I already cleared the WP cache and changed my browser but still have the same problem.
]]>I have added a result for a member in the “100 miles” category. Their time was 25 hours 6 minutes; after I add this the average pace, age-grading, etc are all calculated correctly and I can see the correct time stored in the database.
However, the display in the results pages shows as 1 hour 6 minutes (ie. 24 hours have been deducted). There is no option in the event categories to set a time format of days:hours:minutes so I can’t see a way around this.
Has anyone come across this? It can’t be that common(!), but I’ve seen some posts here for aggregate times across multiple events so I’m hoping someone has come across this.
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hi I really like your extension. I would really love the ability to be able to add place and field events results to this. Willing to pay for an upgrade.
I have a problem with adding results.
When i try to add result “running man” appears and that’s all…. he is contine running enless.
I try to wait up to 5 minutes….
Screenshot: https://yadi.sk/i/dS-6VpKEv3PaG
All oter functions (add event, add athlete) working well
]]>Is it possible to import race results in CSV or similar format?
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way I can change or add more terrains?
]]>Some of my users are having an issue entering results because the age class isn’t set for them even though they have entered a Date of Birth.
Any thoughts?
On the above post the event results are not not showing and they are not showing if I go to Manage Events and view the event but are showing if I go to Manage Results. Can you help please as this plugin, in theory, is perfect for what I need?
]]>On the Manage Events page I am looking to place a login link and register link as they are blank right now. I can’t seem to find the php or css that will let me do this. Any thoughts/ideas from anyone?