After related contents (set from plugin options), the loop is altered. The current post id is set to last post in related contents. Next social buttons (not from your plugin) show wrong link (from wrong id). Comments are showed from last ‘related content’ in page.
I ‘ve fixed comments adding a call to wp_reset_postdata() in my theme files, but for other problem I cannot modify other plugin’s files, without lose the ability to update.
Did I make anything wrong ?
Doesn’t your plugin preserve the original loop ?
Is there a solution without modifying your plugin files ?
Site address:
In home page related contents are not showed and all work ok.
In this single post page
related contents are showed and current post id is altered.
I active it on wp3.8, it appear:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘title’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 229
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘title’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 231
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘avatar’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 229
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘avatar’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 231
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘bio’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 229
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘bio’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 231
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘social’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 229
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘social’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 231
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘posts_link’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 229
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘posts_link’ in D:\xampp\htdocs\wp4shop\wp-content\plugins\wp-basics\admin\classes\class.options_machine.php on line 231
Can you tell me how to preparing it?