Hello ??
The plugin embeds an external .js script in the frontend of the website.
The script is loaded from browser-update.org and is behind a Cloudflare proxy (USA).
Loading resources from a company in the USA generally violates the european GDPR.
I recommend that the plugin fetches the script once a month with wp-cron and caches it.
]]>While shopping at IKEA, I went on my Android phone and checked my personal and work websites. I was given THE warning.
My websites are up to date on core, theme and plugins.
I have the latest Google Chrome on my phone.
Yet I received the warning. I went to the Google Play store to verify and there was no update.
So is this a bug?
]]>Why isn’t it working for me?
Try to see the test site where I have set it up with script in header and default setup.
Works for “testing purposes”
I have seen this thread but it didn’t answer the issue…
As you can see, the orignal input
$buoop = {
text_for_i: {
'msg':'Your browser ({brow_name}) is so damn old! Internet Explorer is not supported anymore and will not work on this website.',
'msgmore': 'Please update your browser as soon as possible.'
$buoop = {
text_for_i: {
\'msg\':\'Your browser ({brow_name}) is so damn old! Internet Explorer is not supported anymore.\',
\'msgmore\': \'Update your browser as soon as possible to use this site.\'
after clicking ‘Update Settings’ and the CSS change does not take effect.
Will this problem be fixed?
]]>I fully localized this great plugin to zh_TW, and I found several unnecessary colons which need to be removed.
The following is modified code. WP-BrowserUpdate.php, Line 115
echo '</select> <a title="'.__('Download', 'wp-browser-update').'" target="_blank">'.__('Download', 'wp-browser-update').'</a></p><h3>'.__('Script Customizations', 'wp-browser-update').'</h3><p>'.__('After how many hours the message should re-appear (0 = Show all the time):', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><input type="number" value="'.$wpbu_reminder.'" name="wpbu_reminder" min="0" max="99" step="1" required placeholder="(min: 0, max: 99)" /></p><p>'.__('Open link on notification bar in a new browser window/tab:', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_newwindow"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_newwindow=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_newwindow=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Always show notification bar (for testing purposes):', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_testing"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_testing=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_testing=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Position where the notification will be displayed:', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_style"><option value="top"'.($wpbu_style=='top' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Top', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="bottom"'.($wpbu_style=='bottom' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Bottom', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="corner"'.($wpbu_style=='corner' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Corner', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Notify all browser versions with severe security issues:', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_secis"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_secis=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_secis=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Also notify all browsers that are not supported by the vendor anymore:', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_unsup"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_unsup=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_unsup=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Notify mobile browsers:', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_mobile"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_mobile=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_mobile=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><p>'.__('Shift down the page in order not to obscure content behind the notification bar (adds margin-top to the body tag):', 'wp-browser-update').'<br /><select name="wpbu_shift"><option value="true"'.($wpbu_shift=='true' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('Yes', 'wp-browser-update').'</option><option value="false"'.($wpbu_shift=='false' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.__('No', 'wp-browser-update').'</option></select></p><h3>'.__('Change the CSS Style', 'wp-browser-update').'</h3><p>'.sprintf(__('You can overwrite the default CSS with your own rules (%sread more%s) – leave empty otherwise:', 'wp-browser-update'), '<a target="_blank">', "</a>").'</p><p><textarea name="wpbu_css_buorg" rows="15" cols="50" class="large-text code">'.$wpbu_css_buorg.'</textarea></p><p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="wpbu_submit" id="submit" class="button button-primary" value="'.__('Update Settings', 'wp-browser-update').'" /></p></form></div>';
Hi it seems there is still a issue?
XSS flaws occur whenever an application includes untrusted data in a new web page without proper validation or escaping, or updates an existing web page with user-supplied data using a browser API to create HTML or JavaScript. XSS allows attackers to execute scripts in the victim’s browser, which can hijack user sessions, deface websites, or redirect the user to malicious sites.
]]>Just trying this on an Elementor site because they don’t support Safari pre IOS14 on the iPad. Still have lots of clients using those as it’s not really that old. Elementor menus and sliders just don’t display at all.
This plugin would be really useful to catch all the older browsers but nothing shows up unless I activate the test option which then tells me I’m using IOS 10.3.
Or have I missed something…..?
]]>Found out that the plugin had some security issues.. Please do fix it ASAP. Link to the details: https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/wp-browser-update/wordpress-wp-browserupdate-plugin-4-4-1-cross-site-request-forgery-csrf-vulnerability
]]>browser-update.org not working and the plugin tries to visit it which causes a JS Console error on page load
]]>Feature request:
Would be great same as when checking browser also give warning if the user has not updated the OS.
For example
If using IOS 16.1.1 would be a warning as IOS 16.1.2 is the latest
Don’t know if it’s possible to get it from the user-agent for all OS?
]]>I would like to add Subresource Integrity (SRI) check on the files update.min.js and update.show.min.js from your server, but I read that those files are changed (therefor not recommended to host locally) so it would not work. Is there any way to handle this so I could use SRI to improve security?
]]>The server that hosts for example the update.min.js is using only HTTP/2 protocol, would be possible to upgrade the server to use HTTP/3 protocol for faster connection.
Differences between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
The major difference is that HTTP/3 is based on QUIC as a transport layer to handle streams while HTTP/2 uses TCP to handles streams in the HTTP layer.
HTTP/3 has a much quicker handshake to establish a secure session compared to HTTP/2 which achieves this using TCP and TLS.
]]>I am using the best cache plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/litespeed-cache/
How can I get the WP BrowserUpdate plugin to work with caching?
]]>Is it possible to remove the URL for the link for integrity purpose?
Link on the button:
]]>Using the code from https://github.com/browser-update/browser-update/wiki/Details-on-configuration#user-content-different-messages-depening-on-browser
$buoop = {
text: {
'msg':'Your web browser ({brow_name}) is out of date.',
'msgmore': 'Update your browser for more security, speed and the best experience on this site.',
'bupdate': 'Update browser',
'bignore': 'Ignore',
'remind': 'You will be reminded in {days} days.',
'bnever': 'Never show again'
Every time I hit update setting in the plugin it will save with “\” for example after some times:
\\\\\\\’msg\\\\\\\’:\\\\\\\’Din webbl?sare ({brow_name}) ?r inte uppdaterad.\\\\\\\’,
(Translated text i want to use), Dont get the custom text to work and i guessing its becuase it adds \
Thank you for making this very helpful plugin. It works in most cases, but only on an iPad with iOS 12 it doesn’t show up. Is there anything I can do to make it work?
Best regards,
]]>Hey there,
I set up Safari <= 14 and I am using Safari 15.4 but it still shows the notification on the top.
Server: PHP8
WP: 6.1
I’ve configured the plugin as:
However, when visiting our dev site on iPhone 4 or 5s Safari, no warning is present.
I cleared the Safari cache, with no change.
Help appreciated.
is there an option like following added?
“Show all the time in this browser |Do not show”
i need such a solution urgently.
Thanks for helping
i`ve installed this plugin but i want to use it only for Internet explorer because my website has only on IE problems. Which means it shows the Website not right. Is that possible to apply his plugin only for IE?
Thanks a lot
]]>I have set the “Microsoft IE/Edge” option to “<= 18” to show the notification on all IE versions.
The notification is displayed only once in IE11. Also when set to always show the message (0 hours) and “Ignore” was not clicked.
What can I do?
And thanks for the good work!`
]]>Hi @macsteini
You should do a couple of things in order to prepare this plugin for community translation via https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/wp-browser-update
1. If you don’t have folder /4.3.3/ under plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/wp-browser-update/tags then in …/trunk/readme.txt you should state Stable tag: Trunk
2. You need to either specifically declare your “Text Domain:” as wp-browser-update
(i.e. it must be the same as your plugin slug) and load it in your code via load_plugin_textdomain() or you could change your declaration Requires at least: 2.0
to at least 4.6 (if this value is set to 4.6 or any later version of WordPress, then the system will default the text-domain to your plugin slug and will automatically load your plugin text domain without any need for you to do it in the code.)
If you’ve got any additional questions, then you can either respond to this topic of join the global Slack team for WordPress contributors via https://make.www.ads-software.com/chat/ and then ask in the channel “polyglots”.
Best regards,
Can you add this option?
Show all the time in this browser |Do not show
]]>In Edge 17 I find the message only shows up when I use the test option within the settings page. I’ve used the url test option (appending #test-bu) I found in the documentation and that also failed to trigger a display.
Not sure what else to try now !
I’ve activated the plugin but i don’t seem to notify/prompt on latest version of IE 11
]]>since the activation hook is not fired for all the sites, there is no option wp_browserupdate_browsers
saved on the table.
the below js code is generated
var $buoop = {required:{e:,f:,o:,s:},test:,newwindow:,style:“”,insecure:,unsupported:,mobile:,shift_page_down:,api:2019.08}
the generated js code is not right in that case.
I want to set notice to one hour, after ignore, but this doesn’t work.
I’ve checked your code, and there are no information in $buoop about reminder, so field $wpbu_js[0] isn’t used there.
My proposition is update plugin with reminder data.
]]>I want to be able to customize the text that appears in the banner when it appears because of an out-of-date browser.
Some users of our site were confused when the banner didn’t contain the name of our site.
As such, they thought it was a scam or a virus running on our site.
i like this plugin actually – but i wish i could switch off the “ignore” function and so the cookie functionality. i want users to not use my site without current browser.
is it possible to do that?
]]>I know that the IE 11 question has already appeared in this forum a few times, but I have not found any solution in any of the topics.
Can the problem be solved to work in IE 11, or not. And don’t tell me to search the forum because no solution appears.
Thank you very much in advance.