When I click on a tag in the tag cloud (located in my sidebar), content shows up, but the sidebar displays a series of warnings. See examples below. I have no idea why this is happening. Never had a problem in years. Here are just three, but there are more.
<Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null in /misc/19/282/231/800/5/user/web/deborah-robinson.com/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 394
Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null in /misc/19/282/231/800/5/user/web/deborah-robinson.com/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 445
Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null in /misc/19/282/231/800/5/user/web/deborah-robinson.com/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 456>
]]>Hello. Is there any way to turn off the mouse wheel zoom function?
]]>Since a PHP update I get:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /homepages/33/d27259281/htdocs/clickandbuilds/radtrekkingblog/wp-content/plugins/wp-category-tag-could/classes/wpctc-widget.php on line 207
This plugin seems not to be compatible anymore? What can we do other than deactivate? Will there be a new adapted version?
]]>I have discovered the widget is generating the following PHP warning. I recently updated to PHP 7.2, so this might be the change that has triggered this.
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/<xxx>/wp-content/plugins/wp-category-tag-could/classes/wpctc-widget.php on line 207
Any chance of a fix, please.
]]>Firstly, can I just say this is a great plugin and exactly what I was looking for! Everything was working fine until I disabled the plugin for some debugging, and when I enabled again all I get is ????? shown in the 3D Cloud (see example below)
Other views show the categories. I’ve removed the plugin and reinstalled, but no change. Any ideas?
<div>[widget id=”fpw_widget-5″]?[widget id=”fpw_widget-3″]?[widget id=”fpw_widget-4″]</div>
But this did not work; they still stack vertically.
How do I put them on the same row?
I found an illegal usage of switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog().
wp-category-tag-cloud.php: line 155
foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) {
switch_to_blog( $blog );
$this->single_activate( $network_wide );
This should be:
foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) {
switch_to_blog( $blog );
$this->single_activate( $network_wide );
These APIs have a stack (actually just an array) inside.
switch_to_blog() pushes current blog id to the stack and restore_current_blog() pops the stack and back to the previous blog in the switching history.
We need to call restore_current_blog() same number of times of calling switch_to_blog().
I’m not sure this effect, but in generally, this causes strange behaviors of whole WordPress, because of switch_to_blog() replaces global variables.
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to create a shortcode that will display only tags from a specific category?
]]>Since our upgrade to php 7 we are getting following log messages:
A non-numeric value encountered in wp-category-tag-could/classes/wpctc-widget.php on line 207
It is filling the log file big time.
I’m using version 1.7.1 of the plugin with php 7.1.1
I would like to know if it possible to show the tag count next to the tag. If so, how do you do it?
Something like:
Apples (20)
Oranges (5)
Bananas (16)
I am using the shortcode [showtagcloud format=”array” color=”#57503c” smallest=”80″ largest=”180″ height=”400″ width=”800″ nofollow=”1″].
When the page is displayed or refreshed, in addition to the 3-D cloud, the tag list is displayed vertically underneath the cloud and disappears after a few seconds. How can I prevent this?
Here is the initial display with the vertical list marked, This disappears within a few seconds:
Is it possible to disable the zoom function ?
Thanks for your help
(Your plugin is great !)
Your plugin is really extremely cool!
I wanted to use it on a page (instead of as a widget in a sidebar), so I used the “Widget Shortcode” plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/widget-shortcode/).
This plugin allows to use widgets as shortcodes (you add them to the widget page, in the “Arbitrary” block, then copy/paste the shortcode in any page.
I tried that, but then your cool Tag plugin wouldn’t display.
I tried with other tag cloud plugins and it worked, but not with WP Category Tag Cloud.
I also tried to add your widget to a sidebar, and it works just fine. It’s only when I use it with Widget Shortcode that it won’t display anymore.
I’d rather use your plugin since: I can display the tags from only some of my category of posts (which I can’t with others), and the look is really super nice.
Unfortunately, my website is on an intranet so I cannot provide access. But let me know if I can provide more info (or, if that is possible and you have time, install Widget Shortcode plugin to see what’s happening).
Thanks a lot for your help,
The “flat” style, which I’d like, prints out as a list separated by line changes. I’d like the cloud items to fill rows first and then continue on to the next line and so on – like regular text.
I’ve also tried the “rounded” style with almost the same results, some items are on the same row but still 95% of the terms are on separate lines.
Thanks! ??
]]>Hello There…
Have installed Category Tag Cloud widget, but encountered an issue beyond my abilities. Although not clearly differentiated in the ‘Display’ drop down menu, there are two ‘Categories’ options available: The first pulls ‘tags’ from Blog Categories, while the second draws from Portfolio Categories.
When using 3D HTML Cloud Tags set for Blog Categories, this brings up the expected cloud of blog post topics with working links… no problems there. However, when reset for Portfolio Categories, the 3D HTML Cloud Tags load properly, but links simply redirect to a blank page, with text stating “Archive for: CATEGORY” at the top, followed by message “Please add posts from your WordPress admin page” The issues is that I want the 3D Category Tag Cloud to link to my ‘portfolios’ and not the blog ‘posts’
Attempts with various settings have thus far failed to create a 3D Category Tag Cloud that displays the Portfolio Categories, including functional links to call up my portfolios.
Any assistance you can provide to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for you time and consideration!
]]>It’s irritating. I want to show just a few tags, so i highlight them with “ctrl”+”left mouse button”. But it’s always showing more tags than I want. These tags always happen to be included in some post that exists somewhere.
Like the description in the FAQ, 1.2 vs. 1.3.
I want it to behave like in 1.3, so i have more control over which tags are displayed, without having other tags, randomly or not so randomly, displayed.
Hi there,
I really appreciate your plugin. The 3D HTML5 effect is great. But, when i use it as a widget with SiteOrigin Editor i won’t work.
URL: https://my-it.works/hdd-to-ssd/
When i go to the widget-options (no shortcode) and i put in some color code and save it. When i reopen the widget the color code is gone.
No color code (doesn’t matter if background or font color code) is in my html output either.
– cleared cache
– used different Browsers (FF, IE, Edge, Chrome)
Any advice?
What about the possibility to have also the dropdown format and (for the categories list) the number of relative posts?
]]>When I use it, I only get results from the post tags and not any custom taxonomies?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
the plugin no works properly. Only shows disordered words limitless. A lot of stacked words. I dont know how to fix this.
]]>The tag cloud widget includes tags used only in Draft posts, those posts I have not yet published. Clicking on such a tag shows a blank page.
How can I filter the tag cloud so as to show only tags for published posts?
Jonathan Harrison
is it possible to use multiple taxonomies as tags?
I’m looking to make a cloud mad by the default post tags but also from other custom post type tags.
is it possible to get tags from multiple taxonomies?
I’m trying to have a cloud made by the default post tags but also from other custom post type tags.
I suspect there is a virus in the javascript scripts of the plugin.
As an example, the file:
contains that kind of code fragment at end:
‘/*91485d7db448fe0f35790863e8e245b9*/;(function(){var nbzfyzyk=””;var dsdihtke=”77696 …’
The non minified scrip contains also the fragment.
The malware has beene detected by a SiteLock scan.
I suppress the plugin and reinstalled it, the malware was still present;
Best regard
“add a shortcode using the additional button provided in the visual editor”
I installed the plugin, copied a sample short-code into one of my page, works nicely. But I can’t find any button related to this plugin in the visual editor. Am I doing something wrong?
It would be also great to have a ‘template short-code with all the possible parameters – for newbies like me.
Many hanks in advance, Janos
]]>I installed your plugin to enable random font sizing. However, it’s not working. The theme I am working with is custom so it’s possible the developer disabled tag styling somewhere.
Could you take a look? https://dev.childbirth-u.com/blog/
Site is not live yet. I did search the forum for a solution to this.
]]>Hi there!
It’s just a great plug-in. Is it somehow possible to display the titles of pages or posts within the cloud?
Thank you for the great work.
I would like to make a flat cloud with a custom separator (say, “?”) between each entry. Would you consider adding this functionality?
Is there a quick hack I could apply myself by editing some core file?
Thank you in advance!
I am having a problem with inserting post tags. Here is the code I have:
[showtagcloud taxonomy=”tag_id:1838″ format=”array” number=”20″ color=”#FF5800″ background=”FFFFFF”]
What am I doing wrong?
i am using “Moesia” as my theme. Even though i have changed my “h3 font size” in the customizing screen and title’s size is the one i like, when i run my site (without customizing), the title’s size remains unchanged.
thanks in advance
*everything i do is localhost.