When I run the WP Optimizer, Clean Up Optimizer remove categories having no posts but having some sub-categories. Thus the category hierarchy is severely broken. How can I avoid this problem?
]]>It just freezes, and when I click on “dashboard” in sidebar it gives me a white error screen.
]]>When I go to my admin login page for the website https://halloweenantics.com this message shows up 4 times like this across the top of the page.
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home2/toyourhe/domains/halloweenantics.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php on line 576
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home2/toyourhe/domains/halloweenantics.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php on line 576
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home2/toyourhe/domains/halloweenantics.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php on line 576
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home2/toyourhe/domains/halloweenantics.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php on line 576
It doesn’t appear to be causing a problem with the plugin because I can use it and it is working. I am getting another message however in the admin area that is possibly releated to this but I don’t know if that is a fact or not. Here is that message:
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /home2/toyourhe/domains/halloweenantics.com/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4865
I am looking for help to get rid of the first message and if the second message is related to that then also the second message. Thank you.
I had to disable all my plugins to figure out this was the plugin blocking my access. Please let me know how can i fix this issue so i dont have to do disable it!
]]>I installed this plugin and i’m receiving this error
[21-Nov-2019 17:32:47 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/prospor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php on line 576
]]>Hello. I can’t enable the plugin. It gives the error.I just have trouble with this plugin.
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page
]]>Hi there. Sometimes when a user should be deleted (and is in fact gone from the WP User Page and wp_users table), the account hangs around somehow, and the credentials still work. And the old user’s email address can’t be used to create a new account.
I’ve dumped the database to text files and searched for the username/email and found references in a few tables: wp_comments, wp_usermeta, and wp_cleanup_optimizer_login_log.
I’m not worried about comments, and deleting the wp_usermeta record makes no difference. Which narrows it down to wp_cleanup_optimizer_login_log. On a side note, it has almost 800 thousand rows, which seems excessive (but I guess I don’t really care).
So wp_cleanup_optimizer_login_log has an obvious connection to logging in, which is where the problem is (old [deleted] users can still log in — new accounts w/ same credentials are prevented).
I’d like to know whether I can safely delete pretty much everything in this table without breaking something, or alternatively, whether I should be looking for something more specific. And also please let me know if I’m way off track (but what else could it be at this point?).
Thanks for your help. Talk soon.
]]>I read amongst the topics here that one of the plugin developers said this Plugin has made it impossible to block your own ip (about 18 months ago). I am here to advise you that this plugin has blocked me on 3 of my own web sites. The only way I could stop this was to delete your plugin. To add to the mystery of this the plugin has not blocked me on about 6 other websites even though it is the same IP. There is obviously some quirk with the plugin for this to happen. It is a shame as I was using this plugin for years without issue. Now (this problem has been occurring over your last 2 updates) I just have to delete the plugin to avoid the problem.
]]>After clicking Skip & Continue, loading screen stays forever.
]]>this plugin make loading speed very slow.
]]>This plugin barely works to begin with, then when you try to deactivate it, it will not.
To remove this plugin, you need to delete it via FTP, then manually delete the options table, then hunt down all the logs and manually delete them.
Just because a plugjn passes WP code review doesn’t mean it works – this plugin is a case in point.
Not recommended at all.
Hi! Is this plugin GDPR compliant? Is any personal data stored or submitted by the plugin? Thanks.
]]>so the problem here was, that this plugin somehow was annoyee by jetpack plugin and that is why jetpack stopped working. And after deleting this plugin , Jetpack started to work again.
]]>Just for the future referece:
I wanted to delete the bulk of WP database, contained in varius logs that this plugin kept. My problems started when I tried to re-activate. It failed.
Turns out I had to delete entry in wp_options table (wp-cleanup-optimizer-version-number) too. Why? Have no clue.
The syptoms were:
– plugin fails to appear in dashboard.
– when activated, the page it tries to open (as in plugin’s dashboard) I get message that I’m not authorised (single user account, admin).
So, I deleted the last trace of the plugin (that entry above), and reinstalled it successfully.
]]>Добрый день!
При запуске плагина большая нагрузка на базу данных.
Хостинг ругается, что идет превышение лимита.
Как уменьшить нагрузку на базу данных?
sometimes we test a lot plugins, but some of them left a lots of BD tables after they were delete, can we delete those tables safely?
]]>So this plugin started blocking my IP address for no reason. I had to get my hosting support to disable all my plugins for me so I could log in and start enabling them one by one to see what was causing it
It was this plugin. Never had done this before.
I just deleted it. Too creepy for me to even want to deal with
]]>If I choose ‘Maybe later’ in the review nag, this happens:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/79522/domains/nathan.photography/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/wp-cleanup-optimizer.php:1441) in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/79522/domains/nathan.photography/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
If there could be a toggle button to hide/show the green panel, that would give us more display area, at a better glance without having to page scroll.
]]>Hello, for some reason, the language has been changed. I tried to access the logs but I can’t read the texts, they look like “Tanggal Mulai : * ( Edisi Premium )” instead of English…
]]>I’ve run this plugin for years now, but just started having problems a few days ago. I try to turn it on and I get various error messages; I deactivate or delete the plugin using FTP, and the site works fine again. When this first started a few days ago, I did a clean install, and it worked fine for a while. But just now, it has started crashing the site again.
]]>I have my scheduler’s set to empty every 4 hours but I don’t think it is actually doing it because it only seems to get cleared out when I empty them all manually.
When I look at my scheduler it says the start date and time but it doesn’t tell anything about when it ran last.
Can someone clear this up for me, please?
]]>I get IP localhost blocked regularly. What could be behind this? I’d assume this is an intentionally fake IP and not actual traffic on the server.
This is in a web hotel though, so I’d assume it could be an attack from another site on the same node. How can I know for sure? No-one is connecting via SSH tunnel.
Any suggestions for how to find the actual source for these calls? Additional analytical tools to unmask an attack? What questions if any could I pose to my server provider?
]]>I’ve remoed the plugin bug it did not clean out the tables that it created.
Is it OK to delete the wp_clean_up_optimizer and wp_clean_up_optimizer_meta tables after the plugin is deleted?
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/views/dashboard/database-optimizer.php on line 132
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-clean-up-optimizer/views/dashboard/database-optimizer.php on line 137
]]>Since last Friday I have received about 30 emails like rebus76 about Login Failure Notifications. This is the context of the email:
Van: WordPress <wordpress@casavromans.eu>
Datum: 20 februari 2017 16:06:39 CET
Aan: info@casavromans.eu
Onderwerp: Login Failure Notification – Clean Up Optimizer
An unsuccessful attempt to login at your website https://www.casavromans.eu was being made by user admin at 20 Feb 2017 15:06 PM from IP Address
Here is the detailed footprint at the Request :-
Username: admin
Date/Time: 20 Feb 2017 15:06 PM
website: https://www.casavromans.eu
IP Address:
Thanks & Regards
Technical Support Team
Today alone I already received 15 emails.
We do not even have a login possibility on our website. So what is happening here.
I would like to have an answer quickly. When I block the IP addresses I see that these come from everywhere in the world.
Hope to hear from you soon.
for a few days I am receiving several messages per day, like this:
An unsuccessful attempt to login at your website https://www.###.it was being made by user admin at 29 Nov 2016 08:44 AM from IP Address
Here is the detailed footprint at the Request :-
Username: admin
Date/Time: 29 Nov 2016 08:44 AM
website: https://www.###.it
IP Address:
Thanks & RegardsTechnical Support Team
Of course it was not me… is that something I should worry about?
]]>hello, i’m trying to delete the orphaned term relationships but the process never end, and also never delete, i have 2.988.474 orphaned term relationships but i can’t delete, how can i fix this?
]]>This plugin is compatible with wordpress 4.6 ?
Thank you.
Hi there,
How do I disable the login log function of this plugin – I currently have to empty the table manually through the backend to keep my website functional. I don’t need a login log – just the optimisation!
wp_cleanup_optimizer_login_log 48,757 4.5 MB