Could you please have a look to see why the color changes to purple at the second word?
See also my “color changes” entry.
]]>I sometimes use the plugin without any difficulty. This time I however get interesting color changes. Did I do something wrong?
]]>This plugin only works when logged in as admin. Otherwise it doesn’t. What could be wrong ?
]]>When I activate this plugin, WP reports that another plug-in has grabbed wp_mail() and that postman won’t be available until the conflict is resolved. I need postman, so this plug-in is deactivated until the issue can be resolved.
when you view a tag archive, the .tag declaration from prettify.css interferes with the site styling, making the whole text violet. Please change the class name so it doesn’t interfere with default WP BODY classes.
This appears to be a recent issue. HTML entities such as < are now converting to the html character such as < within prettify code.
I upgraded wp to 4.4.1. now i get this error:
notice: undefined index: head_custom in /home/proodos/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-code-prettify/wp-code-prettify.php on line 117
I also upgraded your plugin to new version…. Please check it out
]]>Minor and won’t impact many, but…
Your plugin works fine unless someone has used an alternative path for their wp-content folder. You create a variable in two spots of the plugin that has wp-content hard coded. I would suggest using the function content_url().
Thanks for the plugin.
]]>I need to highlight Matlab syntax in my blog. google-code-prettify supports Matlab as an extension (along with various other languages):
To enable extensions, you have to not only specify the language hint in your pre tag (lang-matlab), but you have to include the lang-matlab.js script in your document.
To enable this, WP Code Prettify would need to either add options in the settings dialog with checkboxes for each extension language to enable including the source file, or it would need to auto-detect each extension language and automatically include the script for that language.
This would be a nice feature to support, especially for those of us who don’t have access to modifying the source of our blog sites.
How can i set prettyprint default langauge to HTML?
]]>Nice job on this plugin. I’m happy to be using it.
The Prettify documentation indicates that you should be able to have some HTML interpreted as HTML if you include the ‘nocode’ class. For example, if you have
<span class="redbold">server_name</span>
inside your pre tags, you will see the HTML just as it is written , but if you use
<span class="nocode redbold">server_name</span>
you should see just ‘server_name’ formatted according to the redbold class.
That is not working with your plugin, and I tracked it down to the WPCP_ParseCode() method. You are converting some special characters into entities starting on line 57:
$html_entities_match = array( "|\<br \/\>|", "#\<#", "#\>#", "|/|", '#\[#', '#\]#', '#"#', "#'#" );
$html_entities_replace = array( "\n", '<', '>', '/', '[', ']', """, ''');
$plaincode = preg_replace( $html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, $plaincode );
If I comment out those lines, nocode works as expected. I assume you had a good reason to put these lines of code in, however, so I don’t think I can recommend that you remove them for everyone. I’m not seeing any adverse affects, but I’m using the ‘pre’ tag exclusively, and I suspect the ‘code’ tag might need the extra processing.
If you can tell me what the lines are intended to fix, maybe I can come up with a way to do it that doesn’t break nocode.
How can I avoid long lines being wrapped? Is there a way to have a horizontal scrollbar, so the lines won’t break?
Hi there,
You have used following code in “wp-code-prettify.php” file
window.onload = function(){prettyPrint();};
which does not let run the window.onload
function defined in other plugins/themes activated at websites. This, in turn, breaks the functionality of the website which uses your plugin.
So, you must change that code to following:
function soliOnLoad(func){
var boliqOldOnLoad = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func
} else {
window.onload = function () {
window.onload = function(){prettyPrint();};
Above will not cause conflict with window.onload
function of any other plugin/theme.
Hi! thanks for this simple plugin which I have been looking around for ages.
One quick question – is there anyway I can have a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom? because currently my code which is supposed to be one line, splits into 2 line instead.
Thank you!!
]]>Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method WPCodePrettifyPage::WPCodePrettify_Options_Page() should not be called statically in /home/bass/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 429
js/css files are referenced has http-links even when using a blog via https :-/
]]>Choosing one of the other styles in the settings panel has the effect that no style is applied. Only when I choose the prettify style do I see a specific style applied to the code.
]]>wp-code-prettify is using an older version of google-code-prettify. I would like to have support for syntax highlighting of Matlab code on WordPress, which is supported by the latest google-code-prettify release (released 4 March 2013).
Can the author(s) of wp-code-prettify please consider upgrading ASAP?
When viewing a page with some code inside
tags under IE10, the browser shows all code as one long line with no line breaks. Turning on the browser's "Compatibility Mode" resolves the issue as a workaround. How can this be fixed?
Somehow with WordPress 3.5 the line-breaks removed from the code and some <p> tags appear in the code.
My fast solution was this problem is to change the add_filter priority to 1:
add_filter('the_content', array(&$wpcodeprettify, 'WPCP_Content'), 1);
add_filter('comment_text', array(&$wpcodeprettify, 'WPCP_Content'), 1);
What do you think, is it the real solution?
Thanks for your plugin, it’s really great!
One small thing is that it’s throwing and error message when used with newer versions of WP. The problem is that the $user->has_cap method is being called with depricated int argument while setting up the settings page (wp-code-prettify-page.php at line 156).
Here is a tiny patch for that file that solves the problem:
]]>I cannot get Prettify to work with HTML syntax at all and CSS syntax appears but is unstyled. Can someone please help me?
1. I’ve installed “WP Code Prettify”
2. I placed the following syntax into my php file:
<pre class="prettyprint">
<input type="text" id="input-field" size="20" spellcheck="false">
HTML result: An actual input field instead of the browser showing the code/syntax.
1. I’ve installed “WP Code Prettify”
2. I placed the following syntax into my php file:
<pre class="prettyprint">
#input {
padding: 0 0 30px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1;
CSS result: The CSS syntax shows but it is unstyled.
I cannot get Prettify to work with HTML syntax. Can someone please help me?
]]>This plugin currently generates this notice:
Notice: Undefined index: wpcp_update_options in C:\Dev\DevBlog\wp-content\plugins\wp-code-prettify\wp-code-prettify-page.php on line 8