I like WP-Codebox.
If I enter code between “<pre lang=”rsplus”> and “, and then publish the page or post, I get the expected the results….at first.
However, as soon as I edit the post or page and then publish, I see that large chunks of code are being wiped out or dropped. I am then forced to update all the code blocks again. Clearly, this is not viable for long pages or continued use.
Why is this happening? What can I do to stop this?
]]>I like WP-Codebox.
If I enter code between “<pre lang=”rsplus”>” and “”, and then publish the page or post, I get the expected the results….at first.
However, as soon as I edit the post or page and then publish, I see that large chunks of code are being wiped out or dropped. I am then forced to update all the code blocks again. Clearly, this is not viable for long pages or continued use.
Why is this happening? What can I do to stop this?
]]>I like WP-Codebox.
If I enter code between <pre lang=”rsplus”> and , and then publish the page or post, I get the expected the results….at first.
However, as soon as I edit the post or page and then publish, I see that large chunks of code are being wiped out or dropped. I am then forced to update all the code blocks again. Clearly, this is not viable for long pages or continued use.
Why is this happening? What can I do to stop this?
when I update an article, the <pre>
is well saved, but when I edit it, all the attributs excepted “lang” are removed (in the editor) :/
this is a multisite using many plugins, this one will not activate for the blog that used on a single site installation. When activated network wide the using blog was inaccessible. too bad i don’t have any time to run the problem down right now
]]>Inserting this on line 125 of main.php does fix it:
$content = html_entity_decode($content);
error while exporting backup file. ??
]]>I am using WP-CodeBox to get syntax higlight effect on my WordPress blog.
I wish to have the plugin automatically always show the X language, whenever I use
< pre > some code < / pre >
Any idea how to change the PHP code for that? (I am willing for it to be hard coded to the plugin files)
]]>Is this plugin still maintained? I can’t reach the websites from where it was hosted anymore.
It would be a shame, because its the best (feature rich) code highlighter out there to my opinion.