How do I change the color of the font that appears under the countdown, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds. I have the default color set to white for my site, but none of the font colors effect this.
I just installed the plugin and inserted the php code (“if(…“) in the page I want the plugin to appear, but only the text from default message field is visible. Not error is displaying, but neither the countdown seems to be working.
I’m using “maintenance mode” from woodojo.
Thanks in advanced for your prompt response.
]]>I cannot seem to get the hyperlink to show on site but in visual it does. Can anyone see my problem?
]]>is it possible to change something that wp coming soon is shown on mobile devices with smaller size.
what can i do?
]]>Hello Miriam de Paula,
First of all, thanks so much for such an awesome plugin! It was exactly what I was looking for and I appreciate you taking the time to make it and share it with he world!
The plugin works and looks great in my browser, but when I check it on my iPhone in Safari or Chrome, the numbers load up, but do not count down. Any ideas why this happens and if there is a possible fix for it?
Thanks so much for you time and advice. Have a great day.
]]>I installed the plugin and got it working the way I wanted it to but then quickly realized that the plugin (jQuery) broke the rest of my site. I dug a little more into it and found the problem.
If your looking for a quick fix like I was make these changes:
1. In the plugin folder open wp-coming-soon.php
2. Go to line 67
3. Delete register_scripts_and_styles function
4. Replace that function with this:
function register_scripts_and_styles() {
$lang = get_option(‘wp_coming_soon_language’);
if ( !is_admin() ) {
wp_register_script( ‘wp_coming_soon-script’, plugins_url(‘/js/jquery.countdown.js’, __FILE__) , array(‘jquery’) );
wp_register_style( ‘wp_coming_soon-style’, plugins_url(‘/css/countdown-style.css’, __FILE__) );
wp_enqueue_script( ‘wp_coming_soon-script’ );
wp_enqueue_style( ‘wp_coming_soon-style’ );
if( !empty($lang) && isset($lang) ){
wp_register_script( ‘wp_coming_soon-script-‘. $lang, plugins_url(‘/js/jquery.countdown-‘. $lang .’.js’, __FILE__) , array(‘jquery’) );
wp_enqueue_script( ‘wp_coming_soon-script-‘. $lang );
} // end if/else
} // end register_scripts_and_styles
5. On line 88 add $.noConflict(); above jQuery( function($){.
6. That fixed it for me in version 3.5.1!
I hope the developer fixes it soon!
]]>When active this plugin, all other menus in admin page is not hover active.
Maybe this error by jquery script. Please fix that
I am unable to position the WP Coming Soon where I need it. It appears above the Introductory Paragraph. Also, it is in the center of the page instead of in the left column.
Introductory Paragraph
I appreciate your help, Eric
]]>It’s broken! Doesn’t work.
]]>It seems like the plugin does nothing on the frontend. Countdown does not appear when viewing the site.
Thanks for the plugin. I also love how you’re using an options array with the settings API.