Hi, I want to purchase the plugin. But first, I have two questions: Question 1: I tried uploading the sample .class file you provided. But it says there was an error. Is it because I have to purchase the license? Question 2: If I use this plugin on my WordPress site, does this mean nobody can take screenshots of my site IN ANY WAY? Like, either using the Snipping Tool, or “Windows logo key + Shift + S”, or using their phones? Thanks! Looking forward to your reply!
]]>Does this stop screen capture on android and apple devices too? I.e iphone etc?
]]>I’m having some trouble.
I have installed the plugin, set the uploads folder permissions to 777 and when I try to upload a file I get an error.
Upload directory is not writable
When I check the permissions after the failed upload they are set back to 775?
I thought it might have been just a quirk with the host and so I tried two others and get exactly the same error message and the same thing happening with the permissions.
Any ideas?
How do I create a .class file?
]]>This works great to prevent right click, or save to desktop but it still allows Print Scrn.
Is there any way to stop ALT + Prnt Scrn as well?
]]>I am trying to upload file after pressing [c], and also increased its uploaded file size, but not able to upload any pdf or image. Its showing an error Upload directory is not writable and No Found File. What is class file? can i upload pdf files following same procedure??
My client wants to protect the images on the website, so I installed the Copysafe Web Plugin. But it keeps giving me the same error/warning:
<b>Warning</b>: scandir(/home4/[…]/wp-content/uploads/copysafe-web/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in <b>/home4/[…]/wp-content/plugins/wp-copysafe-web/function.php</b> on line <b>284</b>
<b>Warning</b>: scandir(): (errno 13): Permission denied in <b>/home4/[…]/wp-content/plugins/wp-copysafe-web/function.php</b> on line <b>284</b>
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home4/[…]/wp-content/plugins/wp-copysafe-web/function.php</b> on line <b>286</b>
Changing the permission for the file didn’t do the trick.
How to fix this?
Kind regards,
The plugin request people to download and install a plugin on their browser ?
]]>I am testing the WP plugin and when I view the protected page I can still use right click menus. Is this because I haven’t used a proper encrypted image?