From PHP version 8.0 and upper, I receive warnings displays in spite of having setting WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to false, it’s annoying.
Undefined array key “HTTP_REFERER” in?/wp-content/plugins/wp-cors/wp-cors.php?on line?28
Undefined array key “HTTP_ORIGIN” in?/wp-content/wp-cors/wp-cors.php?on line?29
How can I solve this problem?
Reviewing code…
update_option( $user->ID, ‘cors_domains’, $_POST[‘cors_domains’]);
Could this be a security problem…?
]]>We’re consistently getting this PHP notice when a page is refreshed while the plugin is enabled:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ORIGIN in wp-cors.php on line 29
Could you advise us how to get rid of it? It’s quite annoying while debugging.
Thanks in advance.
Have recently installed this plugin but don’t get it to work. The font chosen is still blocked.
I have entered the following as allowed domains:
company = the company’s name
Which of the formats should I use?
Is the plugin compatible with the latest versions of WordPress?
And if the above is correct, what can I do to heave the CORS blocking?
Many thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.
Best regards
After plugin is installed, in console log two files missing:
on iis / windows server 2008r2
]]>Can administrators use the wildcard “*” in the admin screen to allow all incoming domains, or do specific domains need to be entered?
Since support of the W3C specification for multiple domains allowed in the CORS header is not guaranteed yet in all browsers, how does this plugin handle multiple domains entered in the admin screen?
]]>Will the plugin be update?
thanks a lot