The word ‘settings’ is echoed to the plugins page.
This is because you’ve used _e(“Settings”) instead of __(“Settings”) on line 97 of wp-custom-login-page-logo.php
This causes plugin updates to fail as the word gets echoed along with json etc.
]]>Hello, this plugin seems to be what I am looking for, but also I am seeing this warning: “… hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress”.
Can I still use this with the latest WordPress? (Which today is 5.8.3)
]]>Hi, thanks for the plugin.
You are including pluggable.php on line 25(ish) of your plugin in the main plugin file. This is causing all pluggable functions to be instantiated before other plugins can overwrite them.
Please edit your plugin to save the settings within a function. I wrote this as an example.
add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘wpclpl_save_options’ );
function wpclpl_save_options(){
// if(!function_exists(‘wp_get_current_user’)) {
// include(ABSPATH . “wp-includes/pluggable.php”);
// }
$wpclpl_save = (isset($_POST[‘wpclpl_save’])) ? filter_var($_POST[‘wpclpl_save’],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : 0;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$current_user_role = array(‘administrator’);
if( array_intersect($current_user_role, $current_user->roles ) && is_admin() && $wpclpl_save==’1′) {
The plugin breaks ajax requests
Undefined index: loggedout in /wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-login-page-logo/wp-custom-login-page-logo.php on line 572
]]>I want to change the background image, how to do that? Thank you.
The custom CSS that I enter with this plugin doesn’t take effect. I’ve checked my syntax and tried applying it to different elements and it doesn’t seem to stick. For instance, I’m trying:
input#wp-submit.button.button-primary.button-large {
background: #383A39!important;
border-color: none!important;
box-shadow: none!important;
color: #fff!important;
text-decoration: none!important;
text-shadow: none!important;
.login h1 a{
background-size: 150px;
There are no changes to the login page.
I’ve tried including both !important and removing !important. I’m not sure whether or not there is a linking issue with the custom stylesheet.
Changing the logo works!
Thanks for your help with this.
There is a conflict with the wordpress API and your plugin when using oauthserver to do api calls – i am not sure what causes it but when your plugin is enabled the wordpress API stops responding properly – I am using oauthserver2 to authenticate.
Hello, and thanks for the plugin.
Pitifully the version still broken the site logins.
There is a problem woth the cookies.
Best regards,
The logo isn’t shown in the size selected the plugin’s settings. It seems that the file load-styles.php of WordPress causes it:
.login h1 a {
background-image: url(images/w-logo-blue.png?ver=20131202);
background-image: none,url(images/wordpress-logo.svg?ver=20131107);
<strong> background-size: 84px;</strong>
background-position: center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: #444;
<strong> height: 84px;</strong>
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 1.3em;
margin: 0 auto 25px;
padding: 0;
<strong> width: 84px;</strong>
text-indent: -9999px;
outline: 0;
display: block;
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox 57.0.1
WordPress: 4.9.1; Multisite: no
Plugin: 1.4.7
Thanks for your help.
]]>PHP Notice: Undefined index: wpclpl_save in /home/…../public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-login-page-logo/wp-custom-login-page-logo.php on line 26
Thanks very much for this plugin. After uploading/selecting an image and clicking the ‘Insert into Post’ button nothing happens. The image is neither inserted or shown on the login page.
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox 55.0.3
WordPress: 4.8.1; Multisite: no
Plugin: 1.4.2
How to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>The latest update to this plugin (1.4.2) has broken logins. My site is setup as multisite if it matters.
The error is:
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
It complains that my admin account doesn’t have read capability.
I set WP_DEBUG to TRUE and got this:
Notice: Use of undefined constant SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE – assumed ‘SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE’
I believe the root cause is that you should not be including pluggable.php in your plugin. (line 22)
]]>Very similar to “no logo visible”, yet different.
On a multisite subdomains installation (originally 4.7.4, auto-updated to 4.7.5) this plugin was working fine. Today, setting up a new blog, I noticed that it is not working on the subdomain blogs. It still works on the root domain blog. The change may have happened when the 4.7.5 update happened, I could have missed it since I usually log in through the root domain blog.
I updated to your latest an hour ago, no fix.
I have tried disabling all other plugins, no fix.
Symptom #1 – any attempt to add a picture in setup results in a “broken link” indicator.
Symptom #2 – No new ‘wpclpl_plugin_options’ key is created in myWPprefix_#_options table in MySQL.
Symptom #3 – the logo has reverted to the WP on all but the root domain logins.
Symptom #4 – On a previously working (but now WP logo) blog, going to the WPCLPL Settings page gives an error
“Warning: getimagesize(/hsphere/local/home/kagsunda/×300.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /hsphere/local/home/kagsunda/ on line 321”
The listed URL above is “×300.jpg” (unchanged from before) and the MySQL ‘option_value’ is
a:3:{s:15:”wpclpl_logo_url”;s:99:”×300.jpg”;s:22:”wpclpl_additional_text”;s:22:”The Sadhu of the Swamp”;s:17:”wpclpl_custom_css”;s:0:””;} shows the file cropped-MarshBayou-icon-300×300.jpg in folder /
Website is
Admin login available on request.
This plugin does not check an admin is logged in before updating the database with the logo you want to use.
This means you can make a POST request to any website that uses this plugin with the following parameters, and the logo will be changed:
You can test this with the following URL (change EXAMPLE.COM to your own domain):
Unfortunately our custom logo is not visible on our page.
trough this link you can see 4 screenshots:!AvRSVuKl2U0-gcZi7i4BBPaqukGpTQ
On screenshot 1 you can see, that our login page shows no logo at all.
Screenshot 2 shows the plugin page after uploading a logo trough the build in uploader.
The preview shows only a small symbol and not the logo.
Screenshot 3 shows the plugin page after directly inserting the URL of the logo. The preview does not work here either.
Screenshot 4 shows the plugin page after saving the new logo. As you can see, the custom logo does not get saved. Instead, the standard wordpress logo shows up. This stays the same trough every upload method ( direct upload or inserting URL).
I would be very happy if you could fix this problem
If the login page is ran over HTTPS, there is a mixed content warning about loading jQuery because it is being loaded over HTTP.
This problem does not exist if deactivating the plugin.
Thank you for your time!
]]>can this change the logout logo, image link, and text too?
]]>Getting an error (notice) if wp_debug is enabled.
Notice: Undefined index: wpclpl_save in /wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-login-page-logo/wp-custom-login-page-logo.php on line 65
Notice: Undefined index: page in /wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-login-page-logo/wp-custom-login-page-logo.php on line 509
Please advise.
Thank you!