I am able to hide the menu item by using WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin. It is a great plugin.
However, i still can view the pages that i have hidden by using my mobile device (iPhone).
Aaron Pook
]]>Got this working on my site. I was able to hide the SHOP menu from logged out users. However, I wonder if this is possible: Hide a particular page to logged in users that have no access to it. Like for example, the CANCEL ORDER menu item is only visible to those logged in customers WITH recent orders only. Hope someone has an idea. Thank you.
]]>Thanks for a great plugin
]]>Simply not working…
]]>I have 6 different menus tabs in appearance -> menus
The plugin is showing all of them, I would like to exclude one of the tabs of showing for everyone, including admin.
Can I achieve something like that with this plugin?
What should I put next to: Users Logged In CSS Class Name:
false? or hide?
]]>I found this plugin in a search, it is just what I wanted so I downloaded it, clicked ‘network activate’ and my site disappeared. Front end and back end are blank. I’ve re-loaded, re-booted and all that – I get nothing. I’m running this on a test site with up-to-date PHP (5.4) and a Rocket Theme Gantry template. Everything has been working fine for about a month, until now.
Link is https://www.vibrations.ca/vibrations_wp
]]>the plugin works fine in standard wordpress setup but not in multisite environment. i get this error when trying to activate the plugin:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/ftvnet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-menu-filter-plugin/wps-filter-custom-menu.php on line 45
please help.
]]>I am having issues getting this to work. I have de-activated all plugins, I have tried different themes. I have changed class id’s and still no luck.
Here is what I am seeing
<li id="menu-item-75" class="in menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-75"><a href="?page_id=70">Register</a></li>
<li id="menu-item-76" class="out menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-76"><a href="?page_id=66">Login</a></li>
I put “in” for the class when logged in and “out” for when logged out. You can see that the class code is added but a bunch of other things are added to the class also. I am not sure why this is happening?
]]>WordPress v3.4.1
BuddyPress v1.5.6
Exec-PHP v4.9
Feedburner Email Widget v1.1.8
WordPress HTTPSv 3.1.2
WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin v0.7
The classes are not being exempted from the menu. When viewing the source code, the classes are being shown for both when logged in and when logged out. Only have one menu for the theme and it is associated with the plugin. Tried using the default classes and also custom classes. Neither worked.
]]>Like the others, I’m not able to get this pluggin working.
Followed the directions, and tried to hide something from users not logged in with the default values they provided and it did not work.
Nice plugin, but I found some faulty logic regarding Menu HTML IDs versus Menu Object IDs. In wps_custom_nav_menu_items() (line 188), the first check is for:
if ( $args['menu_id'] ){
$menu_id = $args['menu_id'];
However, the menu_id argument is the string for the ID attribute of the menu’s top-level UL element. If not set in wp_nav_menu, I believe it defaults to the menu object’s (database) ID. However, this is not a reliable way to determine the menu object’s ID, which is what is required, since it can easily be set in the wp_nav_menu() call (as in my case). If that occurs, the ID is not properly determined and the remaining plugin logic fails.
The second bit of logic is a much better solution:
if ( $args['theme_location'] ) {
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu_id = $menu_locations[$args['theme_location']];
because if the theme_location parameter is set (as it almost always should be), this is a reliable way to determine the menu object ID.
I’m not convinced that the $args[‘menu_id’] check should be there at all, unless it is accompanied by an is_numeric check (which still has the potential to be unreliable), but I propose this rearranged logic:
// Get menu id
//Check the theme location first
if ( $args['theme_location'] ) {
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu_id = $menu_locations[$args['theme_location']];
//Try the menu ID, if it's a number
else if ( isset( $args['menu_id'] ) && is_numeric( $args['menu_id'] ) ){
$menu_id = $args['menu_id'];
else {
$nav_item_db_id = $sorted_menu_items[1]->ID;
$nav_menu = wp_get_object_terms( $nav_item_db_id, 'nav_menu' );
$menu_id = $nav_menu[0]->term_id;
Hope that helps! ??
]]>I upgraded WP Custom Menu and it no longer works (nothing is being filtered).
Any suggestions?
]]>I just migrated to a new cloud host, we’re using the following:
Apache version 2.2.21
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.1.61-cll
WP 3.3.1
the plug doesn’t seem to work at all with these settings, I have recreated the issue across several sites, and a fresh installation.
]]>After some debugging, I found that wps_custom_nav_menu_items() receives as it’s argument the entire nav menu, with applied classes, etc., but it gets the menu_id from the first menu item, and queries the database to get the original menu items. In this way it removes the added by _wp_menu_item_classes_by_context() classes.
]]>lack of features
1. create menu in appearance
2. code of the page to get class of menu item I wanna hide
2. WP Custom Menu Filter set class ….
but where ? can I set which role ? admin subscriber ??? pls
]]>WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin Settings
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /web/htdocs1/iepdsk/home/www/beta/wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-menu-filter-plugin/wps-filter-custom-menu.php on line 151
theme atahualpa