Needs a major update. Found a lot of “unused tags” which belonged to custom post type/taxonomy and wiped them all. Not good. Uninstalled immediately.
Why does it load css/js file on the frontend? Can it run without them?
]]>Hello is this plugin still being supported ? Tested on 4.7?
Is it tested on multisite?
]]>PHP Warning: fopen(/XXXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/wp-snow-effect/wp-snow-effect.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /XXXXXXXX/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4572
I located the line in your code: /wp-db-booster/admin/partials/tabs/dashboard.php line 324:
$plugin_data = get_plugin_data(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/' . 'wp-snow-effect/wp-snow-effect.php');
Just curious…why did you have WP_DEBUG listed as “BAD”? WP_DEBUG is very, very good. We run it on all our test sites 24/7 and many production sites. (Logging only, not displaying errors.) It will help you catch some of these issues before release. You say it is very bad and will slow down your site but that is not true at all. The only problem would be if you are displaying errors visually, if you are not, and are logging instead, it is 100% fine to use.
Also, getting this error when clicking on the action link on the plugins page for Settings: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” The link is going to “/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-db-booster” but it should go to “/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-db-booster-dashboard”.
Please fix these issues.
]]>Hi, Thanks for this plugin. it looks like it will be a useful addition to my site. The dashboard is telling me that i have de-bugging active, but i have checked wp-config.php and it is set to false. is there another location or file i should be checking?