Hello, for many years that I don’t work with WP!! Ya, shame on me ??
Today I installed again and everything is new!
So, how can I show a simple image/preview for a vídeo in the m ain article?
In this image we have the article that was published and inside the have a vídeo, like this.
How can I have the video/image in the “main page” without the need to open the article?
]]>Installation on new website:
Error Response from Discord: {“code”:0,”message”:”404: Not Found”}
Line Number: 123 in /wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-widget.php
The plugin is still working on the original website with the same settings but installing on a new website it seems to give a 404 error
]]>Hi .-)
Is the plugin dead and left to rot in the plugin graveyard considering it has not been updated for over 2 years now?
It would be shame if that is the case as it is a nice little nifty plugin.
Thanks…! ??
I was wondering if it’s possible to remove the WP-Discord “Follow Widget” button from the editor? I have a few functions on my site that allows user to publish posts from the front end, and I would like to remove that button.
Thank you for the nice plugin!
Does anyone know how to actually make the invite link not expire?
I see a post from another user here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/join-discord-and-invite-link/ that has the same issue.
* WordPress 4.9.8
* WP-Discord Version: 0.4.3
* PHP 7.2.9
]]>Hello @rspraymond and thank you for creating this application/plugin.
Just some friendly feedback & feature improvement suggestion.
It would be nice if the plugin could also include when it announces a new blog/page post in the chosen discord channel through the webhook a featured post meaning a preview of that published content in the Discord channel so people could read and see what the post is about instead of just a link with the name of the newly published website content.
I hope you could consider adding this as it would be a great improvement of this plugin which I think many people that are using your plugin would appreciate.
Kind regards
Im just curious if there is a way change the timer settings for the actual spam coming from the bot to the discord server.
when I add the plugin as a widget, the following error code is displayed on the sitebar:
Error Response from Discord: {“code”:0,”message”:”404: Not Found”}
Line Number: 123 in /var/www/website.de/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-widget.php
I have already downloaded and reinstalled the plugin manually. Unfortunately without success.
Ngnix runs on the server
]]>I have an instant invite setup and the widget on my website. For some reason if I click Join Discord it says invite expired. I refresh the page and click Join it works but then I look at my Discord server and a new invite was automatically created and expires in 24 hours. Then after 24 hours this repeats. Any ideas?
i installed wp discord, but the widget still shows an error.
Widget is enabled, bot authorized – i even deinstalled the plugin and did a reinstall.
no result.
“Error Response from Discord: {“code”:0,”message”:”404: Not Found”}”
Andy Idea?
]]>Is there going to be a Discord login/register mechanism? I’m looking for someone to do this. Is there any way I can contact you?
Fatal error when publishing news.
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-guild.php on line 133
Settings says nothings found.”Post
Channels not found. Please verify that your connection to Discord was setup properly.
Channels not found. Please verify that your connection to Discord was setup properly.”
I don’t know if that’s simply a glitch or settings issue. It’s wordpress latest. Only made a server called test server.
Server id: 377878038706389002
Client Id: 377915767691280384
Edit: Only this and BBpress installed.
I am not actively supporting this plugin right now. I just do not have the free time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
If you would like to contribute to the plugin please do so on GitHub.
Other Discord Plugin(s) you might like:
]]>The bot does not show as online in Discord. I believe this is why it cannot add posts to channels.
]]>Is there a shortcode I can use for the discord widget? If I click the Discord button in the WYSIWYG editor it just displays a blank page. I have gone through the settings and made sure I have everything setup correctly.
]]>Hello. I came across this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/bot-doesnt-post-scheduled-posts/
Just thought I’d let you know that the issue is back at full strength. If you could be so kind as to fix it, that’d be great.
Also, two things:
1: Do you think it would be possible for the bot to retrieve OG:data in order to post thumbnails? I’m not sure why it doesn’t do it by default though.
2: Is there any way to have the bot post something like @here or @everyone whenever it posts?
]]>If this is added to a WPMU network website will it allow a different Discord server for each MU sub-site?
I don’t want to limit everyone to one server..
]]>This might be going a bit outside the original scope of the plugin, but it would be fabulous if a discord user could automatically have a user account added in wordpress. Currently when people join the server, and then create an account on the website, they might use a different username and it’s impossible to keep track of who is who.
These are some features from a zenforo integration with discord:
Allow registration/login through the Discord Oauth system.
Assign roles on your guild/server based on usergroups in XenForo.
Enforce username matching from XenForo to your guild/server.
Enforce bans on your guild/server when someone is banned on XenForo.
Hello everyone!
When my bot post a news you can see the name of the bot, its name is “WordPress [bot]”
So my question is, can we change the name of the bot to put the name of our website instead?
Thanks ??
]]>Hi Guys,
I got the problem, that the bot is not posting the posts to discord.
The widget is working probably.
But when I publish a post in WordPress or an event (in the Event Manager-Plugin) I got the following error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-guild.php:116 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/admin/class-wp-discord-admin.php(197): WP_Discord_Guild->get_post_type_webhook('event') #1 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): WP_Discord_Admin->post_published_event('publish', 'draft', Object(WP_Post)) #2 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/post.php(3960): do_action('transition_post...', 'publish', 'draft', Object(WP_Post)) #5 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/post.php(3420): wp_transition_post_status('publish', 'draft', Object(WP_Post)) #6 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-includes/post.php(3578): wp_insert_post(Array, false) #7 /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-admin/includes/post.php( in /var/www/web16/htdocs/v2/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-guild.php on line 116
Any idea whats the problem? My settings are this:
If you need more informations, I will give you them.
PS: It is possible to add a “Join”-Button to the widget? Would be great!
]]>Hello there
I love your plugin, the widget is realy cool but i have a problem with my created bot.
I can see the bot in discord, but as offline
Now i created a new article in wordpress, but the bot doesnt post a message in the textchannel.
Can anyone help me out please? Sorry for my bad english.
]]>Hi when I use Visual composer to new post when bot publish in discord do this:
You can see brackets in text… Some idea?
I deleted messages and write manually…
discord: https://discord.gg/B9azS8h
channel: #noticias
]]>Hi, love the plugin, works very well, I was wondering if it were possible to make the channel posts include link to the content just posted and also maybe increase the truncated amount of words it shows? at the minute it just posts a few letters from the post and is not clickable so nobody know what it is lol
]]>any chance of integrating role assignment like role in wordpress is assigned in discord
]]>Thank you for using WP Discord.
I’ll need the following information to troubleshoot your issue.
First Congrats for your plugin, good job.
So, when I write a post or article in wordpress I click in button to submit post do this error:
So, after I go to my backend list post or front end and last post is published correctly.
And other error, bot in discord dont work correctly, always is off or disconnected and dont publish any in discord.
Thanks and congrats again.
Best regards, JaPeMo
]]>Is there a way to create a translation of the Discord notification? I would like to translate it into German
]]>Love your plugin! Really good job so far ??
I’d like to request some features. I’d be willing to pay for them in a pro version too, so please keep that in mind:
1. the ability my bot to post with a name of my choosing instead of wordpress.
2. the ability to pick up custom post types like that of my forum
3. the ability to view voice channels and who is in the widget would be AWESOME!
Thanks again for the awesome plugin!! My clan members love it so far ??
]]>running Version 0.3.5 of bot.
WordPress 4.7.3
Activated bot, and setup posting for a channel.
Now, whenever I create a new post I get this error.
]]>Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in XXX/wp-content/plugins/wp-discord/includes/class-wp-discord-guild.php on line 116