Hello. I have a web dev job and am currently interviewing developers. After asking for samples, one of them says he wrote “most of the code” for this plugin. Would you be available to discuss this more so I can get clarification on exactly what he did? If so, maybe email is the best place? My email address is [email protected].
Sorry to contact you here, but I couldn’t figure out any other ways to do so–both your GitHub and LinkedIn pages did not contain any means to contact.
]]>When you click the “Remove File” link it doesn’t delete the file from the WP media library… Is this meant to occur or do I need to handle the event? I haven’t checked your source code yet…
I use Formidable Forms to build applications and see that dropzone is used within their solution.
I now need a way to be able to open the Media Library from a formidable form to select single or multiple images. Was not sure if this was an available feature/function within drozone.
Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
]]>If I uploaded 1000 of zip files in upload folder. With that zip file 1000 post have to be created.
Post title as zip file name.
Content default already saved..
]]>On submit the uploaded image disappears: https://d.pr/i/oDh9HH
I am trying to enable
parallelUploads = 10
and uploadMultiple = true in the dropezone.js file, but for some reason the plugin does not recognize the those settings.
Any ideas why?
I’m using this plugin on a page with the [wp-dropzone] shortcode. Would it be possible to automatically create a new post after a successful send using the ‘callback’ attribute?
I’m thinking something like this;
[wp-dropzone callback="success: <function to create a new post including the uploaded picture"]
Is it possible to do this in that way or has it to be done with some other method?
The end goal is to allow registered users to upload a photo and having automatically a post being created containing that photo.
]]>My server has a maximum file size of 64MB. My host won’t give me the option to upgrade this on my current plan. Common problem.
As of Dropzone 5.4 (I believe) they have added support for chunking. That is, uploading LARGE files in chunks. The chunks are then assembled on the server.
My question is- can this be integrated with your plugin? I looked into doing htis myself, but seems to require additional scripts on the server ASP was the only option I understood. But I wonder if you might add this to the plugin road-map?
I would happily pay for this functionality. That’d be really handy.
If I can find a solution I’ll post here, at the moment you might want to take a look at the documentation:
An example:
As your plugin doesn’t use REST API (excellent for me, as I allow non-logged in users to upload and REST API breaks on WP in that situation) I couldn’t write a solution. Do you have any pointers?
]]>I’m using your fantastic script alongside another script on my website, I need to call ‘processQueue();’ manually (not from on click- which I tried, but couldn’t successfully implement).
How might I call processQueue(); for the wp-dropzone created upload form, from another script. I’m trying to call on an AJAX success message.
Thank you.
]]>Hello, thanks for creating this plugin. My question- is it possible to load further options for Dropzone, ideally I’d define them in a separate JS file:
dropzone.on(“dragEnter”, function() { console.log(‘do something’) });
Rather than edit your wonderful code?
I tried, loading a separate main.js file at the end of the template (after your plugin loads), with various dropzone.on functions… but I get ‘Uncaught ReferenceError: dropzone is not defined’.
Perhaps you know the solution. I basically want to make a lot of customisations to the upload progress… which I currently have working great on a Vanilla Dropzone JS. Now I’m keen to migrate to your plugin!
]]>Dear Nazmul,
First, thanks for this great plugin.
I want to integrate WP Dropzone with Contactform7.
You mentioned wp-dropzone dom-id=”returnUrl” attribute but it is not clear for me.
I have an ID for the Contactform7 that I created, should I replace returnUrl with the form ID?
I tried but it did not work?
I would appreciate if you can further clarify how to integrate this plugin with other forms?
Thanks for such an amazing product. Wondering if there is a way to use “Remote FTP destination” instead “WP Upload” Directory to save the files directly.
I don’t want to stress my server, it would have been great to have the ability to configure the plugin on the back-end. Couldn’t find any option on the side menu.
Looking forward to having your experts’ opinion ??
]]>I’m trying to figure out what happened to my update. I’ve looked in media folder (wp_content/uploads) and file is not there. The file looks like it updated successfully (no errors), so where is it?
How can I debug this plugin?
When I read Dropzone documentation. I understand that if I put only one of the resizeWeight or resizeHeight, it will keep aspect ratio. So I understand that if I put both, my image will distort.
No matter if I put one of them or both, I never get the appropriate size.
So I need to have an image absolutely 1920×507.
My test jpg (and I tried many) for this example is 2000×1500.
I used resize-width=”1920″ resize-height=”507″.
When I upload the image, I get an image of 676×507…
This is exactly as if I had used only resize-height=”507″.
I was expecting a distorted image of 1920×507.
I didn’t used resize-method=”contain” nor resize-method=”crop”, but I tried them too.
The “contain” mode has the exact same results as described above. And “crop” has the right size, but it’s missing parts, which is expected but not what I want.
Any clue what to do in this case ?
Kind regards,
]]>Hi there,
I followed your guideline but unfortunately couldn’t find a way to implement the attaching of the media on the current post.
Can you please clarify which codelines to add where, to get the automatic attachment of the uploaded files?
Here is what i tried:
on the frontend:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[wp-dropzone dom-id="' . $ID . '" id="' . $ID . '" remove-links="true" thumbnail-width="80" thumbnail-height="80" guest-upload="false" callback="sending: function(file, xhr, formData) {formData.append("id", "' . $ID . '");}" ]'); ?>
where $ID
is the current posts wordpress ID
in your core-functions.php:
I changed 'post_content' => ''
to 'post_content' => $_REQUEST['id']
Unfortunately nothing changes and I don’t know how to get this working.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Hi I want to upload images but not into the Media library
Is there a way to do this with your plugin
I was wondering if a customer is registered/logged in that they would be able to grab an image on our website and drag it into the drag and drop zone and have it load into an area in their private/user portal? Can it be called to show up with the image ID and maybe their logged in ID? Sorry not a coder. Thanks for the help.
]]>Can this plugin be used to upload a photo and automatically set it as featured image in a new post, and then open the new post?
Can you please inform me how can i make the images sort able.
Can you please inform me. how can I active drag n drop option to maintain serial
]]>Surely this has a built in way to attach media the page or post it’s being called in? Is there a pro version or something, which is why you would be withholding that ability?
]]>What’s the correct syntax for using multiple attributes?
For example, if I want a different color background I would put [wp-dropzone background=”#fbfbfb”] but if I also want the remove links attribute [wp-dropzone remove-links=”true”] I can’t just put remove-links=”true” next to the color attribute or in the brackets
]]>Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to attach the media to a custom post type post id when uploading.