Hii, tanx for a great plugin.
Is there a way to change the length of post text. i need 600 to 1800 words.
First, I would like to express my gratitude to the developer for creating this useful plugin.
I am encountering an issue on WordPress Studio (localhost) where I cannot activate the plugin due to the following fatal error: “Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ‘>= 8.1.0’. You are running 8.0.30-dev. in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-dummy-content-generator/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24.”
I have also tested this plugin on another local platform (Local by Flywheel), and the same fatal error appears when the PHP version is set to 8.0.30. However, the error disappears when I switch to PHP version 8.1.23.
My questions are:
Best regards,
Asif Hossain
In the plugin description we have the text that the plugin can generate “such as posts, pages, custom post types, and media files”. After the plugin installation there is no option to generate Pages.
“creating Dummy users, Dummy posts & custom posts, Dummy woocommerce products quick and easy.”
How can Pages be created?
After update to 3.3.1 have next error: ?Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". You are running 7.4.33.
Plugin description have: Requires PHP Version:?5.4 or higher
]]>Please fix this asap!
Here is my site: https://test.owadud.site/
Please fix it ASP.
Get next error after plugin update
WordPress version 6.4.3
Current plugin: WP Dummy Content Generator (version 3.3.0)
PHP version 7.4.33
Error Details
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 25 of the file /wp-content/plugins/wp-dummy-content-generator/Faker-main/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
. Error message: require(): Failed opening required '/wp-content/plugins/wp-dummy-content-generator/Faker-main/vendor/composer/platform_check.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear')
Just thought to share some feedback on this plugin. When you generate users, it works wells but the only concern I have is that the email addresses use gmail.com, hotmail.com and yahoo.com.
There’s a chance that your generator actually creates a valid email address that exists – it also doesn’t match the username of the user.
I think it’d be best to use the username as part of the email and just use the site’s domain or something like <<username>>@fakeemail.local
. I don’t see use cases where you’d need an actual valid email for dummy data.
If you are seeing this message it is because one of the active plugins in your WordPress and WooCommerce installation does not support WooCommerce’s high-performance order storage feature, also known as HPOS.
The WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature is the new system for storing WooCommerce data in the WordPress database, which – among other improvements – no longer uses the default WordPress tables but rather the your own
]]>Good job! But I have a problem with my ACF/Jetengine CPTs. The plugin seems correctly recognize it, but does not fill in their metabox fields. It only generates text for the “Title” field.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
]]>If you have a custom post type called products – product slug, Choose Post type select drop down, it does not shows up to select it. We don’t use woocommerce but we have created custom post type products.
]]>So, I installed this plugin and generated 4 posts and 2 days later my site was hacked and my admin user password was changed.
I scanned it with the Anti-Malware plugin and 2 files were found
Found 2 Known Threats
Is this something to be worried about?
When installing / activating the plugin in WordPress.com (https://wordpress.com/plugins/wp-dummy-content-generator), there is an error returned to the user. This is due to a redirection happening on plugin_activated
in https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/wp-dummy-content-generator/trunk/wp_dummy_content_generator.php#L80.
When in API ( wp-json, xmlrpc etc) or WP CLI context, the redirection would return an error or warning instead of success message.
]]>Congratulations for your useful plugin!! I wonder how to deal with the issue of passwords- To test my web I need to login usin those fake users created by your plugin but I need to create a password for each one, which spoils the whole usefulness of the plugin. Would be possible to show the fake users passwords on the list beside display name, email and roll? It could be the same password for all of them, even better! Thanks very much in advance!! Regards
]]>Does this
1. Set any cookies?
2. Add remote links in the post?
I just discovered your plugin it seems to do the trick for posts
but we all know it’s not enough because we always need to create several taxonomies and populate them and it’s super slow and very tiring
if only you can extend support for taxonomies
“Dummy custom taxonomies”
any generic data will do the trick.
animals, car brands, cities, countries, food etc..
the idea came to my mind while looking for another plugin for this task .. it seems that I have found nothing .. (for the moment)
so why not have it here and with a single plugin?
`Dear support
Thanks for this great plugin. I just wondered if it’s possible to change or set up other size for featured image/thumbnail
I always see they are 400×400. Would be great if there is an option where we change it.
Looking forward to your comments
Best regards
I installed and used WP Dummy Content Generator – and it worked great!
Afterwards I ran an unrelated script that failed to complete execution.
I discovered that the file was inspecting the contents of wp-uploads, and reading in image filenames. The script was failing because it expected to read in filename suffixes. However WP Dummy Content Generator had generated image files without filename suffixes.
Here is a subset of the results of ‘ls -1’:
The files are there, but the filenames lack suffixes.
Was generating some random posts, and everything OK. However, they were all “scheduled” – is there a way to make them appear as “published” right away? Thanks!
]]>Getting following error while creating new posts:
[27-Aug-2021 01:47:21 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Provider\Lorem.php:95
Stack trace:
#0 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Provider\Lorem.php(95): implode(Array, ' ')
#1 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Provider\Lorem.php(179): Faker\Provider\Lorem::sentence()
#2 [internal function]: Faker\Provider\Lorem::text(40)
#3 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Generator.php(222): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#4 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Generator.php(279): Faker\Generator->format('text', Array)
#5 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\includes\functions-posts.php(42): Faker\Generator->__call('text', Array)
#6 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\includes\functions-posts.php(116): wp_dummy_content_generatorGeneratePosts('post', 'on', '2021-01-01', '2021-08-27')
#7 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(303): wp_dummy_content_generatorAjaxGenPosts('')
#8 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#9 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-includes\plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#10 W:\headlesswp.local\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php(187): do_action('wp_ajax_wp_dumm...')
#11 {main}
thrown in W:\headlesswp.local\wp-content\plugins\wp-dummy-content-generator\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Provider\Lorem.php on line 95
PHP Version: 8.0.9
Wordpress version: Version 5.8
Plugin Version: Version 1.1.2`