Recently, this plugin started outputting equals signs in the middle of the content of the email. I have managed to remove them from many places by removing all instances of <p> </p>, however they are making the product table practically unreadable. Any suggestions?
]]>I am using the latest version of WPEC and WordPress.
I am also using the default email template provided in your excellent plugin, however for some reason the SKU column is not displaying in the Transaction Report email.
Any ideas why this may not be? It appears I am just receiving the default transaction results table.
I am using the ‘Test Gateway’ checkout option, if that makes a difference.
Kind Regards,
I am absolut New in WP
How do i insert field in e-Commerce Style Email
in purchase receipt
(payment instructions)
Best Regards
I am trying to insert account #, which is their user name they use to login, on the subject line of the purchase report email.
So I am modified wpsc-email_style_purchase_report.php and added following:
$sub1 = " - Order # ";
$sub2 = ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id;
$sub3 = " - Acc # ";
$sub4 = ECSE_purchase::get_the_purchase_prop('user_ID');
$sub5 = $sub1 . $sub2. $sub3. $sub4;
<h2><?php echo ecse_get_email_subject(); echo $sub5?></h2>
<?php // echo ecse_get_email_content(); ?>
Please click <a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'index.php?page=wpsc-purchase-logs&c=item_details&id=' .ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id ); ?>">here</a> to view the purchase details or follow the link below.<br />
<?php echo admin_url( 'index.php?page=wpsc-purchase-logs&c=item_details&id=' .ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id ); ?>
This works but I am getting 4 digit “user ID” instead of user name. What do i need to change to get the username in place of user id.
I am trying to include a function which runs ok in my-theme/functions.php. But when i copy the function in mail.class.php (this is where i need the function) it doesn’t work anymore?
I have added these 2 functions in mail.class.php after modify_mail_operation() and i alter modify_mail_operation() a bit by
$attachments = self::render_tickets();
to test with but i doesn’t work. The pdf isn’t generated it looks like generate_pdf doesn’t work. If however i call eticket.class.php from another file it works as expected.
any pointers, tips?
static function render_tickets(){
* some dummy static data to test with, should be the purchase data
$data['ticket-name'] = 'Nike';
$data['ticket-address'] = 'beaverton';
$pdf_filename = self::generate_pdf($data);
//store a copy in a seperate folder
copy(WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/uploads/tickets-tmp/'.$pdf_filename, WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/uploads/tickets/'.$pdf_filename);
return $pdf_filename;
static function generate_pdf($data) {
//using xampp so set root
$docRoot = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/';
//temp store the pdf
if(!defined('COUPON_UPLOAD_PATH')) {
define ('COUPON_UPLOAD_PATH',$docRoot.'/site/wp-content/uploads/tickets-tmp');
// Include the main TCPDF library (search for installation path).
require_once( $docRoot . '/tcpdf_min/config/lang/en.php' );
require_once( $docRoot . '/tcpdf_min/tcpdf.php' );
require_once( $docRoot . '/tcpdf_min/tcpdf_barcodes_2d.php' );
// include 1D barcode class (search for installation path)
require_once( $docRoot . '/tcpdf_min/tcpdf_barcodes_1d.php');
$pdf = new FACTUURETICKET2014($data, 'P', 'mm', 'A4');
// set document information
//etc more tcpdf specific details
if ($data['num-of-tickets'] > 1) {
# Output the PDF document. F to save I inline
$pdf->Output('/site/wp-content/uploads/tickets-tmp/eticket-' . $data['ticket-barcode'] . '.pdf', 'F');
Anyone some tips?
I am trying to customize the emails for pending vs succesfull payments. Where pending equals manual payments and successfull payments are paypal/ideal payments.
Now i am trying to get the ECSE template hierarchy to work and i created a wpsc-email_style_customer.php with only static info and it looks like it’s used with a manual payment. But i also created
wpsc-email_style_purchase_receipt.php and wpsc-email_style_order_pending.php, but wpsc-email_style_order_pending.php isn’t being used. Should i use a function in wpsc-email_style_customer.php to call wpsc-email_style_order_pending. Any example code?
1/ i am getting this warning message if i hit preview in browser
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\\site\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce-style-email\purchase.class.php on line 288 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\\site\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992
EDIT: fixed by adding LIMIT 1″, “”);
i am using WPSC
2/ in preview i only see the shortcode [email content as generated], but where is it set? or isn’t this a shortcode?
3/ can your shortcodes also be used to show the correct transaction_results? At the moment i only get the succesfull status, even when i cancel a payment.
4/ @jacob schwartz, i downloaded your plugin to see which hooks you use for sending a receipt/invoice. I could use some help, tips or suggestions for the following:
i am creating a little e-ticket system. For this like to attach a generate pdf (barcode with tcpdf). My questions:
A/ how do i get the order details from WPSC so i can populate my generate_pdf function?
B/ how can i attach the pdf file when, in your template hierarchy the payment is succesfully made and the users gets a Purchase receipt (wpsc-email_style_purchase_receipt.php)
Hope you can give some pointers.
I’ve recently updated the WPeC plug-in to version 3.8.13 now the email styling doesn’t work, for example the email for a purchase receipt has defaulted.
I’ve tried deactivating WP e-commerce style email and enabling it again but that didn’t work.
Is there something I can do to fix this problem please?
Thank you in advance!
]]>Hi. First at all: great plugin!
I’m customizing the css style of the emails that the costumer receives and everything goes ok. I’m really glad of the ability of the plugin to customize the product list so it matches my transaction results page.
Anyway, I created a wpsc-email_style_purchase_report.php file so I can style the “Transaction report” email sent to the store’s admin, but… I noticed that product list isn’t customized. The content looks just like the content that outputs purchase-log-notification.class.php (into folder wpsc-includes of WP E-commerce plugin).
I took a look at the others threads and found that wpsc-email_style_purchase_report.php template is only a wrapper template but only consumer content templates are available. The plugin still works at this way (no admin emails content customizing available) or I’m missing something?
Thanks in advance!
I want to include the product image (linking to product details) as well as the SKU – and all other transaction information – in the email.
I have copied the relevant pieces of code from your template. I can see an image in the general email preview – but not in the email.
Appreciate your help with this.
<?php echo ecse_get_email_content(); ?>
” style=”color:#444444; text-decoration:none”><?php echo ECSE_purchase_product::get_the_SKU() ?>
<?php $src=ECSE_purchase_product::get_the_image();
if(!empty($src)) { ?>
” style=”border:none”><img src=”<?php echo $src ?>” style=”border:solid 1px #ccc” />
<?php } ?>
]]>Hi Jacob,
I was just wondering if there was a way I can provide different fields or messages based on a category or product that is ordered?
For example for 1 specific product I need to show text from a field that they enter in, but I don’t want that label to show if they order something else.
i.e. product 1 needs to display label “member #” and then the member number they enter at checkout needs to display next to it. But is there a way that I can hide “member #” label if they haven’t chosen that product?
I hope this makes sense, is there a way to do this?
]]>Hi Jacob,
do you have a github or something that also has previous versions? I made some changes in mail.class.php but that messed up ascii characters (my € signs are now displayed as all kinds of characters :P), i guess it has something to do with this line
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
wich I added around line 455.
I downloaded it again but some things has changed now, I use version 0.6.
Do you have other versions stored anywhere? Upgrading is not prefered =p
]]>Hi there,
do you have any idea why the emails are marked as spam? What file handles the email? ??
And sometimes emails won’t be delivered at all. Is that an e-mailclient setting or?
]]>Hi Jacob, thanks for a cool plugin!
I would just like to know if there is a way to just have the email that goes to the customer (that style) go to admin as well. I’d like to receive the exact same email with the exact same styling come to me, it would make it way easier to read from my end.
if this is possible I’d love to know how, thanks.
]]>Hello, Hello, sorry for the understanding, I need some informations. I am not clarified in using this plugin. I want to receive in the message from “order pending” the order details like in your file wpsc_email_content_receipt, but I do not understand what it’s happing and I should configure because when I send an email does not take my dates, my products and shipping details (it take only the design part and and the details from purchase_log_notifications.php or that from store/admin).
thank you,
]]>Found this out after some debugging, but changing the Email subjects causes the plugin to not work properly. The switch case that checks for the subjects rightly internationalizes them, but should also be filtering them, so it checks properly (e.g. filter with wpsc_purchase_log_customer_notification_subject)
So I used this plugin, which rocks. Except I turned on a setting to skin all emails (contact form etc) and I just got an email from a customer, except there is no from email in it at all! Its saying it’s been sent my my admin email!
Help please!
[Redacted] is my email
]]>Hi, thanks for the great plugin!
A couple of questions: the emails get marked as spam, what can I do to avoid this from happening?
Is there a way to add the first and last name of the person who receives the email in the address field?
]]>Hi there,
Before installing this plugin i could use the following tag/shortcode to display the shipping option the customer chose on checkout
I cant seem to find your alternative tag/shortcode to achieve the same result … am i missing something? as i really need to display shipping option in my transactions result admin e-mail and page.
Many thanks
]]>This is a great plugin. Is there a way I can send a copy (BCC) of the Payment Failed email to the store admin so they are aware of this? I’m guessing I need to add that email address to the header somewhere, but not sure where…
]]>Hi, Jacob!
Is it possible to send an e-mail when the status is set to “Order Send”, without a Tracking ID?
in the wpsc-email_content_part-product_row.php template, seems that the SKU number is not working!
To retrive the SKU, i saw that u are using wpecommerce method:
but $cart_row[‘prodid’] or $cart_row[‘id’] are not the product post id, that u get in wordpress with get_the_ID().
Thanks a lot!
Great plugin i love it!
I’m just having a little problem regarding the senders name and address. When I send a test email I receive it with the sender name (WordPress) and the subject with email address to respond. But when I test a transaction from the site the senders name are blank both in the Transaction Report and Order Pending. How can I add the from name and from email address.
thank you !
i would like to disable the email notification for some Sales Log status, for example Order Closed.
It’s possible?
Thanks a lot
I want to follow up Oudin’s post.
First off, it doesn’t e-mail the tracking ID (when you press send in the orders panel) when this plugin is enabled. It freezes on “sending..”. When I deactive this plugin, it does work.
Secondly, what exactly should my template contain? According to your .gif I need to make a wpsc-email_style_tracking.php in my themefolder. I did that, but because the plugin is activated, it won’t send anything.
Any idea’s?
I’m trying to create a shipping tracker template (since one wasn’t included in the theme folder) so I could include custom content such as the order number etc.
I created a file called “wpsc-email_content-tracking.php”
would I require any other additional coding to get this to work?
]]>I would like to show the date and time of when individual purchases were made in the emails.
So that customers can use it as a reference at a later date if they need too.
Thanks for at super plugin. However, I do have a problem.
I cannot get the plugin to show the total tax in the customer reciept.
I see that the file: wpsc-email_content_part-totals.php – contains code to show tax_total, but it does not show up in the customer email.
All product prizes are shown including tax, and that is how it should be, but I need a line, that will show total order tax also.
I use: WP 3.4.2, WP e-commerce and WP e-Commerce Style Email 0.6.2
I cannot upgrade WP and e-commerce yet, cause my quickpay gateway does not work with the newer versions yet.
Is there something I am missing?
Thanks in advance
I made a copy of wpsc-email_style.php and renamed it to wpsc-email_style_purchase_report.php and added some test content but when I upload and test the system it seems to ignore it and sends me the the old one (using wpsc-email_style.php).
I’m trying to follow the diagram: but not having much luck.
Could you help point me in the right direction please?