I have a register link on the login page, however, I’d like to have a register link on the login block. Would be nice to have one right next to the Forgot Password link. Is that a feature in WPF-Login? If so, I don’t see the link in the login block. I see it on the login page.
Unfortunately I’ve set the wrong page for the login. Now I don’t come into the backend anymore. Is there a solution for this problem?
“Login page inside current activated theme”
1. When editing (WPF-Login / “File Editor”) first file from theme directory (template_login_form.php) and then submit changes – it does not work correctly because $_GET[‘file’] could be empty so php code need to be fixed:
elseif ( isset( $_POST[‘newcontent’] ) ):
$newcontent = stripslashes( $_POST[‘newcontent’] );
$dir = dirname(__FILE__).”/themes/”.$fcl_options[‘general’][‘theme’].”/”;
$file = $dir.$_GET[‘file’];
should be changed to:
elseif ( isset( $_POST[‘newcontent’] ) ):
$newcontent = stripslashes( $_POST[‘newcontent’] );
$dir = dirname(__FILE__).”/themes/”.$fcl_options[‘general’][‘theme’].”/”;
if( isset ( $_GET[‘file’]) ):
$file = $dir.$_GET[‘file’];
$file = $dir.fcl_get_files($fcl_options[‘general’][‘theme’])[0];
2. On Chrome – after second submit it redirects me to page: “data:,”
I had to change:
<form action=”” method=”POST”>
<form action=”#” method=”POST”>
to work
3. on “File Editor” text on the right of the textarea is displayed partially on textarea. I changed css to correct this:
#editor .content {
float: left;
width: 600px;
#editor .content textarea {
resize: none;
width: 580px;
First I want to say I used to LOVE this plugin, and installed it on every site I built.. Sadly I’ve had to disable it on several sites because it just behaves badly with newer versions of WordPress..
Wanted to share the solution I am now using to replace this plugin:
Using the following lightweight and easily configured plugins, I now have custom login/register/lost password forms. The login/register/lost password forms plugin is shortcoded so that I can place login forms on ANY page or WIDGET that I want. With the combination of plugins I have a much more flexible in that I can create login pages for specific roles, and I have no more spam registrations to content with..
Profile Builder – Login, registration, lost password and edit profile shortcodes for the front-end. Also you can chose what fields should be displayed or add new (custom) ones both in the front-end and in the dashboard.
WordPress Zero Spam – prevents both comment spam and spam registrations using the “honeypot” technique. Simple to configure..
Tired of all the useless and bloated WordPress spam plugins? The WordPress Zero Spam plugin makes blocking spam a cinch. Just install, activate and say goodbye to spam. Based on work by David Walsh.
Peter’s Login Redirect – Redirect users to different locations after logging in. Define a set of rules for specific users, user with specific roles, users with specific capabilities, and a blanket rule for all other users. This is all managed in Settings > Login/logout redirects.
]]>We are using the WPF-login, but it gives us no way to register a user name and password. What am I missing?
]]>After press forgot password get a mail with the key to rest. if i click the link comes allways again enter your e-mail or nickname to get a new password template.
without this plugin all is fine, so it will be a bug in this plugin
]]>Hi Faina09:
I am using subfolders in a multisite network and only the “Register” link is going to the subsite. “Lost your password” and “Back to …” which should go to the subsite also, are redirected to the main site.
Also, I am waiting for your answer to the previous question of this Forum regarding the password reset key.
Thank you,
The key is not being generated.
WPF-Login 1.08
Wordress 4.0
]]>Can the plugin be used with sidebar widget?
]]>the back to . . . site link can be hidden, but the link to the lost password no longer saves to a hidden state.
]]>Couldn’t login to WP – was getting a Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_password_reset_key()… error. Disabled wp-flogin via FTP and was able to login again.
]]>I’m getting this message when I attempt to save *any* setting with this plugin, no matter what I do:
Warning: fopen(/home3/public_html/preview/wp-content/plugins/wp-flogin/themes/default/) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home3/public_html/preview/wp-content/plugins/wp-flogin/wp-flogin.php on line 248
Your settings could not be saved or are not changed. Please try again.
I’ve even CHMODded this plugin and all of its files to 777 and it still doesn’t work…any idea how to fix this? Thanks
I placed the WordPress login page inside of my current activated theme as members login page. And I use peter’s redirect to direct member to the Members Only page after the login. However, there is a issue that when the logged in member click on the members only tabon navigation menu, it shows the login form. I want it shows the Members Only page instead of the form for members who has logged in. Is there anyway to do that?
]]>Out of security sake, does this plugin save/submit any of the inputs somewhere? or is it using the default wordpress settings?
I find the plugin has a conflict with Register Plus Redux 3.9.8. When I submit the registration form, the registration page simply reloads.
I am trying to use Register Plus Redux make the applicants have to be approved by admin to become members.
Is there anyway to solve the conflict? Or any other plugin that I should try to achieve the same purpose but without conflicting with your plugin?
Thanks in advance!!!
I have a question about customing the Register Button. I move the login page to my actived theme. And I can customize the login button. However, when i link to register and forget password, the register button and password button looks pretty wired. Especially when I try to active it, it becomes more strange.
Moreover, is there anyway I can change the color of the text “Log in | Lost your password? ” which is below the login form?
Thanks in advance!!!
I can′t seem to figure out whats breaking the page, the margin is wrong and the background color should be black.
I suspect that its the code itself that is breaking the page and not css but i cant figure out what.
]]>I left WP Login to try this plugin but am running into the same issue.
I’ve noticed the URL has the query string “error=invalidkey”.
The full URL I keep getting redirected to is:
I thought WP Super Cache might be interfering, but disabling it didn’t help things at all.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
I’m trying to set a page to display the login form, but with no success. Is there any particular structure a page template needs to have to be able to include the form?
]]>Hi there,
Am running the latest version of WordPress, using a Headway 3.4 child theme.
When I activate WP Flogin I get this error message:
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/mywebhostusername/public_html/mywpwebsite/wp-content/plugins/wp-flogin/wp-flogin.php on line 97
Any recommendations aside from checking for plugin conflicts?
]]>I’ve set this up on another site and I don’t have this issue. But on a fresh new install if you select “Register” or “Lost your password?” the “Log in” link goes to the same page that you’re currently on.
Say for example you select “Register”. It takes you to the registration part, but the “Login in” link goes back to:
When is should just go back to:
Hi! How can I get the sidebar to show up on the login page like all the other pages? I have the page set to default template.
Hello, I’m getting an infinite redirect loop, even after setting the login page as per the FAQ.
Here’s the url loop:
Any ideas?
Thanks for this great plugin !
I’d like to hide the “recover password” in the login form.
I’ve noticed that : Hide the ‘back to blog’ link? function very well can i made the same with “password recovery” phrase ?
Thanks a lot,
]]>Is there a way to make it so the login form directs to a page on the website instead of the dashboard?
]]>Hi, how would you make the width of the login box smaller? Similar to the box up above that is yellow, but half the width. I think you mentioned once before that the default is 320px.
]]>In your pictures above, I notice that the Login box is right justified and the other is centered and full width. How can I do this?
Thank you for you quick responses!
]]>one last thing, how can I minimize the distance between the image and the top of the login box?
]]>Good for faina09 for doing what the original author couldn’t do!! You are to be commended for taking this plugin on and getting it FINALLY fixed!!!
Well done!! Thank you!!
]]>Hi, how do I insert a custom logo above the default login image?